Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 432: The cursed socialite 4

Then he fell asleep endlessly.

Ji Qingming suddenly had a feeling, as if only in his sleep, there would be no terrible pain, perhaps that kind of panic in his heart.

She can finally sleep sleep...

I don't know how long I slept, Ji Qingming felt a big sun shine on her face.

She squinted her eyes, the room she remembered was very dark, how could there be sunshine!

It feels so strange, but physically, it's too tired, too tired.

She felt like she would never wake up, but the sunlight was very troublesome, so she stretched out her hand to cover it, and then went on to sleep.

Suddenly, a cold finger touched her arm.

Ji Qingming felt his hairs stand up all at once, and his heart began to grow hairy.

She opened her eyes slowly, and a young man greeted her.

The first impression is that his skin is very white, and the white is almost transparent.

The long and thin eyelashes are half drooping at this time, making the eyelashes longer.

The nose is tall and straight, like a sculpture, and underneath is a hydrated and full lips.

Just a glance, Ji Qingming felt that he was not the man in the caller ID photo, although they were very alike, very alike.

However, he obviously slept in the hotel, how could he sleep in this ghost place again.

"I brought you back."

The man seemed to see through Ji Qingming's thoughts at once.

At this time, Ji Qingming's hand was held by him, his fingers were cold, and Ji Qingming's fingers were warm.

His movements were gentle, touching Ji Qingming a little bit, and slowly because of the warmth on Ji Qingming's body, his fingers became warm.

But Ji Qingming felt that from the bottom of his heart, there was a chill.

"You are not good! You want to leave secretly. If I hadn't installed something in your phone, I wouldn't be able to find you at all."

Although the man had a reproachful tone, the corner of his mouth was smiling, because the hint of smile on the corner of his mouth also made his already handsome face even more gentle.

At this time, the sunlight outside the window shone on him, and he felt that he was transparent, but he could actually fly.

Ji Qingming didn't know what he was talking about, so he could only look at him with his eyes open.

"Fortunately, you are clean, otherwise you will be miserable... you know..."

The man once again held her in his arms like he was holding a doll toy.

He hugged very tightly, and Ji Qingming even felt it, choking for a while.

Because of discomfort, Ji Qingming also yelled.

But this man, as if he couldn't feel it, still hugged Ji Qingming arbitrarily, even if she was very uncomfortable.

Finally, when Ji Qingming fell asleep again, the man gently put Ji Qingming on the bed and kissed Ji Qingming's face gently.

She covered her with a quilt, and still did not leave, but silently looked at Ji Qingming.

Ji Qingming was asleep, but in her sleep, she felt like she was sleeping under a tree. When she opened her eyes, she found that all the snakes hanging on the tree were snakes.

Each one could spit out a bright red snake letter, which was a bit disgusting and a bit scary.