Malicious Medical Princess of the Marquis House

v1 Chapter 255: Routine

The sunlight shines through the windows, forming a bunch of rays.

There are fine dust, floating in the light.

Some people pass through the light, and dust floats chaotically.

"Madam, the health soup is here, drink it while it is hot."

Qingmei feels sorry for Gu Jiu, and deliberately cooks a bowl of health soup in the small kitchen.

Gu Jiu looked indifferent, writing like flying, silently writing the rules of the palace.

On her left hand, is a thick pile of manuscript paper, all filled with words.

Each sheet is neatly written and can be used as a template.

Qingmei complained: "The princess is really too harsh on his wife, she actually asked her to copy the house rules a hundred times."

There are 108 rules and 3000 words in the royal family rules.

One hundred times is 300,000 words.

It is not an easy task to copy it all by hand.

Gu Jiu said: "No need to complain, I will treat it as a calligraphy. Look, has my handwriting improved? It is more powerful than in the past."

Qingmei looked at it carefully, nodded and said, "It's indeed more powerful than before. It's just that the wife is too hard. Or the slave and maid rubbed her wrist."

Gu Jiu shook his head, "Wait for me to finish this page first."

She wrote quickly without hesitation.

A page of paper was filled with beautiful small letters of hairpins in a blink of an eye.

When the ink is dry, place it on the tall manuscript paper.

Green bamboo fetched hot water to put on Gu Jiu's hands and massage again.

Qingmei rubbed her shoulders for Gu Jiu to help her relax.

Gu Jiu let out a sigh comfortably, this day is really comfortable.

Drinking health soup, there is a maid serving her, and she is a person who is indulging in enjoyment, and she can't eat hard.

What she worries most now is that Liu Zhao will fall in the future, and she will have to accompany Liu Zhao through decades of hardship.

It's really shuddering to think about such hard days.

No emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was a soft-hearted master.

Dealing with royal kinsmen and brothers who are fighting for throne is more cruel than dealing with enemies in the foreign domain.

Once Prince Ning's Mansion and Liu Zhao were defeated, what awaited them was by no means a simple ban. All kinds of consultations, only unexpected, no one in the palace can not do it.

Gu Jiu bites his lip, opens up the relationship in the south, and sends people to sea as soon as possible.

She had to leave a escape route for herself, Liu Zhao, and future children.

It's just that Liu Zhao is still locked in Zongzheng Temple. Without Liu Zhao as her backer, she really has a lot of constraints in the Fuzhong.

Gu Jiu drank the health soup and asked, "Has the master come?"

Qingmei nodded, "Returning to Madam, the master brought the Yamen officials to the palace early in the morning. Hearing from the servant Deng, the prince prepared a total of 45,000 taels of silver."

Gu Jiu said. Forty-five thousand taels is not much, not a fraction. Fortunately, he finally paid it off, using silver to show the royal family's respect for the emperor.

The emperor asked to clean up the debts, even if the palace was smashing the pot and selling iron, it would have to pay for it.

This is the attitude of the palace.

It is not important to have more money and less money. What is important is that the Royal Mansion is active in repaying the money and did not let the Ministry of Households worry about it.

Compared with other princes' palaces, it's better in terms of attitude alone.

At this moment, in the Tourmaline Pavilion, Master Gu was restless.

People from the palace came in carrying a few boxes.

The box was filled with white silver, totaling 45,000 taels.

King Ning looked tired and lazy, "Master Gu, order it. A total of forty-five thousand taels. This is only when the king emptied the royal family's assets. If you still don't feel too small..."


King Ning slapped his hands, and soon, another servant came in carrying a few boxes.

The box was opened, and there were jewels and utensils in it, and there were various ritual objects, as well as gold, silver, lacquer, and ceramics.

King Ning pointed to these objects and said to Master Gu: "This king has collected forty-five thousand taels of silver. If the household is particularly not enough, then Master Gu will move all these things away. This king is a loyal official and a filial son, and his father. Order to clear up the debts, this king must cooperate fully."

