Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4381: Bride eighteen years old 6

I don't know if Boss will kill him if he waits a while.


Thinking about it, he sighed again. What should I do? I felt so worried.

Thinking about it, my mood became very subtle again.

Feng Jin and Ji Qingming went into the hotel individually. Ji Qingming took a good shower and just saw Feng Jin sitting on the sofa with a notebook in his hand writing something.

"I have a birthday dinner tonight, you can go with me!"

Ji Qingming sat beside him.

"You don't blow dry your hair."

Feng Jin took the towel on her head and wiped her hair gently.

"Will you accompany me tonight?"

Ji Qingming raised his head again and asked aloud.

"Of course!"

Feng Jin smiled, do you still need to ask this question?

Being able to be with her now is what he desires most. If he could, he would not be separated from her for a minute.


There was a smile in Ji Qingming's tone, and the eyes she looked at Feng Jin were also full of love.

"Come here, I'll dry your hair for you."

Feng Jin took Ji Qingming's hand and let her sit in front of the dressing table.

Ji Qingming looked in the mirror, his gentle face couldn't help laughing.

He helped him blow his hair more than once, but this time, he really helped him blow his hair.

He is him and he is himself.

This feeling is really great.

Feng Jin watched Ji Qingming smile, and couldn't help but smile.

The two laughed warmer than the spring breeze.

Feng Jin blew her hair, took her by the hand, and sat on the sofa.

"A Jin, when did you come back to this world."

Ji Qingming asked him.

"five years ago."

Feng Jin replied.

"I just came back last night. It seems that our timeline is different."

Ji Qingming was a little surprised.

"Well, yes..."

Feng Jin nodded.

"Then do you know what happened at that time?"

Ji Qingming asked aloud, it seemed that the whole world had collapsed, but I didn't know if there was still a place for souls.

In this regard, Ji Qingming is still very curious.


Feng Jin nodded slightly.

"A more powerful time guardian will have a powerful function that can make time pass, turn everything into hypocrisy, and start everything from the beginning."

Listening to Feng Jin's words, Ji Qingming was a little surprised.

"In this case, do Ji Zexi and the others still exist?"

At this time, Ji Qingming felt that his inner world was very complicated.

"It should exist!"

Feng Jin is also not sure.

It is more mysterious about the guardian of time.

"I hope they are all well."

Ji Qingming felt in his heart that these skills all existed, and they should still exist.


Feng Jin nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and held her in his arms.

"It's just that I don't know, the age of the two of us is so different!"

Feng Jin was a little helpless.

When Soul Su met her, she felt that she should be about the same age as her, but she was ten years older than her.

Are you an uncle? Do you count as an old cow eating tender grass?


Ji Qingming couldn't help laughing when he heard him say this.


Ji Qingming yelled again deliberately.