Manual of Space-Time Interference

v2 Chapter 230: Wave 2

If the earth is the last fortress of mankind, then the earth is also the last tomb of mankind.

So from the perspective of aliens, how to quickly and safely colonize a planet with life that has initially entered the starry sky?

There are many ways, simple and complicated, but when the alien fleet is stationed in the universe, everyone also understands one thing, the aliens don't want to be as stupid as those movies.

The living force in the rest of the solar system was continuously eroded by it in three days, including the moon, including Io, including the base on Mercury...

And the earth, when countless meteors passed by that day, seemed to have been forgotten by them.


Earth Huaxia, Osaka City, Eastern Ying Province, four days have passed since the communication disappeared, but fortunately, the backup communication equipment of the army has returned to normal, so that everyone will not become deaf.

Egg fried rice is the main meal that Dialect eats at noon today. After three days of rebellion and riots, the whole city has gradually fallen into peace, perhaps it is a kind of dead silence floating with twilight.

Suddenly waking up at five o'clock in the morning seems to have become a habit of dialects, but today, he slept until nine twenty-five in the morning, which made him who usually wake up at the latest at eight o'clock. It felt incredible.

However, nothing unusual happened, the earth still rotates, and it may not care who is in charge of the earth...

As for what he should do, Dialect actually didn't think of it for granted. He thought about joining the army, but the army during this time period has no longer been expanded. It should also be for the sake of ensuring the combat effectiveness brought by discipline and integrity.

After slowly eating the hot egg fried rice, Dialect opened the door with his backpack on his back, and then hurried to the enemy at the material distribution point.

In fact, after the rebellion and riots ended, a small number of people returned to their homes one after another, making this somewhat gloomy community a little more lively. However, today, dialect did not see a few people. , the only ones are also listless, with a deep haggard and sallow color on their faces.

When we arrived at the previous material distribution point, this feeling was very obvious. The long queue in the past was very quiet today, there was no panic, and there was not too much gossip, which seemed particularly disturbing.

It was as if the world had changed overnight.

"Hey, buddy, today's the end..."

Fang Yan patted the person in front of him on the shoulder, but the person in front fell to the side in a daze.

Wouldn't this be a touch of porcelain?

The people on the ground began to twitch, their limbs began to dance involuntarily, foam kept coming out of their mouths, and then mixed with fresh blood, their eyes began to turn white, and the muscles of their faces tensed up...


"Murdered, someone killed here!"

The screams began to sound, and the side of the dialect became empty in an instant, and everyone began to stay away, which indeed tightly surrounded the dialect and the person on the ground.


The thought popped into Fang Yan's mind for the first time. He didn't believe that his light tap could make the person in front of him become like this. He quickly squatted down, and then quickly observed the situation of the man on the ground. , while continuing to carry out first aid measures.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" The non-commissioned officer from the material distribution point quickly rushed over and said quickly after seeing the situation of the man on the ground, "Medical officer, there is a patient here."

The extent of the convulsions became larger and larger, and the man's limbs began to twist and then deform, until finally, after a burst of convulsions, the man stopped completely, and the dialect pressed his chest a few times with the palm of his hand, but nothing As a result, his pupils have been completely dilated.

"Heartbeat stopped, pupils dilated!"

Dialect said quickly, and at the same time got up and gave the position to the medical officer, and asked him to do the last rescue for this man, but unexpectedly, at this time, several sudden screams sounded.

"Dead, dead..."

The crowd began to riot. Dialect looked around, and his brows began to wrinkle slightly. Then he stepped forward and rushed towards the enemy who was screaming, but was held down by the non-commissioned officer on his shoulder.

"You are an eyewitness, and we need your cooperation."

"I understand, I'll go over with you to have a look, I don't think it's normal." Fang Yan replied, the hand on his shoulder was finally released, he watched, and followed the non-commissioned officer's footsteps to the front Walking to, the soldiers around began to quickly control the order of the crowd, and at the same time, the dialect looked at the man who fell to the ground and twitched and took a breath.

The symptoms are exactly the same, but one is a relatively thin young man, and the other is an elderly man. At the same time, the surrounding order has not become calm due to the coordination and control of the military, but has become more and more panic.

"What are the symptoms?" the non-commissioned officer beside him asked, looking at the medical officer who was squatting on the ground and constantly testing.

"He is already dead. The symptoms are poisoning, or it may be a virus. I am testing." The medical officer said quickly,

"Let everyone go back first." Dialect said while looking at the noisy and chaotic people around him, and turned to look at the non-commissioned officer next to him, "If possible, you should let all your people open the interior of the power armor. Oxygen circulation system."

"Attention to all personnel, open the internal oxygen circulation system, we have been attacked by the virus, please arrange for the crowd on the street to return home as soon as possible, and deal with it according to the biochemical warfare, and the detailed order will be issued later!"

As soon as the dialect voice fell, an order also rang from the non-commissioned officer's power armor. The non-commissioned officer looked at the dialect in shock, and then quickly opened his internal oxygen circulation system.

"Arrange all the resident personnel to return home, all medical staff will be quarantined and destroyed, and all combatants will be in combat mode to prevent any riots!" ."

"Yeah! I understand!" Fang Yan nodded and replied, then followed the non-commissioned officer's footsteps to the army stationing point of this material distribution point, and behind him, panic and fear still spread among the crowd... …) Download Free Reader!!