Master Gu looked at the box full of jewellery, sweating.

No wonder he felt a little weird in this hall when he came in. It turned out that the museum shelf was empty, without a piece of decoration.

The prince dare love packed all the ornaments in this hall in a box.

Maybe if you change to the household book, you will really order people to carry these jewels away.

But Master Gu didn't dare.

He worried that once these jewels were taken away, the rumor that he had taken someone to copy the Ning Palace would spread in a blink of an eye.

He couldn't bear such a **** pot.

And King Ning's attitude was also very strange.

To be cautious, Master Gu did not act rashly.

He smiled, and said cautiously: "The prince can really laugh. With these 45,000 taels of silver, whether it is the court or the palace, you know that the prince did his best. After all, no one will store it in the mansion. Several hundred thousand taels of silver."

King Ning laughed, "Master Gu is right. Of course, it is impossible for this king to hide hundreds of thousands of taels of gold and silver in the mansion.

Nearly a thousand people live in Fuzhong, and they are struggling to make ends meet. After paying back these 45,000 taels, the palace is about to drink northwest wind.

Hey, this king is also embarrassed. The king also didn't want to go to the household department to fight the autumn wind, but the family had a big business, and the money was not enough to spend, but he had no choice but to ask the household department to turn around.

I did not think that after a few years, I owed hundreds of thousands of liang to the Ministry of Households. With so many debts, the king is unable to pay it, and is temporarily unable to repay it in full. Please also ask Master Gu to explain for this king. If the Ministry of Households refuses to accept it, Master Gu will move all these properties. Convert it and see how much you can cover. "

Master Gu shook his head again and again, "The prince is too worried. These objects are still left here, and they complement each other."

Ning Wang smiled, "Master Gu really doesn't want these properties?"

"How can the official take away the belongings of the palace at will. Never, no."

King Ning laughed loudly, "In-laws are honest people."

After such a long time, it was the first time King Ning called Master Gu as his in-laws, which made Master Gu very excited.

"The little girl married into the palace, if it is not done properly, the prince will punish it."

King Ning said with a smile: "My family is worried. Dalang's wife is very good, virtuous and virtuous, how can this king punish her."

Master Gu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person also relaxed, not as restrained as before.

King Ning dragged Master Gu, chattering for half an hour.

Master Gu was still unfulfilled, and when it was late, he said goodbye. Called the master, carried a few boxes of silver and went out of the palace, and went to the Ministry of households for business.

The Hubu Shangshu learned that Master Gu received 45,000 taels from the Ning Palace, although it was still too small compared to the amount owed, at least it had torn open a hole.

He wanted to encourage Mr. Gu to continue his work to pay off the debts.

Just after the words were spoken, Hu Cao came to report, "My lord, the silver is wrong."

Master Gu was furious, "How could it be wrong? The official saw 45,000 taels of silver with his own eyes, so you should not insult the official."

Hu Cao said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "If Master Gu doesn't believe it, you can go to the inspection in person. You are all from the Yin Yamen in the capital government, and you can testify for the lower officials. The lower officials have not touched the money."

Master Gu rushed to the household warehouse.

Forty-five thousand taels of silver were about to be put into the warehouse, but Hu Cao said that the silver they brought back was wrong and would not be put into the warehouse. This is troublesome.

When the officials saw Master Gu, they rushed over.

"My lord, these silvers were indeed brought back from the palace, so how can there be any problems? It is clear that the people from the household department made things difficult for me."

"Yes, it is clearly making things difficult."

"The old man is here, let me give in."

Hubu Shangshu stepped forward, picked up one of the five taels of silver, and weighed it in his hand.

Then he asked Master Gu: "Do you know what silver is this?"

Master Gu was a little confused, and finally realized the crux of the problem.

He quickly picked up an ingot of silver, put it in his mouth and bit, "This is Southwest Silver."


