Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 446: The cursed celebrity 18

It’s good to find something to do at this time.

Xia Qingming began to help Gu Feisheng chop vegetables.

Gu Feichen saw that although she cuts very slowly, she still cuts well.

Then he let go of other things.

Xia Qingming did cut very slowly, because she was afraid that she would fall asleep accidentally, and then cut her hand.

This is only slow, and cut slowly.

The two of them are like this, one big and one small, standing in the kitchen, cooking.

After helping him prepare the side dishes, Xia Qingming couldn't help being surprised when he watched Gu Feichen's cooking quickly.

The people I met seemed to be master chefs!

In fact, this is good too, at least you don’t need to cook by yourself.

When Gu Feichen had cooked the vegetables, Xia Qingming was going to prepare the meal, but Gu Feichen was still stopping him.

"Don't move, I'll come!"

Xia Qingming suddenly felt that her IQ was despised, and she didn't even let her do the physical work of pretending to be a meal.

So she sat down at the dining table very obediently.

After a while, Gu Feichen came over with the food.

Two dishes and one soup, meals for two people.

Today's dishes are also very beautiful and very delicate.

It’s the one with brighter colors. In fact, just looking at the dishes makes you feel very happy.

After all, Gu Feichen has been a chef with four years of experience, so the dishes he fries are also very delicious.

The two ate the food quickly, and after Gu Feichen washed the dishes, he took Xia Qingming to the balcony again.

The two of them stood on the balcony and looked down. Wanjia's lights are still very beautiful when looking down from such a high level.

Looking into the distance for a while, at this time, it is almost time to take a bath.

The two people wash in different bathrooms. After the washing is finished, Gu Feichen went directly to the study and let Xia Qingming watch TV in the room obediently.

Xia Qingming watched the TV, and suddenly a castle appeared inside. Looking at that kind of scene, a hint of coolness filled her heart for no reason.

Finally, I looked around in horror, and felt that this room seemed a bit scary.

She forcibly suppressed the panic in her heart, which was a little more comfortable, but she opened her eyes for a while, and it was that kind of strange picture.

Nothing, she is going to find Gu Feichen.

Xia Qingming stood up suddenly and walked towards Gu Feichen’s study.

As soon as she reached the door of his study, she quickly adjusted her breathing, opened the door and walked in.

"What's wrong!?"

At this moment Gu Feichen was looking at a plan, and when he looked up, he looked at Xia Qingming's stunning face.

"TV is not fun, I'll come and find a book to see!"

With that said, Xia Qingming started looking for a book under Gu Feichen's suspicious eyes.

Uh... Gu Feichen is usually so boring!

Does he not read novels? ?

What secrets of Wall Street’s success are financial books, or psychological...

He is so boring!

In fact, Xia Qingming had read many of these books when he was studying before.

It's just that her spirit is tense now, and she just wants to find something to relax.

But I found a big circle, all this book, my heart is so tired!

In the end, I took a psychology book with a pretty good cover, sat on the sofa on one side, and looked through it.

From a distance, Gu Feichen watched her sit down with a book with a displeased expression.