Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 948: The wife is going down 13

When he looked at the Ganzhu still gurgling with blood on his head, he felt uncomfortable. He quickly found the sweat scarf from his body and wrapped it tightly around Ganzhu's head.

"I'll go with you!"

Right now, Yan Ji got out of the carriage holding Ganzhu.

The flowerpot shoes worn on the feet are also very laborious to walk.

"give it to me!"

The man in the silver armor glanced at Yan Ji, and was slightly startled at the moment.

When he stretched out his hand, he was about to take over the Ganzhu.

Yan Ji knew that this wasn't when she was brave enough, so she gave Gan Zhu to him.

Let the coachman stand in the same place, and let a person who is personally guarding him, go to the general's house first, and call for a carriage to come.

; Resolutely resolved everything and caught up with the silver armor.

Sure enough, it only took two steps to see a medical hall.

"General Ouyang!"

When the man in the silver armor came in, the people in the hospital seemed to be very familiar.

"Doctor Guo, hurry up and look at this girl!"

General Ouyang quickly put Ganzhu on a couch inside.

After finding out the good medicine to stop bleeding, after removing the sweat towel stained with blood, a thick layer of powder was applied.

It's strange to say that after absorbing the powder, the wound on Ganzhu's head stopped bleeding in an instant.

After the old doctor stopped the bleeding, he stopped moving, and asked the kid on one side to come over, clean the surrounding area of ​​the wound for Ganzhu, and then wrap it carefully before doing it.

Seeing that Gan Zhu was all right, Yan Ji was relieved.

"Fortunately, madam, it was delivered in time, and the bleeding was stopped in time, otherwise the old man will be helpless."

The old doctor walked to Yan Ji's side and bowed respectfully.

Yan Ji smiled and nodded, "Thank you, doctor!"

After speaking, he took out the silver taels and put them on a side table.

"This is medical funding!"

"Thank you Madam, I'll ask the kid to bring the prescribed medicinal materials over here! Madam, wait a moment!"

With that, the old doctor took the silver and left.

In the huge room, only Yan Ji and General Ouyang were left.

Since she had to wait for the medicine and the carriage at home, Yan Ji had to wait here at this time.

At this time, his gaze also looked at General Ouyang on one side.

She hadn't heard of it. In the one-sided TV series she watched by General Ouyang, it seems that there is no such person!

Yan Ji looked at him for a while, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a tall nose, as tall and straight as a jade mountain.

The whole face, like a knife, is really handsome, and it is really the creator's supernatural craftsmanship.

However, she has seen a lot of pretty and handsome faces all the way through.

So even at this moment, seeing such a handsome and extraordinary face, he took a faint look and didn't lose his mind.

What only made her feel strange was that he was such a brave general, why his voice was so soft.

I just don't know, in front of his soldiers, whether he wants to make his voice harsher.

Besides, his appearance is so exquisite, would his subordinates really obey him?

All of a sudden, Yan Ji's thoughts were erratic again, a little far away, all of a sudden, she thought of King Lanling, like that King of Lanling, because she was so handsome that she wore a mask.