Male Lead 2 and Male Lead 3 Happy Ending!

Chapter 64

() Duan Shutong had already packed himself up when he arrived at Han Ling's house. +++ Mobile phone reading visit

But the misery can still be seen.

Duan Shutong looked at him sympathetically, "What the **** are you doing?"

Han Ling's lips broke a few small openings, and he hissed with pain when he spoke, "Do you remember who I used to be?"

"Remember, you still think he is arrogant." Duan Shutong helped him into the car.

As soon as Han Ling sat down, tears came out, and a pair of narrow eyes looked at Duan Shutong pitifully, "I met him at the bar last night, and he actually (gougou) attracted me! … "

"And that's it?" Duan Shutong helplessly help, "I don't know, I thought you (gangan) had a fight."

Han Ling crooked in his seat and looked irresistible. "It's not much different from (gan)."

"Then why do you want to live somewhere?" Duan Shutong puzzled.

Han Ling sighed deeply, "When he left today, he said he would come to me next time. I don't want to be so miserable."

"Can't you communicate with him?"

Han Ling shook his head and gritted his teeth: "He was avenging me."

Duan Shutong was agitated and almost turned the steering wheel, "Do you have any hatred?"

"No," Han Ling grabbed his hair. "Forget it, I'll hide it first."

He was embarrassed to say to Duan Shutong that he had intentionally used money to counter each other because someone regarded him as a small star who was betrayed (hued).

Duan Shutong certainly won't care about the safety of his friends.

He took Han Ling to the house under his own name, "I haven't been here very much, you just make up first."

Han Ling moved to tears, "You are my life-saving benefactor!"

Duan Shutong secretly sighed to see what this forced people to do.

However, he didn't intend to inquire about others, so he didn't ask much, leaving the key to Han Ling and went back.

Years later, Duan Shutong sank his mind and led the entire team to overcome the difficulties.

The first key I found before opened the first door for him. After months of hard work, they finally broke through the first level. Even if there were many obstacles behind, the laboratory burst into cheers.

In the blink of an eye, the summer vacation, Xi Yu has been admitted to the university, Xi Duan had planned to take the opportunity of the summer vacation, took him to the company to experience, but was rejected.

The teenager who has grown up firmly said: "I want to start my own business."

He also has his own pride, what the uncle can do, he can certainly do it!

As for Xi Yu's choice, Xi Duan certainly supports it. Anyway, the Xi family has enough capital for him to realize his dream.

Xi Yu did not go to his company to exercise, but found a part-time job. Without Xi's aura, he is no different from ordinary people.

The life of ordinary people gradually wiped out the arrogance of teenagers. He gradually learned to forbear, and he also felt more deeply how difficult it was for his uncle to support Xi when he was a teenager.

On this day, after finishing the job at hand, he was about to leave work, and he heard an exclaimed colleague from his side: "Lying trough, it's too good!"

Others gathered around, "What's wrong?"

"National Channel News reported that the immuno-enhancing (strong qiang) agent developed by our country has passed clinical trials and will be available soon. The most important thing is that this is the top level in the world! None of the other countries!"

The immune booster (qiang qiang) is still too strange to the public, but the words "world's top level" are too easy to understand!

No matter what it is, as long as it is the first in the world, it is worth being happy.

Xi Yu was stunned. If he remembered correctly, Duan Brother seemed to have participated in a project before, which was about the immune booster.

He asked: "Did anyone say who developed it?"

Colleagues carefully turned over, "It was jointly developed by Yan Medical University Research Institute and Chunqiu Tang."

Xi Yu raised her lips and horns, and she was proud of her eyebrows. "That's really amazing!"

The world's top level, Duan brother is really awesome!

He wants to keep up with Duan Brother and Uncle, and can't embarrass them.

The audience of National Channel News is all over the country, and overnight, everyone knew about the "Chinese scientist is so powerful".

The press release is like no money, desperately promoting praise.

Feng Ran, an old fan who has been paying close attention to Chunqiu Tang, cried when he looked at it.

She witnessed Chunqiu Tang with her own eyes, from the initial defeat to the gradual rise, from Cha Wuzhi to fame, from the whole network to the current craze of praise.

And its success is inseparable from a person.

Fucked a researcher, she burst into tears with excitement!

Duan Shutong didn't see these praises. He now has no time to pay attention to outside news and is striving to achieve his goal.

This scientific research long-distance race took five years.

Everyone in the laboratory suddenly felt that they had endured a long war without smoke. All the hard work and sweat during the period turned into the data on the experimental report today. These data seemed to be a dawn before dawn, illuminating them. Eyes, soothed their thorny hearts.

Everyone dare not show up, staring at Duan Shutong closely.

Duan Shutong's own hands were a little trembling, he wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh. The darkness (touching Mo) in the past five years, they swayed countless times, and the bitterness suddenly came to his heart, pressing down on him Lips corner.

He lowered his head and coughed, his eyes trembling, and expressed his excitement in the calmest language possible, "We succeeded."

"Ahhh! That's great!" The researchers surrounded him and applauded.

Looking at the young faces in front of him, Duan Shutong smiled involuntarily.

After everyone expressed his emotions, he regained his face, "Clinical trials have not yet begun, and they are not over yet."

Han Ling put his hands on the boxing box, "Affirmative!"