There are a lot of silver mines in the southwest. After the silver is mined, the superintendent of the silver mine will order people to make five or two ingots of the silver in a mold and transport it to the capital.

But because there are many impurities in Southwest silver, it is said to be 50 taels, but in fact it is less than 50 taels.

After the silver is shipped to the capital, it is usually returned to the furnace for recasting. Five taels of southwest silver can get about four taels of official silver.

The household cashier only accepts full official flat silver.

Master Gu's face turned pale.

Five taels of silver became four taels of silver, forty-five thousand taels, and suddenly nine thousand taels were lost, becoming 36 thousand taels.

That's nine thousand taels.

Master Gu asked anxiously: "Where to sign the bill? Hand over the sign to the official for review?"

On the sign, only forty-five thousand taels of silver was written.

Master Gu's heart sank.

He turned back abruptly and looked at Master Ma, "My official remembered that when the silver was inspected, he saw it was Guan Ping Yin, right?"

Master Ma nodded again and again, "The official confirmed that it is Guanping Yin, and every box has been checked."

For all official silver, there will be a year and stove number at the bottom.

These southwestern silver is just a piece of silver, with nothing at the bottom.

At this time, Gu Yu stood up and said, "Master Qi, the next official can also confirm that the box was indeed filled with official silver at the beginning."

Master Gu was anxious, and the Chonghubu Shangshu said: "Old man, you have also heard it. At first, these silvers were indeed official flat silvers of five or two ingots. The official has absolutely no guts to cheat."

The Hubu Shangshu pondered for a moment and asked, "After you checked the silver in the palace, did you come back with the box immediately?"

Master Gu shook his head, "I didn't rush back right away. The prince took the next official and chatted for half an hour."

Gu Yu frowned, "These silvers were obviously lost when they were in the palace."

Master Ma nodded again and again, "During the period, the lower official had a discomfort in his abdomen, and he had been away for a while. It is estimated that he was dropped by the royal family at that time."

Master Gu snapped his head abruptly, "King Ning hurt me!"

He really thought that King Ning was really dating him and dragged him to chat for half an hour.

At that time, he still felt unfulfilled.

Unexpectedly, all are routines.

King Ning was treacherous and exchanged Southwest Bank for Official Ping Bank.

"No, I have to go to King Ning for an explanation. Why did he harm me."

Gu Yu worried, "The prince won't admit it."

Master Ma was so worried, "The prince deliberately calculated the adults, and he is obviously ready to deal with the adult's door-to-door questioning. Maybe he will go back and accuse the adults of filling their pockets and secretly changing the money."

"He dare!"

"He really dared to do this." Hubu Shangshu sighed, "Gu Master, you are too careless in doing things. It's about the amount of silver, how can you not stare at it."

Mrs. Gu is repentant and resentful in his heart

"Also ask the old man to help me." After speaking, he bowed deeply.

Hubu Shangshu shook his head, "On the receipt, it clearly says 45,000 taels. Now you say that King Ning only gave 36,000 taels, how can he admit it. If one is careless, this lawsuit will be brought to your majesty." Go ahead. Master Gu, you are sure you have a chance."

"How about then?"

"You can only make up for these nine thousand taels by yourself."


Master Gu hit the wall with a fist.

"I can't swallow this breath."

The Hubu Shangshu persuaded: "Buy nine thousand taels for a lesson, and don't lose money."

Nine thousand taels is not much, Master Gu can get it.

But he was unwilling to suffer this injustice.

He really didn't expect that the two families were also in-laws anyhow, and King Ning was also very generous and took the initiative to pay back the money. As a result, King Ning actually used him to make a total of nine thousand taels.

When this matter spread out, he really became the laughing stock of the capital.

Master Gu said to Shang Shu of the Household Department: "I will deal with this later. Everyone, follow the official to the palace to collect debts."

This time, if he didn't peel off King Ning's skin, he ignored his surname Gu.

