Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 575: The tyrant's favored concubine 6

She cannot be allowed to have any relationship with the tyrant, after all, she is from the Tang Mansion, in case...If there is any relationship with the tyrant, she will run away with the prince afterwards.

Probably according to the tyrant's urinary sex, their Tang family is also a dead end.

Suddenly, Tang Qingming felt that this crossing girl was like a bomb!

It's really boring.

Being annoyed, the crossing girl asked softly outside.

"Miss, the doctor is here, do you want to have a look!"


Tang Qingming slept, already feeling a lot more comfortable.

Because he was spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, speaking of it, even though this Tang Qingming didn't have the face of an alluring city, it was because of his water-like skin.

Not to mention, the whole body is white and transparent, and it is filled with bursts of fragrance.

As long as she touched it a little, there would be a red mark, which shows how watery and transparent her skin is.

After a while, the door was opened.

Crossing Nv Qianmo walked in, she first put down Tang Qingming's bed curtains, and let Tang Qingming stretch out her wrists.

The imperial doctor walked in and gave Tang Qingming pulse.

"Miss Tang, is there any discomfort?"


Tang Qingming answered softly.

"Well, the old man is prescribing two pills of tranquilizers, and the young lady will be better after drinking it for two days."


Tang Qingming nodded, then stopped talking.

After the doctor left, Qian Mo also lifted the curtain of the bed, and she looked at the other people who were waiting on the side.

Suddenly he said, "You go out first!"

After all, Qianmo is a maidservant, and Feimo, another maidservant, is sick and has not come here yet, so at this time, all the servants who were following in the house were second-class maids.

At this time, I heard her say so, all went down one by one.

Qian Mo walked to the door again, covering the door with his light hand.

She walked to Tang Qingming, looked at Tang Qingming, and said to Tang Qingming in a small voice, "Miss, Li Xiucai is waiting for you outside! I will help you get the people away, do you want to go out to see him! ?"

Tang Qingming looked at her quietly and said, with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth.


Qianmo was slightly startled when she saw that she didn't move at all.

"You let him go, I won't see him anymore!"

Tang Qingming said indifferently, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

When Qian Mo heard this sentence said by Tang Qingming, his expression suddenly became bad.

"Miss... I usually say something, but at this last step, Miss always can't get out."

At the same time as he was talking, Qian Mo's mouth was still smiling with a hint of sarcasm.

Hearing her saying this, Tang Qingming opened his eyes again and looked at her.

"What do you mean by saying this?"

"What's the meaning?"

Qian Mo stood up swiftly, it was probably Tang Qingming's usual character that was silent and cowardly.

At this moment, Qian Mo didn't fear her, so he said whatever he wanted.

"Miss has made a private appointment with that scholar for life, so she will be responsible to them. You are now cowardly, but you are actually afraid of living a hard life!"

Qian Mo stared at Tang Qingming with eyebrows. She had always hated this kind of woman, and she said all of a sudden.

Hearing what Qian Mo said, Tang Qingming felt amused for no reason.

"I am responsible to him, just someone who has met once... What am I responsible for? Just because he has picked up my veil, I am going to abandon my family and go with him? What's the reason for this! "