Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 981: The wife is going to go to church 46

The next day, it was even more noisy.

The new moon still washes her face with tears, and Qinqi's calligraphy and painting are also crying pear flowers with rain.

Nudahai felt that he was full of crescent moons in his heart, but there were other women beside him.

In the end, there was no other way, but the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting were turned into concubines.

Xinyue walked sadly in the courtyard, met Ji Yuan, and was seen by Sai Ya.

So this general mansion had a small trouble for three days and a big trouble for five days.

Luo Lin was very anxious, she was going to be married soon, and the dowry for how many sets has not been fixed up to now.

If the dowry is not good, you will not be favored by others when you arrive at your in-law’s house.

For a while, Luo Lin missed Eniang very much again, but Eniang had already left, and she was no longer a member of this family.

At this time, she regretted very much again, why didn't she give some comfort at that time.

After a month, Ouyang Jin defeated a rebellious army again, and she looked happy and wanted to give Ouyang Jin a big reward.

Ouyang Jin knelt down immediately.

"In the end, the emperor will first ask the emperor to point out the marriage!"

"Referring to marriage?" The emperor who sat on the head smiled suddenly, stretched out his hand on one of the handles, and patted it gently. Finally, "I don't know, General Ouyang secretly fell in love with whose lady?"

The emperor’s words just fell, and the ministers present, those who were waiting to be married, wondered in their hearts whether they would be their own daughters.

Now Ouyang Jin is really a golden bachelor, the wishful man whom all women want to marry, right?

"Goose Ji!"

When Ouyang Jin said the name, there was still a little faint voice in the main hall, but at this time, it became quiet.

When I heard the name, I was a little familiar, but then I couldn't figure out where it was.

Nudahai was immediately relieved of all duties due to the New Moon incident and went back. Now he is staying in the court, it is Ji Yuan.

As soon as he heard that it was his mother's name, he was stunned.

Even if the current people still don't know who Yan Ji is, he already feels a strange look and looks at him.

A feeling of shame rippled from the bottom of my heart.

The emperor didn't know who it was, until the **** beside him whispered a few words in his ear, his expression became inexplicable.

Seeing Ouyang Jin is clearly dead and graceful, even if he is a princess, he can ask for marriage, and now he says he wants to go to a woman that age...

"Pray for the emperor to be perfect!"

At the moment, Ouyang Jin said again.

Yan Ji was separated, and now she is alone, so it shouldn't matter.

But... I don't know why, the emperor always felt a sense of disobedience.

"Request the emperor, don't agree!"

Ji Yuan also walked to the front and knelt on the ground.

Erniang is already thirty-eight years old, and she still wants to marry him.

Originally, I was full of admiration for Ouyang Jin, but now I also think he is disgusting.

I don't know when, E Niang has a relationship with him.

Seeing them both knelt on the ground at the same time, the emperor didn't know what happened for a while.

Finally thought of a compromise method.

"Ouyang Jin, you might as well get Yan Ji's approval first. If she also agrees, I will mean marriage!"

The emperor said so.