Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 454: The cursed celebrity 26

Gu Feichen looked at her and couldn't help but smile.

Xia Qingming also held the book he bought before, and sat opposite Gu Feichen, took out a book and read it with gusto.

It just didn't take ten minutes to read the book, the book fell on the ground, and the person fell asleep on the sofa.

Gu Feichen looked at her sleeping face, took another blanket that she had always prepared, and put it on her body.

Reached out and touched Xia Qingming's face, and then went back to work on the sofa.

Xia Qingming lay on the sofa and fell asleep again at night.

In fact, she was awakened by a burst of fragrance.

As soon as I opened my eyes, it was full of light.

It turned out that it was night, and Xia Qingming looked towards Gu Feichen, he was already cooking in the kitchen.

She couldn't help being discouraged at this time, she was really as Gu Feichen just said!

After eating and sleeping, eating after sleeping, and so on, she is actually a pig!

Thinking of this, Xia Qingming had a headache even more, oh oh oh oh... really depressed.

In fact, she was also drunk with regard to her physical condition.

After all, they were controlled by drugs for four years. After that, when he went to Gu Feixi's villa this year, he was forced to take some inexplicable pills by Gu Feixi.

It has become a pot of medicine, and I have eaten a lot of pots of medicine.

This is actually very depressing.

She is like changing her physique, but she can only use a powerful skill to take it empty-handed.

In fact, she regretted it, she had known that she had chosen to remember, and it would be better than this empty-handed takeover!

She no longer knew what this skill was.

Because it feels like it can't be triggered at all!

Xia Qingming complained about it for a while, then lay down on the sofa again, picked up the book that he hadn't finished reading before, and continued reading.

But just after reading a few words, she felt these words, they seemed to be spinning, and then she was dizzy when spinning, and she wanted to sleep when she was dizzy.

At the moment, Xia Qingming put down his books and went to the kitchen.

"Do you need my help!?"

Xia Qingming felt unable to read, and when he saw the book, he felt so tired, and then wanted to sleep again.

"You set the tableware!"

Gu Feichen looked at her softly.


Xia Qingming nodded.

After the two had finished their meal, they took a short walk, and then...Xia Qingming fell asleep on the sofa again.

Sleeping in a daze!

After living in such a quiet life for a few days, Gu Feichen's legs and feet were better, and the things in the company were getting heavier and heavier. Some of them couldn't be brought back to do at all, so Gu Feichen decided to go to the company.

It can be said that after he just said that he was going to the company, Xia Qingming looked at him pitifully.

Recently, apart from going to the bathroom to take a bath, they have become Siamese babies.

"I'll take you there!"

In the end, under Xia Qingming's offensive gaze, Gu Feichen still compromised.

So while Gu Feichen was organizing documents, Xia Qingming was also organizing things, until Gu Feichen watched Xia Qingming silently put a book and a blanket into a bag.

He was silent for a long time.

I took Xia Qingming to the company. Gu Feichen was still working seriously. Xia Qingming was still occupying the sofa, and just took the book and read it.


Gu Feichen read a few silently, and then the book in Xia Qingming's hand fell to the ground.