Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 920: Roll over, caterpillar

In terms of speaking, Xun Zichen compulsorily lived with Ji Qingming.

! ! ! !


Ji Qingming's whole worm is not good anymore, so she was forced to become a spiritual pet.

"I am going to select disciples, is it really good for you to be like this?"

Ji Qingming stared at him.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Xun Zichen looked at Ji Qingming, "It doesn't matter, those are okay or not, I am your master and can give you everything!"

After listening to Xun Zichen's words, Ji Qingming was slightly startled.

Speaking of it, so naked, so white... Is this really good?

Why did she hear some other meanings from his words?

"Let's go, Maomao!"

While talking, Xun Zichen pinched Ji Qingming and went back.

At this time, Ji Qingming had completely given up the struggle. She felt that the insect body was nothing more than that, and it was really unlovable. it standard equipment?

After being taken back, Xun Zichen took out a piece of Purple Thunder Shadow Bamboo directly in the storage bag.

The pieces became pieces, thinly transformed into a basket, and inside the basket, there was a soft cushion.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Qingming was put up again.

"Maomao, this is your little bed, do you like it!?"

Xun Zichen stretched out his hand and nodded on Ji Qingming's head.


He speaks without intonation, without passion, without ideals.

After all, there is no love.

"Well, good!"

Xun Zichen nodded.

! ! !

Looking at Xun Zichen in front of him, Ji Qingming instinctively felt that this product did not take medicine!

My God, the difference is really huge.

At this moment, a child walked in from outside.

With no expression on his face, as a meaty little child, he could be so serious and won.

"God, take medicine!"

As he said, he raised the tray in his hand.

Because this child is not tall, Ji Qingming can still see very clearly that there is really a small black bowl on the tray.

It’s just that he’s all a fairy in the Huangxian rank, is it really useful to take medicine or something?

Generally, it is not just a few pills.

I saw that Xun Zichen picked up the medicine bowl, raised his head and drank it.

He put the medicine bowl on the tray that the child was still holding, and got up and left.


It's really taking medicine, it's really weird.

At this time, she looked up at Xun Zichen again and found that he had turned into an ice cube face again.

I saw him and gave Ji Qingming a cold look.

"Since they are all spirits that can be transformed, why are they still pretending to be?"

Listening to Xun Zichen's cynicism, Ji Qingming really felt that he had just watched a large-scale magic trick... called the Great Change of Life.

I'm going, is this fine?

All of a sudden like this, all of a sudden like that.

Fuck, if it weren't for you, she has joined Diaodiao and the others now, and then happily participated in the selection, okay?

It's enough to recognize the Lord inexplicably, and still sneer here.

At about this time, Xun Zichen also discovered the fact of acknowledging the Lord. At the moment, a trace of embarrassment was drawn across his face.

"Since you have recognized the Lord, let's practice here!"

After speaking, waved his sleeves and left...

Seeing him spotless, walking forward, Ji Qingming was also helpless.