The Hubu Shangshu persuaded: "Master Gu is cautious and don't be vindictive."

Mr. Gu said, "Even if the lawsuit is brought to the front of the imperial court, the lower official will be in control. The lower official will give an order to clear the debts. Who dares not to comply, Jin Wuwei will wait.

Hubu Shangshu frowned, "This action of King Ning is really irritating. Okay, this official supports you. If King Ning refuses to take the money out, this official will truthfully report to his Majesty, and then his own Jinwuwei will entertain King Ning. "

Civil officials were not used to these royal family members, and believed that they were all moths.

Since Master Gu had the courage and Ning Wang went on the bar, there was no reason for Hubu Shangshu to stop him.

He wanted to understand. Taking advantage of this incident, he made a good article to make these royal clan members go around without food.

With the lessons learned by King Ning, it will be easier to clean up the debts afterwards.

Worried that Master Gu could not handle things well, the Household Department Shangshu also sent Hu Cao to him and asked Hu Cao to help Master Gu clean up his debts.

Master Gu was full of anger, and with the yavier, he slammed into the Ning Palace.

"My lord, it's not OK. Master Gu brought someone back to ask for debt again." The steward reported in a panic.

Ning Wang casually said, "Tell him, there is no money."

"Master Gu also said that if he doesn't pay, he will bring the lawsuit to the imperial court."

"He dare!"

King Ning snorted, Gu Zhili was so courageous that he dared to yell in front of the palace.

"Go, take a few guards and blast them all away."

Chambermaid Chang En persuaded: "Master, shouldn't it be more relaxed?"

King Ning smiled contemptuously, "This king just doesn't have money, what's he going to do? Even if the lawsuit is brought to the court, this king still says that, without money. If it doesn't work, this king will turn into a seller to pay off the debt."


Chang En knew that King Ning was getting angry, so he couldn't persuade him.

He waved to the steward, "Do as the prince ordered."

The steward led away.

However, King Ning still underestimated Master Gu.

The royal guards fought in the street with the Yamen of the Yin Yamen of the capital. The matter was quickly spread throughout the capital and to the inner houses of the palace, just like they had grown wings.

Song Zheng, who is now the guard of the palace, hurriedly came to the east courtyard, "Madam, it's not good. Master Gu took the servant and fought with the guard of the palace."

"what happened?"

Gu Jiu looked dazed.

Things changed so fast that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Song Zheng took a second breath and said, "I heard from those government officials that the prince had replaced Guan Ping Yin with Southwest Yin, and Master Gu would have to bear the loss of nine thousand taels."

Gu Jiu's face was ugly, "Is the silver changed, no one noticed it?"

Song Zheng said: "The prince has been pulling Master Gu to speak, and the conversation was very happy. During the period, Master Ma and the others had abdominal discomfort and went to the toilet. It is estimated that the silver was changed at that time. Later, the officials did not check the cage again, and directly carried it. Leaving the palace with the box. Who would have thought that the prince would have ordered people to replace all the silver in the box with Southwest Silver."


The inkstone was swept to the ground by Gu Jiu, and ink splashed all over the floor.

Gu Jiu's face was pale, "Dignified lord, playing tricks. If everyone is a fool, will they swallow?"

At this moment, Gu Jiu really hated King Ning.

The palace does not lack those nine thousand taels.

King Ning just played a routine and made people drop the money in the box. I really don't know what he thought.

Is it aimed at her?

Or go to Master Gu?

Or molesting the household department?

While taking the initiative to pay off debts, he played tricks. All the good feelings accumulated before have been lost.

Are you really afraid of your Majesty's questioning?

King Ning was definitely not a person who wanted money or life, and the palace was not so poor that he couldn't get it out of nine thousand liang. King Ning could not guilty of ruining his reputation for nine thousand taels.

Is he doing this just for the disgusting person?

Gu Jiu said sharply: "Let me see the prince."