Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 504: The Proud Girl of Heaven 39

Right now, it's really not that she died, or she died herself.

She died, the task was not completed, and she would not let this result happen to her.

Absolutely not! !

Right now, Lu Qingming used another thunder strike. In an instant, Feng Lingwan was surrounded by four bolts of lightning. Accompanied by this crackling lightning, her feet were like a spider web. Dense webs.

She was originally densely entangled by the lightning web, and at this time, the thunder strike made her body unable to move.

The posture that I originally wanted to take out, but also stopped out.

There was a sharp look on his face, but at this time, he also became stunned.

Looking at her like this, Lu Qingming worked hard, and a huge thunder and lightning ball condensed between his hands.

In addition to the blue and white light on this lightning ball, it is also surrounded by layers of purple-red lightning light.

Zizlara kept making noises.

Lu Qingming's face was completely pale at this time, and the aura in her body was completely exhausted.

Feng Lingwan's eyes at this time also saw panic.

But the whole body is still unable to move. At this time, he can only use his best effort to use a barrier.

She had been thinking about Lu Qingming's death just now, so the expression on her face didn't hide it at all.

It can be seen that Lu Qingming can also tell, so...At this time, she was also fighting with herself.

Feng Lingwan had already accepted his fate, and she put a yellow-colored halo on her body. At this time, she could only watch the lightning ball coming towards her.

Finally the lightning ball hit Feng Lingwan's body.

With a "bang--" the barrier on her body broke.

There was a panic on her face. She fell to the ground, feeling that the blood in her body had flowed backwards, and in her head, the force of this huge thunder and lightning had also moved the shocking black.

After lying on the ground for a long time, she seemed to think that she felt that she didn't have that power anymore when she used her fingers to fetch things in the space to throw Lu Qingming.

Twitching all over, he lay motionless on the ground.

It seems that the body has been shattered, and the internal organs are also moving in an overwhelming position.

Feng Lingwan didn't even think that she would encounter such a thing, and she was beaten like this by Lu Qingming, who looked down upon her.

Lu Qingming also completely lost the trace of aura in his body, his face was pale, and the demon stood swayingly.

But looking at how Feng Lingwan looked at this time, she was also particularly relieved.

Everyone around was stunned, completely unexpected, just watching a test, you can see such a magnificent effect.

Lu Qingming is a mutant Lei Linggen after all, and her spells are so powerful that no one finds it strange.

After all, her parents are all high-ranking members of the sect, and all of them are golden core monks. All kinds of good things are piled on her.

No one in the sect knows that Lu Qingming was brought up under the care of him since he was a child.

In addition, it was passed from the previous sect that Lu Qingming was beaten up late by Feng Ling from the outer door, and went back to practice very hard.