Manual of Space-Time Interference

v2 Chapter 104

"According to the reporters stationed in Japan, since last night, Japan has carried out various terrorist attacks such as shootings and explosions in many places. Up to now, there are still cases of terrorist attacks in some areas. The following links to the scene. Reporter Wang Jing, let her bring us further information!"

The host on the TV said that the screen began to switch to a pedestrian street in Tokyo, Japan, but this area has been cordoned off by the police, the surrounding buildings have become dark, and firefighters and police are checking inside. At the same time, corpses continued to be carried out from the inside.

"Hello Wang Jing!"

"Hello, host!"

"Now, please tell us the details of the scene!"


Wang Jing seemed more capable, and she didn't show any timidity when facing the camera. After hearing the host's voice, she turned sideways to reveal the scenery behind her, and said at the same time,

"This is where the terrorist attack occurred. It is located on the XX Pedestrian Street in Tokyo, Japan. As you can see, the surrounding buildings and ground have been burned to black, and not far away is the wreckage of a fuel tanker."

The camera shot timely to the broken shop door next to it and the wreckage of the oil tanker in the distance.

"The fire was put out 30 minutes ago with the cooperation of the Japanese fire department, but you can still see the smoke coming out of some places. At the same time, the bodies of the victims have just been transported from the accident site!"

Wang Jing said, pointed to the firefighters who walked by carrying the corpse, and then turned back to the front of the camera, "The cause of the accident has not been officially stated by the Japanese police. At the same time, the number of victims and injuries The number of people is still being counted, and the above is all the reports I have brought."

"Thanks to reporter Wang Jing for the report, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, host!"

The picture on the screen was returned to the host by Wang Jing, the host paused, and then continued to say, "Terrorist attacks in Japan are still happening, and they are located in subways, stations, pedestrian streets, tourist attractions and other densely populated areas. Please pay close attention to all travelers who will be traveling to Japan!”

After speaking, the host put a piece of manuscript paper on his face to the ground, raised his head and continued, "According to a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, this morning, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of our country released a press conference. The following is the situation at the scene."

The picture on the screen was instantly transferred to the hall of a conference room, and the person standing on the podium in the center was Huaxia's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"I believe that everyone has now received news of more terrorist attacks in Japan. After our confirmation, some of our nationals were killed in this large-scale terrorist attack. I feel a moment of silence for this."

The Deputy Foreign Minister said, stood up, and bowed slightly. After being silent for 3 minutes, he slowly sat down.

"At the same time, we have issued a diplomatic protest to Japan. If Japan cannot maintain the security of its own territory, and cannot provide security for its citizens, then we will carry out a series of evacuation actions in response to this situation to ensure the safety of our nationals. Safety, and at the same time, please also ask the Chinese compatriots currently in Japan to contact the embassy in time when encountering any danger..."

The screen was cut back to the host. The host nodded and said,

"The above is all the news of this station. Thank you for watching the news broadcast. See you tomorrow!"

In a community, a middle-aged man watched what was broadcast on the news, switched several TV stations in a row, watched similar content and terrorist attacks in different locations, picked up the mobile phone next to him, and looked at the contacts above. dialed out,

"Xiaogang, come back quickly, no, contact the embassy, ​​Japan is in chaos right now, all are terrorist attacks, come back quickly..."

"Okay, Dad, I'll contact the embassy immediately and come back as soon as possible, don't worry!"


"Dialect, according to the intelligence officers, the police and underground forces all over Japan are looking for you, and all means of transportation out of Japan have been strictly blocked!"

"Am I in danger now?" Dialect said, wiped his face covered with water droplets with a towel, and walked out of the bathroom.

"They don't know your location at the moment, but the bad news is that there is a high probability that you will be exposed when you go out. At the same time, even if you don't go out, your location will be exposed soon."

"Why?" Dialect sat down on the wooden chair, opened the freshly soaked instant noodles next to him, and ate.


A simple name, but it is the largest gangster in Japan, the most rampant underground force, the dialect sucked the instant noodles into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it, letting out a satisfied sigh.

"So, now you can't go out at will, try to stay in this safe house as much as possible. We are already verifying the exposure of intelligence personnel, and at the same time, we are also exerting pressure on the Japanese conquest in many ways!"

"Then how should I go Also, what should I do with the few things I have here?" Fang Yan asked, bowing his head and picking out a bunch of instant noodles again, without showing any panic on his face.

"Those things need to be brought back by yourself. Your evacuation route has been planned and will be transmitted to your mobile phone later."


Dialect said, ate the last mouthful of instant noodles in the instant noodle box, drank the soup, put it down, leaned on the chair, turned on the TV and found that he couldn't understand anything, and turned it off again.

"In the afternoon, intelligence officers will bring everything you need now, including human skin masks, new ID documents, and some necessary items!"

"Send it to me?" Dialect tilted his head and asked, walking to the window, pulling the curtain quietly, and looking at the street below.

This is a slightly remote corner of Tokyo, and the buildings next to it are relatively low and cluttered.

"No, it will be delivered to your downstairs. Remember, don't trust any intelligence members in Japan! At the same time, pay attention to the surrounding environment and remember to keep in touch!"

Ling Ya's voice came, full of chills.

"Okay!" Dialect replied briefly, closed the slightly opened curtain, walked into the bedroom, opened the wardrobe, pressed a button, and dragged a box out of the compartment.

Enter the password to open it, and what is inside is a complete set of tactical equipment - micro punch, usp, magazine, tactical vest...

Dialect looked at it, took out the usp and two magazines inside, put the box back, and walked back into the living room, sat on the wooden chair, and carefully checked the usp... …
