Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 476: Proud Girl of Heaven 11

Slowly stood up, seeming to know that the illusion that she maintained with Lu Qingming no longer exists, right.

At this time, she no longer pretended.


She sneered.

"Really speaking, my surname is Lu... I am Lu Qinghuan. I am your clan sister. Why am I here? I just want to be your maid. All the **** is the same, everywhere is the same. In her eyes, I am a maid, here, I am not Lu Qinghuan, I am just your maid Qinghuan."

Qing Huan's eyes full of hatred, just staring at Lu Qingming.

Lu Qingming also understood what she meant at this time, as well as how she was cruel to herself in the plot.

It turned out that she had always hated herself, but she had buried all this in her heart.

Feelings The Lu family raised a white-eyed wolf.

"I'll persuade you."

Wei Shuang walked to the front, looking at Qing Huan with clear eyes.

In fact, he originally thought that this maid was quite pitiful, and had been eating and scraping off with Qing Ming's sister.

Feelings are all the secret loss of Qingming Junior Sister eating her.

Hey, it's really unsatisfactory to meet people.

"Qinghuan, your spiritual roots are really bad. Even if the elders and peak masters want to accept disciples, there is a fixed number. When you come, we have already been collected by the masters, so there is no room for you. If you want good teaching, unless you are with a little maid behind Qingming Sister, in fact, you think about it, you have been so bad for so many years... these are all your imaginations, and if you go outside Door, you probably won’t succeed in entraining the breath into the body!"

With Wei Shuang's consolation, Qing Ge's face became darker and darker.

Lu Qingming couldn't help but feel ashamed, his brother Wei Shuang, did he really come to persuade others?

How did she feel that he was telling the truth in a serious manner, and then he was using this truth to express his joy.

"Anyway, you can't stay here anymore. Go straight to the outer door!"

Yan Zi also said in a cold voice, she just looked down on such people.

It doesn't matter what identity she is, if the master and the others do not bring her up to the world of cultivating immortals, she is just a grain of sand in the ordinary world, and in the end... marrying and having children, and finally giving birth, old age, sickness and death.

She was still a P at that time! !

Of course, these remarks are all thoughts, but I didn't say them.

Qing Huan glanced at Lu Qingming silently, and finally walked out without expression.

"Junior sister, there is no way to deal with people who are not good enough, but you have to be careful in the future!"

Wei Shuang walked to Lu Qingming's and stretched out his hand to pat Lu Qingming's shoulder.

His hands were a little heavy, and Lu Qingming felt that his heart was about to be spit out from his mouth.

"Junior Sister, you are so old, but fortunately, it's not too late to be blind now!"

Yan Zi also sighed, because Junior Sister was so stinky because of this kind of people by her side.

Fortunately, this time, I was beaten by someone, and then I got awkward.

If you knew that Junior Sister could be beaten well, then...she would have beaten her a long time ago!

Yan Zi regretted it again in her heart. Fortunately, it was not too late.

At this time, Yan Zi had a subtle change in the name Qingming, and she quietly changed from Qingming Junior Sister to Junior Sister Qingming.