Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 572: The tyrant's favored concubine 3

"Will you open the tunnel for me to see?"

When Ji Zeya heard this, she hurriedly followed suit, because it was Ji Qingming who left the tunnel last time.

When no other missionaries came, the tunnel opened at this time was still Ji Qingming's.

Therefore, before Ji Zeya hadn't said anything, Ji Zexi had jumped in.

Ji Zeya was still wondering, and...the tunnel closed again.

Ji Zexi also disappeared! !


Ji Zeya blinked these eyes for a long time before he was shocked.

Oh, she was cheated by her brother.

At the moment, Ji Zeya exploded her hair!

Is there such a cheating sister?

Damn Ji Zexi!

Ji Zeya stood up, then picked up the book in her hand and read it.

As soon as she read the words clearly on the book, she clicked and threw it on the ground.

Damn spell primer!

When she enrolled in school, she had already learned this, so I hate it, let her see, what to see! !

Right now, he gritted his teeth again.

My brother must be premeditated, wanting to go to Ji Qingming's mission world.

This brother... is really a headache.

At the moment, I am angry, but I still have to help Ji Zexi cover a thing or two.

Otherwise, she and her brother would not be able to eat if they were discovered by her parents or by the elders of the time guardian.

Ji Qingming continued to enter the purple tunnel, feeling the fragrance of flowers, and the dazzling purple just passed.

The man fell heavily to the ground.

Yes, that's how it fell to the ground.

It shouldn't be, this one just fell asleep on the ground as soon as it came through.

"You don't want to live, don't enter the palace, you must also enter the palace!"

Following this angry word, a teacup slammed on her body vigorously.

The tea in the cup was spilled on her body, but fortunately the tea was not hot anymore, otherwise it would definitely be painful again.

Ji Qingming also felt the delicate skin of this body. He was just lying here, and he already felt the tingling of his elbows and the skin that touched the ground.

"Take the young lady down and take care of it!"

The roaring man took two deep breaths, which relieved his breath and made people push Ji Qingming down.

Ji Qingming opened his misty eyes and vaguely saw the man in front of him, a handsome middle-aged man with a beard.

Behind him, there was an anxious woman standing.

After that, Ji Qingming felt that he couldn't bear it a bit, so he fainted.

Until she woke up, she had slept on a soft-soft bed.

She could feel the softness and softness of the bed under her body, and the silk quilt covered her body should be very light and warm.

It seems that the deity should be a spoiled woman.


Ji Qingming just opened his eyes, and an ethereal voice came from one side.

As graceful as the yellow oriole out of the valley! It is a burst of joy to make people listen.

Ji Qingming looked sideways, and saw a beautiful woman in front of her, with Qiong mouth and nose, skin like fat, although she was wearing a simple dress, she had a radiance that could not be ignored.

"Are you better? I'm going to ask the doctor to come over!?"

She asked.

Ji Qingming did not speak, and closed his eyes again.

Seeing what Ji Qingming did, she stopped talking.