Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 785: Girl bad 16

He can't help but frown.

He had been staring at Yue Qingming all the time, without seeing her cheating again.

But how can such a poor student get all the questions right! ?

The invigilator was caught in long-term thinking.

Wang Yue, who was sitting in front, also frowned involuntarily. The difficulty of the exam this time was still quite large.

I have always been a serious learner, and I have been serious reviewing every day, and I have only done a small amount of it until now.

It still felt obscure, that Yue Qingming had written all of it and handed in the paper.

Looking at the disbelief of the invigilator, it was obvious that Yue Qingming wrote very well.

This is really unscientific!

Thinking about it, Wang Yue frowned, put the pen in his mouth and bit.

On the first day, Chinese was tested in the morning, and mathematics was tested in the afternoon!

On the second day, I tested politics and history in the morning, and geography and chemistry in the afternoon.

On the third day, I finished the physics exam in the morning, and I had another English in the afternoon, and it was all over.

After eating lunch at noon, I took a short break and the exam began.

In the first hearing, Yue Qingming was very clear, and wrote it out without any errors.

After listening, I continued to answer the questions just now.

Just after writing a few questions, someone rushed into the classroom from outside.

"Boss... Zhao Junyan was beaten!"

Wang Ou, who was with them, rushed in, his face was still bluish and the corners of his mouth were cracked.

Yue Qingming looked at him like this, dropped his pen, and stood up.

Ran out with Wang Ou.

The invigilator kept chasing it out, "Yue Qingming is still taking the exam, where are you going!!!"

Just when I shouted this out, the voices of Yue Qingming and others had long since disappeared.

"It's really a dog that can't change ****!"

The invigilator couldn't help shook his head.

In the past two days, I saw that she was doing well in the exams, but this is no longer a moth.

The invigilator walked to Yue Qingming's desk, picked up Yue Qingming's examination paper, and looked at it. In such a short period of time, he had already written several questions.

Even so, there is still a large blank on the paper.

Shaking his head, holding the paper, walked to the side of the podium again.

Gao Jie looked at the empty door with a trace of worry on his face.

However, Wang Yue pouted her lips. She very much agreed with what the teacher said just now that the dog can't change the ****.

This Yue Qingming, just wait for him to drop out!

There is also the Virgin Mary, after which I will see what she has to say.

In the classroom, everyone's thoughts were different, but Yue Qingming followed Wang Ou, suddenly climbed over the wall, and ran out.

Finally, I came to the small alley near the school and saw Zhao Junyan being beaten by people.

My eyes were red at the moment, looking at the tatters randomly placed on one side, there was a broom in it.

He took the broom and rushed up, smashed his head, and slapped those people.

Probably the original owner's natural strength is relatively large, and the broom is not made of ordinary bamboo, and there is a little iron in the place of the handle.

Hit people one after another, causing pain.

Those people were scattered one by one by Yue Qingming, and Yue Qingming pulled up Zhao Junyan, who was already bruised and swollen on the ground.

"This is the woman you followed, it's really awkward to follow the woman!"