Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 4398: Bride eighteen years old 23

Feng Jin smiled and looked back at Ji Qingming.


It seems that at this time, apart from saying thank you, I can no longer say anything else.

"Welcome everyone to see the eighteen-year-old coming-of-age ceremony in Qingpu."

Following Feng Jin's words, everyone began to applaud.

"Come on, dance."

Feng Jin took her hand, and the two stood in the middle of the dance floor.

At this time, Ji Qingming really felt that he was in the ocean, so he could stay with A Jin like this, so happy.

When they finished the dance, many people started to join in.

Ji Qingming saw Wu Yue standing there, and she walked over.

"Mom, did you know it a long time ago?"

Ji Qingming asked aloud.

"I didn't know until you left."

Wu Yue smiled and answered.

In fact, she guessed it. She knew that today was Ji Qingming's birthday in the Gregorian calendar.

Feng Jin is really interested in this child, but when will he propose to marry him? I really want to watch her daughter marry out.


Ji Qingming looked at the smile at the corner of Wu Yue's mouth, why she didn't believe it so much.

"Qing Ming!"

On the side, Ji Qing brought his girlfriend Zhang Lan over.

"Auntie, Qingming!"

Zhang Lan was generous, smiled and greeted when she walked to the front.

"You all go dancing, why are you staying here?"

Wu Yue was very happy, especially when she looked at the two pairs of Biren, standing in front of her like this, she felt different in her mood.

"Then let's go dancing."

With that said, Ji Qing took Zhang Lan's hand and entered the dance floor.

"Qingming, let me go over."

Someone seems to be looking for Feng Jin in front.


Ji Qingming nodded, watching Feng Jin leave.

She sat down with Wu Yue.

Wu Yue brought something to eat and brought it to her.

"thanks Mom!"

Ji Qingming took what he ate, and began to eat bit by bit.

The two sat and talked for a while, and Feng Jin walked towards them.

"Qing Ming, come here and cut the cake."

Feng Jin took her by her hand.


Ji Qingming nodded, and followed his footsteps to the slightly higher stage.

After all, for the 18th floor, cutting the cake is just a way of doing it.

Feng Jin held her hand with the knife, please gently cut the cake.

There was thunderous applause from below.

"What do you see here?"

Feng Jin suddenly pointed at the exposed ring.


Ji Qingming could see a faint pink light.

Feng Jin stretched out her hand and gently pulled out a pink diamond ring inside.

"Marry me, Qingming!!!"

Feng Jin knelt on one knee.

"Marry him, marry him!"

In the crowd, quite a few people began to booze.

There was a smile at the corner of Ji Qingming's mouth. The two of them have gone through so much, and now they can finally be together.


She stretched out her hand, and A Jin put the pink diamond on her hand.

The pink diamonds are shining, and there is a light called happiness in them.

"So lovely."

Ji Qingming looked at the ring in his hand and showed a smile.

"You look better."

Feng Jin hugged Ji Qingming, stretched out her hand to wrap her waist, and gently dropped a kiss on her face.
