Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 492: The Proud Girl of Heaven 27

"Oh fine!"

Wei Shuang nodded, and continued to follow the ostrich to the front.

Lu Qingming and Yan Zi face each other, →_→←_←

Great, now only Brother Wei Shuang's IQ has been crushed by the ostrich.

So a group of people followed the ostrich to the front.

This place is more like a labyrinth than the outside, walking in circles in circles, as if you will never get to the head.

Lu Qingming felt that the road they walked was like going around a big circle. As they walked, they reached the origin of the center.

In the end, she felt right, and they finally walked to the center.

At this time, I really saw a square place, and it was really shining with gold inside.

The three of them are cultivators of immortality, and such objects in the earthly world will naturally not move them.

Lu Qingming only took a faint look and saw that there was a small wooden box on the top of the Jinyin Mountain.

Wei Shuang saw it too, and immediately went up with fear, so he took down the box.

"Avoid water droplets! Thunder and lightning! Infinite storage bag! West Antlers! ... a lot of things!"

Wei Shuang looked at these things and could no longer speak.

"Brother, take out the storage bag and throw the black box in first..."

Lu Qingming said.

"Okay, I'll talk to the master when I go back!"

Wei Shuang nodded, then took out the storage bag and put the black box in first.

Then he put this infinite storage bag in his storage ring.

"Do you want the things here? They are all liked by some girls!"

Wei Shuang asked.

Except that the black box contains the best, the things here are actually quite good.

"There is even Qian Yaqin!"

Wei Shuang picked up the piano with a look of surprise on his face.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Qingming and Yan Zi, only to see that neither of them looked at him.

One picked it up and looked at it with a dagger, and the other was carrying a hammer.

Wei Shuang sighed even more, then slowly put the violin down again, or left it to the predestined people, and to the juniors and sisters, it was also a violent collection of heavenly objects.

Wei Shuang turned around again, and suddenly saw a scene that shocked him. He only saw the other side. The ostrich suddenly picked up a white gauze around him.

Seeing this scene, Wei Shuang felt that his whole body was not good.

His eyes!

So, he looked away silently again!

Finally, Lu Qingming found a box of jewels in it, ready to go back to give it to his mother, and found a very good set of porcelain. Daddy likes to drink tea. This is the best one for him.

I chose another small magical implement and plan to give it to Mu Xin.

He took a dagger that was shining with cold light and stuck it in his boots.

Because she has been loved by her parents since she was a child, the storage ring on her body is already infinite storage.

At this moment, throwing these things inside, it doesn't matter.

Wei Shuang is a big brother after all, and he collected some more things and threw them into his storage bag.

I plan to go back to give someone away, isn't this the one picked up!

for free! !

Just when the three of them were still picking and choosing, a cool voice suddenly heard.

"What are you doing!?"

While they were talking, a few people walked up to them.

Wei Shuang was taken aback for a moment, uh... Nima, he was a little bit hilarious when he was flipping through things, but he didn't even notice that someone was coming.