Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 851: Girl bad 81

"Do you have a heart!? Although Qinglan is not related to you, she is also a member of our family, my daughter, and your sister! How can you be so cold-blooded!?"

Yue Zhenhua looked at Yue Qingming as if she was the murderer who killed Yue Qinglan.

"No, Yue Qinglan is your daughter, but it has nothing to do with me!"

Yue Qingming quickly vetoed it. He didn't have a trace of patience with Yue Zhenhua. At this time, the only remaining family affection in his heart was also annihilated in an instant.

"Your aunt looks like this, you still want to stimulate her, do you want us to die? Qinglan is already dead, we are all dead, you are quiet, right?"

Yue Zhenhua looked at her again, his body also shaky.

There was always a mocking smile at the corner of Yue Qingming's mouth, which was really sad.

She suddenly thought of the plot. When Yue Qingming was in prison, Yue Zhenhua looked indifferent. It seemed that even if Yue Qingming was wronged, she should be locked up as a scumbag.

The provincial ones are outside, they really lost their lives.

"What does her death have to do with me? Why do you regret it? Regret that I didn't drive and was killed by him! This way, it is me who died, and everyone is happy! Isn't it?"

There was a fire in Yue Qingming's heart, and she walked to Yue Zhenhua's front.

She didn't care about Jiang Xue's appearance. Yue Zhenhua's appearance was disgusting.

In terms of blood relationship, he is his daughter!

But now, in his eyes, what he is.

What is called grief is more than heart death, she has tasted the feeling of heart death now.

But why is there still a little bit of unwillingness in my heart.

Yue Qingming knew deeply that it came from the resentment of the original owner.

At the moment she took a hard breath and suppressed the weird feeling.

Yue Zhenhua was shocked by Yue Qingming's series of words, and he didn't know what to say in an instant.

"I'm your daughter, how do you treat me!? Yue Qinglan was the one you grew up watching when you were young. I was the wild grass you threw aside. Recognizing people as godfathers in your face is very good in your eyes. Even if I have not done anything, it is bad! If I can, I really don't want to be your daughter at all!"

Yue Qingming looked at him coldly, speaking word by word.

Yue Zhenhua paled because of Yue Qingming's words.

"Murder, murderer!"

Jiang Xue on one side was still yelling and cursing.

"Knock them out of me, and my life today has been severely disrupted. You can wait to receive the complaint letter!"

Yue Qingming's cold eyes looked at the security guards around him.

She turned around and went back without a trace.

When he walked to the door, he came to An Xie with one hand and closed the door.

The security guards looked at each other, they could also know that they did something wrong today, but they all knew Yue Qingming’s character, it couldn’t be better, so they wanted to bring people in. In this way, Jiang Xue and others didn’t. It will be too much noise outside.

Unexpectedly, Yue Qingming would still complain to them.

Several security guards couldn't help but forcibly drove Jiang Xue and Yue Zhenhua out of the dumb chicken.