Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 924: Roll over, caterpillar

Ji Qingming walked to her right now.

It seems that this matter is quite big, otherwise it won't make Ling Han's upper limit anxious, and ran here to ask someone.

As for the immortal Ling Han, it was the immortal who had been breathed by bean sprouts before.

Bean sprouts still kept smiling, even clutching his belly and laughing.

Seeing her like this, Ji Qingming was very helpless, and finally she turned her gaze to the side of the carving.

Generally speaking, what bean sprouts do must be carried by the carving.

"She put a fruit in Ling Han Shangxian's tea."

Diaodiao still spoke word by word in Ji Qingming's eyes.

"What fruit!"

Ji Qingming asked again, she intuitively felt that this fruit must be very powerful!


As soon as Diao Diao finished speaking, Ji Qingming immediately stroked his forehead with both hands.

She knew this decayed fruit, and there was such a fruit tree growing out of the secret realm.

This fruit tree can only be viewed from a distance, not close.

Its appearance is very beautiful, and even every fruit exudes a crystal clear color.

Looking at it from a distance, a faint silver light was still shrouded around this fruit tree.

It's like a tree in a fairyland, but as soon as you get closer, you will smell an unpleasant breath, this kind of breath makes people sick.

However, as long as the fruit is picked, there is no such smell.

It seems that that kind of smell is a natural person who wants to be shielded and someone wants to pick it.

Probably ordinary people don't pick it, after all, the smell is tears.

However, ordinary spirits would not pick it. Only bean sprouts, an anomaly, had to ride on the carved body to pick it.

At that time, it was called "Explore the depths of the secret realm".

Later, one person ate one of the decayed fruit that was picked back. The delicacy was very delicious, even the juice was mellow and delicious.

But one day after eating, I fell into a kind of nausea.

All three will fart, and the fart smell is very disgusting and unpleasant, and it is time-sensitive, and it is also very long.

The three of them couldn't stand each other at that time. After two days of separation, they felt better.

As for the Immortal Ling Han, he was originally an extinct existence, and his appearance was as good as Xun Zichen's admiration.

You let someone else fart for two days, still on top of a peak.

How big a peak can be, coupled with the power of a fruit, is equivalent to a person's cultivation ability.

This shows how much the people on that peak have suffered.


The bean sprouts were still on the side, laughing crazily, and Diao Diao was also standing a little awkwardly.

Ji Qingming watched her laugh crazy, and was too lazy to care about her.

At this time, I heard the sound of footsteps outside.

A few stopped talking, and the bean sprouts didn't laugh anymore. Really, she was hiding here, and she was going to be handed over.

The door was opened, and several eyes were looking towards the door.

The person who came in turned out to be Xun Zichen.

"Shang Xian... Are you going to hand me over?"

Bean sprouts thousands of expressions, they don't believe it.

Ji Qingming glanced at the bean sprouts and couldn't help lowering his head. This kind of flamboyant acting skills seemed embarrassing.

Diaodiao also noticed it, and automatically left the scope of bean sprouts. It didn't matter to her whether this way!