Song Chi also nodded.

The Spring and Autumn Laboratory is now a new star in academia. Even if there has been no research results for five years, it is still not to be underestimated due to its repositories and immune boosters.

Therefore, the clinical trial application of the new drug in the Spring and Autumn Laboratory was approved quickly, and it shocked the crowd of Yan Medical University.

It was decided to approve that the clinical trial was conducted in the affiliated hospital of Yan Medical University, which was presided over by Professor Yao Qingyun.

No one will know what it means to target anti-cancer drugs.

Duan Shutong took a small long vacation to the laboratory and went home (sleeping Shui) to die.

When he opened his eyes, there was already one more person by the bed.

When Xi Duan saw him awake, he asked softly, "Are you hungry?"

It is said that men in their thirties are the most attractive. Duan Shutong feels right. At least this one seems to be more fascinating in the past five years.

Years did not leave a trace on his face, but instead added a little calm, as if old wine, exuding an intoxicating taste.

Duan Shutong was actually a bit hungry, but he was reluctant to break this atmosphere.

He patted the edge of the bed and motioned for Xi Duan to sit down.

Xi Duan sat beside him, Duan Shutong moved his head to his lap, looking up at his beautiful chin, and then tightly wrapped around his waist, his voice was stuffy in his clothes, seriously said: "Xi Duan, we Let's marry."

He let Xi Duan wait for five years, long enough.

Xi Duan smiled lowly. (Chest xiong) The resonance of the cavity caused Duan Shutong's ears to tingle, and his legs and feet became soft instantly.

Every time Xi Duan laughed like this, he couldn't escape a certain ending.

"We will wait two days before we get married."

Duan Shutong looked up in confusion, "Why?"

Xi Duan bowed his head, as if the lion had captured his prey, thinking about where to start.

"Because there is no time now."


Duan Shutong froze for a second, and quickly accepted the ending he was eaten. Anyway, he was already used to it.

On June 6th, Duan Shutong's birthday, a paper in "Science" made the international oncology academic avid.

Targeted anti-cancer drugs actually born in China? And still from the hands of a young team whose average age does not exceed 30?

This is more shocking than the immune booster (strong qiang) agent five years ago.

The name Duan Shutong has been heard all over the world at home and abroad. News reports have sprung up, and all are praises.

However, the clinical trial has not yet passed, and the official media did not make any remarks.

Duan Shutong received congratulations from all directions, but he has no leisure to see, he is sitting on the plane to the other side of the ocean.

Xi Duan pushed off his recent itinerary and said he would take him on vacation.

The location of the holiday is an island with beautiful scenery and is a well-known holiday mecca.

It is worth mentioning that there is a church on the island.

The sun in June shone on the golden (colored) beach, and the seagulls passed by at low altitude, gliding through a wonderful arc in the blue sky. Looking into the distance, the vast sea is calm and accommodating, letting people have a tense heartstring and relaxing little by little.

The island is noisy during the day and silent at night. Under the tall trees, the lights in the hotel are scattered.

Duan Shutong sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, his head resting on Xi Duan's shoulder.

"You left the company for so many days, okay?"

A light (kiss wen) fell between the foreheads, and Xi Duan's voice was soft and deep, "The company is not obligatory."

Without him, the company can still operate normally.

Duan Shutong stretched out, "When will we go back?"

"When do you want to go back?"

Duan Shutong bent his lips and smiled, straddling his lap boldly, facing him face-to-face with his arms on his shoulders.

It was so clear that Xi Duan would not let it go when she rested in peacetime, but tonight she did not see it.

"What's wrong?" Duan Shutong suddenly doubted his charm.

Xi Duan held him up and hugged him directly.

"Go back tomorrow and save energy tonight."

Duan Shutong temporarily accepted this statement.

Early the next morning, Duan Shutong opened his eyes and saw Xi Duan dressed in formal attire, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows against the light.

"Why don't you wake me up? What if you delay your return trip?" He murmured and quickly got up to wash.

Just when he was wearing his casual clothes, Xi Duan handed him a set of formal attire. After a closer look, it was obviously a couple with Xi Duan!

If he didn't understand Xi Duan's thoughts, he would have lived in vain for so many years!

He deliberately ridiculed: "How uncomfortable it is to wear formal attire, I will wear casual clothes."

The sun shines through the window and spills on Xi Duan's face. The man's eyes are deep like the sea, and there is endless tenderness and entanglement hidden in it.

"Change clothes and follow me."

Duan Shutong was immersed in his gentle offensive, subconsciously put on his formal attire, he held hands and came to the church.

The Gothic church reveals the beauty of history. In front of the church, the red (color) carpet stretches to the steps and spreads deep into the church.

Duan Shutong was full of surprises, "When did you prepare?"

Xi Duan smiled and said nothing, holding his hand tightly and slowly and firmly towards the sacred palace.

Just entering the hall, the fireworks burst into flames.

Duan Shutong lowered his head and closed his eyes subconsciously. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that inside the hall, his relatives and friends all stood up and laughed and applauded.

At the end of the red carpet, the priest was smiling with kindness and piety.

The author has something to say: update the protagonist's fan tomorrow.

Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution for 2020-03-3115: 56: 14 ~ 2020-04-0113: 54: 37 ~

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