Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 974: The wife wants to go down 39

When I first came, I started to complain.

Yan Ji was very puzzled, she really started to lie down for no reason.

Did nothing, okay! !

"Nu Dahai won't let you preside over the middle feed. You will not preside over it. The day after tomorrow will be Ji Yuan's wedding. You can't go wrong with this!"

The old lady said worriedly.

When Yan Ji heard her say this, she felt amused for a while.

It's really a good joke I heard.

She was relieved of her duties by Nudahai for several days, but she was only now saying that the crescent moon must have caused a big mess.

If she had been for the mansion and for her own sake, she would definitely come the first time.

Now that I made a mess, I went to let myself clean up the mess, and I really thought it out!

"Yan Ji?"

The old lady frowned when Yan Ji hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Em mother, my daughter-in-law has a headache recently, and it's really not suitable for those things. Since Nu Dahai has been handed over to Xinyue, let Xinyue do it. This is not Xinyue for a few days. There is no fork, it must be no problem, Erniang shouldn't be in trouble."

As Yan Ji said, the old lady's expression became more and more ugly.

It really was... Whatever was said by Yan Ji.

Does she mean now that the house is in a mess?

Yan Ji must go to host, so the awe-inspiring remarks she said just now are useless at all.

The old lady originally wanted to take advantage of this incident to give her a bit of prestige.

Unexpectedly, it has become the current situation, and I really don't know how to end it.

"Ah, this is just fine. After a while, my head hurts again! Ganzhu hurry up and ask the doctor."

Yan Ji immediately held her forehead, making painful gestures.


Looking at Yan Ji's appearance, Gan Zhu couldn't help laughing.

I think it’s such a good thing to host a mid-feeding?

The family didn't have much income. How could the adult's salary be enough? The wife usually relied on subsidies for some dowry money.

In the shops where the wife was married, the money received was basically filled into the house.

Obviously doing thankless things, one by one, I really think how good things are.

The old lady looked at Yan Ji's feelings, and her teeth were itchy, and she couldn't say anything.

I left now.

He didn't even say a single word of kindness, which was obviously unclear.

Yan Ji saw that everyone was gone, then put her hand down again, gently picked up the tea on one side, and drank slowly.

After a while, Ganzhu came in again.

With a smile at the corner of her mouth, she walked to Yan Ji's side, and then she said everything she had just inquired about.

Yan Ji couldn't help laughing as she listened to what she had just said.

It turned out that Xinyue accepted it. Because she didn't understand anything, she was framed by the slaves, and all kinds of silver were not enough.

She endured again, filling in all her silver.

In addition, because of Ji Yuan's big wedding, it is even more busy and exhausted, as if everything is not going well.

Originally, she wanted to show off her abilities when she took it over. Who knows, it was such a hassle.