Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 495: The Proud Girl of Heaven 30

Seeing Lu Qingming's envious eyes, the ostrich couldn't help turning his body and smiled triumphantly.

Of course, Lu Qingming also saw its expression, and was unable to complain.

After not seeing it, I took it to Lu Haoran and their yard.

After leaving, Lu Haoran had a black face.

In fact, he also heard about the change of his daughter from the mouth of his apprentice.

But because of men! Can't save face.

But when Lu Qingming walked up to him, he was completely stupid.

"Qing Ming, you have already built a foundation!!"

Suddenly, Lu Haoran stood up in surprise and ran to Qing Ming's.

Looking up and down, Lu Qingming, Lu Qingming was a black line, and so was his father...

"What are you doing... I said that my daughter is different, than I don't believe it! It's not rarer than me now!"

Gao Jieyi walked over from one side and looked at Lu Haoran and the others with a smile.

Yan Zi and Wei Shuang were also standing on one side and smiling.

Lu Qingming looked around, but did not see Bai enchanting.

"Why didn't I see Senior Sister Bai!"

Lu Qingming asked Gao Jieyi.

Gao Jieyi pulled Lu Qingming and sat down, and then said to her again, "I heard you say that Senior Sister Zi told me what happened this time, Bai Yaoluo disappointed me, and originally planned to let her be a direct disciple. Yes, now that she finds that her conduct is not good, I have to give it up! Fortunately, the martial art competition will start in a few months, and then look for a few disciples at the outer door to collect in!"

Listening to Gao Jieyi's words, Lu Qingming also nodded.

It's best for my mother to understand this.

"Is this the ostrich? It's still refreshing to wear clothes!"

Gao Jieyi couldn't help but smile when he looked at the ostrich standing on the side and looked at it wearing clothes.

The ostrich also smiled, and turned his head to the side embarrassedly.

Looking at the ostrich like this, Lu Qingming didn't expect it at all!

She thought the ostrich would stand up and say something, like the ugly parents of stupid humans.

Unexpectedly, it actually likes others to praise it.

"I looked at the little box you brought back. This Thunder and Lightning Technique is definitely suitable for Qing Ming to use. You are Lei Linggen, and it must be very good to use this now."

With that, Lu Haoran threw a jade jue to Lu Qingming.

Lu Qingming took it over.

Later, among those things, Lu Qingming was assigned another water-repelling bead and a pill.

In fact, Lu Qingming was very happy when she got the Thunder and Lightning Technique, and her mentality was very good at this time.

The spells that I originally learned were all simple and simple.

It's a pity to discard it, and it's tasteless to eat.

Now that she has this thunder and lightning tactic, as her cultivation base grows, those she can use will get better and better.

He was there again and had a conversation with Lu Haoran and the others, and Lu Qingming took the ostrich and walked back.

Yan Zi and Wei Shuang followed her, talking to her.

The three of them were talking and laughing. When they reached the intersection, Bai Enchanting suddenly walked out from under the big tree on one side.

"You go to the master, why didn't you call me!"

Bai Yaoluo was originally the kind of incomparably calculating temperament, but at this time she also felt alienated, and felt something wrong in her heart vaguely.