Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 663: Brat, stop 7

Finally, with a pale face, he handed it to Wu Daqi.

Wu Daqi picked up the phone and looked at it and frowned.

"Qingming, this girl is very familiar, isn't she playing with you all the time?"

Li Lingyu felt very familiar, as if she had seen it in Wu Qingming's circle of friends many times.

"Yes! It's her!"

Wu Qingming nodded slightly.

"A good girl, she was so miserable by others, who is so wicked!"

Li Lingyu also has a daughter. When Wu Qingming just said, she almost became like that, and she hated such a person to death in her heart.


When Li Lingyu said this, the look on Wu Qingming's face changed slightly, for fear that Li Lingyu was going to say something else.

"That wicked person is me!"

Wu Qingming looked at Li Lingyu and said quietly.

When Li Lingyu heard her say this, her whole body was not good.

She paused there, her mouth wide open.


She was a little surprised. What did the daughter say? She was still saying that she almost became like this. Why is she saying this again?

"Is she ready to deal with you?"

After all, Wu Daqi is a person in the business field, and he figured out everything in just a second.


Wu Qingming nodded.

"This public opinion was also created by you?"

Wu Daqi watched the gossip report on the phone with interest.


Wu Qingming confessed.

"Really a good daughter!"

Wu Daqi laughed haha. He used to feel that his daughter was carefree. Although she looked like a woman, her personality was like a kid.

He always thought that he was actually a son.

Li Lingyu was first confused by Monk Zhang Er, and then after hearing Wu Daqi say this, she turned a corner.

At this moment, I couldn't help but feel very scared. If it weren't for his family's clear and smart, now it's not...

When I think of this Li Lingyu, I feel terrified for a while.

"Do you usually offend that girl!?"

Li Lingyu asked aloud.

"I do not have!"

Wu Qingming shook his head.

"Forget it, it's all over, nothing will happen!"

Wu Daqi said aloud again.

"Hey, whether you come back, mom will be able to see you every day!"

With a smile on Li Lingyu's face, she pulled Wu Qingming's hand over.

"Dad will help you arrange to enter the Shengya Noble Academy."


Wu Qingming nodded, and then said, "Mom, that's living on campus, and I don't go home until the weekend!"

"That's okay!"

Li Lingyu waved her hand indifferently.

Seeing her like this, Wu Qingming pursed her lips and smiled.

"Qing Ming——"

The family was talking, when someone suddenly broke in and called Wu Qingming.

Wu Qingming looked towards the place where he made the sound, Xiao Lang stood upright.

Worthy of being a male protagonist of campus literature, he has a perfectly carved face, a straight nose, vast eyes as deep as a starry sky, and a lip color like cherry blossoms. He should be the kind of indifferent person who is as cold as ice. .

But at the moment when I saw Wu Qingming, it was like a firework, suddenly leaping into the sky and bursting into full bloom.

"Xiao Lang!"

Wu Qingming also stood up, ran towards Xiao Lang, and rushed into Xiao Lang's arms, clinging to Xiao Lang's waist tightly.