Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 474: The Pride of Heaven 9

All of a sudden, he knelt in front of her, "Miss, why are you ignoring me!"

She was crying, loud and hoarse.

Lu Qingming looked at her in a speechless manner.

Lu Qingming’s courtyard was close together with the apprentices her parents took, so at this time, after Qing Huan cried, many people had already walked out undisturbed.

"Sister Qingming, what happened to your maid provoke you, crying so miserably!"

It was Lu Haoran's big apprentice Yan Zi. She usually doesn't like Lu Qingming very much. She feels that she is domineering, and having such a junior is really not cute at all.


Seeing someone around him agrees, Qinghuan is even more crying with rain.

"Sister Qingming, no matter what, let her get up first!"

Wei Shuang, Lu Haoran's little apprentice, is a man who is pitiful and upright, but when he sees a girl crying, he can't help it.

"Why are you talking about Junior Sister? Maybe it's this maid who did something incredible!?"

The talking woman, soft and weak, dressed in white, with ink hair scattered behind her back.

Lu Qingming looked at her again, and saw that there was always a slight smile on her face, and she seemed to be easy to get along with.

She is the only disciple of the mother, Bai enchanting.

Seeing their different relationships, Lu Qingming smiled slightly.

At the moment, among these people, Yan Zi is the most annoying. Wei Shuang seems to be the only one who can only promise. Only this Bai enchanting is pleasing to the eye, being gentle and getting along well with others.

In fact, in the plot, after Lu Qingming's accident, Yan Zi often went to help.

When the Lu family went out, Wei Shuang also sorted out Yifeng's affairs.

Because the two adults were not there, they were bullied at Lingshuifeng, and Wei Shuang went to argue with them alone.

Only Bai enchanting turned a deaf ear to practice alone.

In the end, when the father and mother had an accident, both Wei Shuang and Yan Zi were still under this peak and did not go to apprentice anymore.

Although the training has been a little bit more painful, he didn't choose a master again.

However, Bai Yaoluo found a backer early, as if afterwards, it went smoothly.

If he doesn't know the plot, how does Lu Qingming just look at their expressions at this time and know these periods.

At this time, she was also silent, just watching Qinghuan who was still crying.

"Miss, why don't you speak? Are you angry! Didn't the angry **** help you fight Feng Lingwan?"

Qing Huan cried and said.

"Yes, why!?"

Lu Qingming didn't want to tell her more, since she was so shameless and said it openly, then he argued with her.


Qing Huan was also slightly startled.

She is different.

In the past, Lu Qingming was angry again, but only after a while, he returned to normal.

But now she is actually asking the bottom line.

"Say, why!?"

Lu Qingming stretched out his foot and kicked her hand away.

When he walked to the side, he looked at her coldly, as if looking at a stranger.

"After all, I'm just a maid. If I fight with her, I will be kicked out."

Qing Huan knelt there with red eyes, not talking, but her thin figure was trembling.

It makes people look so pitiful.