Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruit

Chapter 143


As the black dwarf took the initiative, this pickaxe went down and directly took a few steps back.

"Hahaha, great, awesome!"

When the hatred was repulsed, he was not only not angry, but excited.

He is happy if he has to fight.

At least the power displayed by the black dwarf now matches his size.

Disgusting once again rushed towards the black dwarf regardless of it.


The mechanical pickaxe of the black dwarf is more than one form.

Seeing Yi pick and axe go down and the hatred is unscathed, he knew that his opponent was in trouble this time.

When hatred rushed towards him, he flashed to the side.

Smoothly escaped the shock of hatred.

Immediately afterwards, his mechanical pickaxe went straight to the abomination that passed by.

To hate seeing this is also a flashback.

He judged the range that the black dwarf can hit with the pickaxe.

However, everything exceeded his expectations.

The mechanical pickaxe of the black dwarf has extended characteristics!

"Wow! 〃~"

The sound of the collision caused by the extension of the metal chain directly awakened hatred.

But it's too late!


The huge body of hatred directly took it forcibly.

Being attacked by that powerful force, Abomination smashed out directly.

But then, the black dwarf discovered the problem.

This space will not crash things!

An abomination turned over and stood up.

"Hahaha, interesting and interesting, it seems that this time fighting with you is a surprise.

However, you can't make you happy too much, or it would be too embarrassing for me. "

After the hatred was finished, his hands shone with a white light.

The power that shook the fruit began to show off.


This time, Abomination rushed towards the black dwarf again.

The mechanical pick and axe in the black dwarf's hand flicked, and another pick and axe slammed toward hatred.

But this time, hatred didn't even flash.

A white light flashed in his hand, and he directly hit the black dwarf's mechanical pickaxe with a punch.




The entire mechanical pickaxe was directly smashed by the punch of Abomination!

If this is an ordinary axe, hate can't help it.

But this mechanical pickaxe has mechanical characteristics.

The vibrating force of abomination acts directly on its interior.

Even the floating behemoth could not withstand the shock of hatred, let alone such an axe.

Even if the craftsmanship of this axe is higher than that of the floating behemoth.

Under the shock of abomination, there is only a broken part.

He didn't stop at any moment when he hated the mechanical pickaxe that smashed the black dwarf with a fist.


He kept walking under his feet, and his fist fell directly on the body of the black dwarf.




Continuous fists directly hit the black dwarf star without fighting back.


With the last punch, the black dwarf fell directly to the ground.

At this time, he was still dumbfounded.

His weapons have followed him for so long, and there has never been such a situation.

A punch to defeat yourself!

And then, that punch fell on him, letting him know the reason.

Every punch of this big guy is full of shocking power.

This continuous fist directly severely damaged the internal organs in the black dwarf.

If it weren't for his own defensive ability and strong recovery ability.

He had to be killed on the spot just now.

Qin Xiao looked at the fallen black dwarf star before walking over.

"Very well, it seems that you have a full understanding of us now.

Then there is one thing we need to talk about. "

I hate looking at this tiny earth man.

His mind is still a bit unclear.

Talk to yourself?

Is this little earth talent the leader?

It's like an ebony throat?

"I will tell you the next thing, listen, and ask questions if you don't understand.

You represent Thanos coming to our earth, I know everything clearly.

I know exactly what you are going to do next.

But now you have also seen that the power of the earth is not something that ordinary people can get involved.

And I can provide you with some interesting things.

These things will improve the strength of some of you.

You can ask if Thanos is interested in this matter. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he looked at the black dwarf.

At this time, the black dwarf is stunned.


Does this person know Thanos?

He still knows the purpose of Thanos?

He also said that there is something that can enhance the strength?

"What do you mean by that?"

The black dwarf finally turned all doubts into this one question.

"Well~ This matter requires you to tell Thanos in the form of an experimental body.

So next, I will give you something, he can let you have some other abilities.

If you show this ability to Thanos, he will understand. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, ripples began to appear in his body.

Immediately afterwards, a fruit appeared in front of several people.

Devil Fruit!

Qin Xiao would actually provide devil fruit to this guy who attacked the earth!

Logan couldn't understand what was going on at this time.

Even if he only knew the hatred of fighting, he didn't understand it at this time.

"Qin, are you sure you want to give him Devil Fruit?"

Logan's face was solemn.

The opponent is the enemy!

Although he did not see that this man was attacking with Loki.

But the other party is obviously not a human being.

If this devil fruit is eaten by him, will it cause greater harm to the earth?

"." I know what you are thinking? But as I said just now, I know what they are going to do.

In fact, what I want is to use this to seduce the other person.

If he comes out, now that Gu Yi and Odin are still there, maybe they will directly seal each other.

If he doesn't come, it's just a devil fruit, and you can fight him.

Does not affect the overall situation. "

Qin Xiao briefly explained the reason.

"You mean he is Thanos just mentioned?"

"Yes, that is a strong opponent."

At this moment, Logan understood what Qin Xiao meant.

Use the Devil Fruit to attract Thanos, and then take advantage of the Gu Yi and Odin in his mouth to take the opponent down.

Logan knows who Gu Yi and Odin are.

When he was in New Mexico, Gu Yi appeared for the first time.

It's a young girl who is not decent.

At least in his impression.

And Odin, this is Thor's father, the king of the gods.

Ruler Asgard, and even the earth is nominally the opponent's rule.

He didn't believe this originally, but he believed it at that time.

And since Qin Xiao admired the other party so much, he believed in the other party so much.

So it seems that all this is indeed a pit for Thanos to dig.

"I see."