Man In Marvel, Infinite Devil Fruit

Chapter 245

A legend that the gods of Asgard will all perish. "

Qin Xiao looked surprised.

Could it be that the legend only emerged during the Odin era?

"Legend? You mean the twilight of the gods?"

Malekis was surprised.

Qin Xiao felt relieved.

It’s fine if you have heard it, or else there’s no way to explain it to you.

"Yes, since you know the twilight of the gods, if you are alive, will you still have a chance to see the sun again by the day when the twilight of the gods?"

Qin Xiao was like a demon, and his voice kept echoing in Malekis' ears.

This thing is indeed possible.

Because Qin Xiao knew that when Odin passed away, it was the beginning of the dusk of the gods.

But this world seems to have been changed a bit by myself now.

How long will Odin survive? It's uncertain.

"No, it's impossible. The Twilight of the Gods has been legendary for a long, long time, but it has never appeared.

Maybe this is just a legend in itself.

Even, this may have been a strategy used by Asgard to paralyze other people in the Nine Realms.

Let everyone think that the gods will die, and let everyone gradually lose their vigilance while waiting for generations. "

In a blink of an eye, Malekis was full of unbelief in this legend.

He even thought it was a strategy in itself.

An Asgard's strategy against other people in the Nine Realms.

The point is that this statement still makes sense.

Longevity species like dark elves and frost giants are lurking in the waiting.

Short-term species like humans have forgotten the past after a few generations.

Many facts became legends at that time.

In this way, it is convenient for the people of Asgard to operate.

"Is it their strategy, don't you want to see it with your own eyes?

Since you have been waiting for 5000 years, can't you wait any longer?

There are actually two choices before you.

One is that you die now and never have a chance.

The other is to choose to live and wait for the opportunity that may exist.

You, who have been waiting for thousands of years, can't wait any longer, right?

Moreover, even if then you cannot see hope and the future.

Then it shouldn't be too late to end your own life. "

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Malekis fell into deep thought.

If you simply talk about these two options, this person is right.

One is that there is no chance, the other is to bet on the future with oneself.

One is to immediately destroy the entire family of dark elves.

The other is waiting for a glimmer of hope that may exist in the long future.

It is also possible that it is a deeper despair.

"Why are you helping us. 〃?"

Malekis asked what he wanted to know the most.

He didn't believe that this person would help himself for no reason.

Because, in fact, the opponent is obviously on Asgard's side.

Qin Xiao pointed to the two people who were fighting in the distance.

"The cursed warrior will only obey your orders. As a price for me to help you, you need to make the cursed warrior obey my arrangements.

If one day you really escaped from the dungeon of Asgard.

The cursed warrior had not been completely assimilated at that time.

Then I will return the cursed warrior to you. "

Qin Xiao made his request in a blink of an eye.

The cursed warrior is a powerful fighting force.

A super soldier who can squeeze Thor's explosive hammer.

He didn't even care about being stabbed by Loki to see through.

He, accepted by the darkness, really wants to gradually become one of the darkness.

If you can let the other party obey your orders for a period of time.

He has one more super combat power.

This combat power can not only accompany hatred, but also do other things.

This is the most reasonable use.

Moreover, Qin Xiao has a bold idea.

Since the dark elves want to return to the darkness so much.

Then throw them directly to Domam.

See what will happen to them.

When Malkis heard this request, he thought about it for a while.

"If I want to help them take out the ether particles, I can directly agree to their request. Why do I have to pass through your level in the middle?"

Malekis thought of this in a blink of an eye.

Under his own initiative, he can make a deal with Odin.

Why do you still need someone among you to intervene?

"It's okay, you can make a deal with them.

But what will happen to your people is not always certain.

For example, what will happen to this cursed warrior who will sacrifice himself for the dark elves, maybe. "

Qin Xiao was like a devil at this time.

If Malekis hadn't thought about continuing to survive, then he wouldn't care about the life and death of other dark elves.

But once he wants to survive and rebuild the glorious glory of the dark elves, then more dark elves are needed to survive.

As the last cursed warrior among the dark elves.

If it can persist until that day, it will be the most powerful combat power.

But it is more likely to be the day when the cursed warrior could no longer hold on.

But these are all hopes.

"I agree to your request and make such a promise for a misty future."

Malekis finally chose to agree.

Since the last time he was trying to pull the universe into darkness, he was able to sleep for 5000 years.

This time he was willing to wait forever.

If they can wait until the dusk of the gods, then maybe they still have a chance.

If you can't wait until the twilight of the gods, at best, you will wait for that period of time in vain.

"You made a wise choice. I believe it won't be long before you will discover how wise and hate your choice is. Stop it first."

Qin Xiao stopped the two big men who were still fighting.

When the cursed warrior saw Malkis, he was very excited.


The cursed warrior came to Malekis's side.

"This time we failed, and I still choose to stay lurking.

But it is impossible to escape and fall asleep as before.

This time I will wait for the destruction of Asgard in the dungeon of Asgard.

During this time, you first listen to him and listen to his commands.

If your assimilation can last until the day of victory, then the glory of the dark elf will be with you.

If in the end we do not wait until that day, then we will return to the darkness together.

At that time, we are still with you. "

Malekis gave new orders to the cursed warrior.

Obey Qin Xiao's orders.

The cursed soldier glanced at Qin Xiao.

"I know that I will try my best to wait until that day. If that day does not come, we will see you in the dark."

The cursed soldier made his choice.

After dealing with these things, Qin Xiao directly opened the portal and returned to the main hall of Asgard.

Sol was full of expectations at this time.

"Sol, next Malekis will take out the etheric particles.

But you have to make sure that their people can survive in prison. "

Qin Xiao looked formal.

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, Saul's face was full of surprise.

Jane Foster beside him was also surprised.

Take out this uncertain and unstable bomb in the body, so that she can be more at ease.

"." No problem, as long as he can do it, we Asgard have not abused prisoners."

Saul made his assurance.

Hearing Thor's assurance, Malekis turned his gaze to Jane Foster.

He stretched out his hand towards the opponent.

An invisible force directly floated Jane Foster in the air.

Immediately afterwards, something red like a liquid continuously permeated from Jane Foster's body.

This is the etheric particle.

Realistic gem among infinite gems.

The only remaining matter in the universe that can exist in a liquid state.

When all the etheric particles are expelled from Jane Foster's body.

Jane Foster fell directly to the ground without any force.

Saul held her on the side.

In the main hall of Asgard, the etheric particles are constantly changing shapes under the manipulation of Malekis.