Manual of Space-Time Interference

v2 Chapter 238: Ready at all the time!

When dialects are still learning about the information of this era and trying their best to learn how to be a "modern person" in the 2222, countless people are working hard for the future of the earth in various ways.

And this does not mean that the dialect has given up on himself, nor does it mean that he does nothing, and he is also worried, but he also knows that his worries will not be of any help, he has done what he can for this era. everything of.

If the aliens do hit the earth, he will also put on a set of power armor, and then take a gun, fight for himself and for mankind, until his death.

And now, he knows that he doesn't cause trouble, and not causing trouble is the greatest help to the Lion Wake Base and the world, although he still doesn't understand the things that are being arranged outside the Lion Wake Base.

But he just believed, or firmly believed, that winning this time was like a belief, as if he thought that Huaxia would definitely stand on top of the world, he knew - human beings can win!


A big play, the hasty opening, every member of the world, whether it is ordinary civilians or the rich in the rich class, is only a small role in it, but it is indispensable.

"Chairman, you need to rest!" Ke Sheng looked at Ma Donghai who was still upright and said, "You haven't slept for two days."

"Can you sleep?" Ma Donghai waved his hand and asked, his hoarse voice revealing deep exhaustion.

For two days, the east wind did not come, and the alien fleet still stayed in the orbit of Mars without the slightest movement. It seemed that they had already seen through the tricks of human beings.

"Chairman, you are the commander-in-chief, and your body must not have any abnormality." Ke Sheng took a breath and said, the sunken eye sockets and heavy bags under the eyes all proved the man's exhaustion at this time.

"When I used to be a soldier, it was trivial to not sleep for three days." Ma Donghai raised his hand and motioned Ke Sheng not to talk too much about this matter.

Time passes little by little, if we infer from normal data results, in the absence of vaccines, it is now on the verge of extinction of human beings. At this point in time, 95% of the people on the earth have died because of the virus. The population, and this number, will be infinitely close to 100% in the next few hours.

"Everything is ready, I only owe the east wind, but where is the east wind..." Ma Donghai whispered to himself in a low voice. He used to be in charge of China, and he was used to seeing the ups and downs of the officialdom, and the intrigue between countries. He also felt heavy at this moment as he twisted and twisted in the undeserved Earth Federation.

He finally understood the feeling of powerlessness in the history books in the early days of the founding of the country, the feeling that even if he suffered and suffered, he could only silently hold back.

Dongfeng does not agree with Zhou Lang, Tongquechun locks Erqiao deeply...

"Ke Sheng, are our weapons and equipment ready?" Ma Donghai exhaled, then turned to his chief of staff and asked.

"It's all placed in the equipment room, and you can directly equip it when you need it." Ke Sheng said, and slowly fell silent.

"it is good!"

Ma Donghai replied loudly, as if he wanted to give himself a little more confidence, and then turned around again to look at the big screen in front of him, looking at the orbit of Mars without any movement on it, because the alien fleet was hiding on the back of Mars at the moment.

Time passed slowly in this quiet and tense atmosphere. Ma Donghai closed his eyes. At this moment, nearly three days had passed since the vaccine was issued. , then they may never have a chance to wake up again.

"Give the order, launch..." Ma Donghai opened his eyes, then turned his head and said slowly, but unexpectedly a loud scream interrupted his words.

"Appeared, appeared, the alien fleet appeared!" said the staff who had been observing, and then quickly zoomed in on a corner of Mars' orbit, a little silver and white was slowly flashing, and finally completely appeared in the conference room in the eyes of all.

"The direction, speed and distance of the opponent's travel are being calculated, and the data has been displayed!"

"Pangu's assessment has been completed. The other party's first destination should be in Huaxia Yanjing, but I don't know if the other party will land on the ground!"

"Wake up the first echelon and hide in time!" Ma Donghai shouted loudly, "All data are updated synchronously, Li Jie, are you ready!"

"Everything we do is to wait for this moment, report to the chief, and be ready at all times!" A firm voice sounded in the conference room, as if it gave everyone a reassurance.

"Ranger fleet?"

"Ready at all the time!"

"The ground-based defense system is running normally, the Pangu system is running normally, and the electromagnetic attack force is ready!" The staff next to him quickly reported, and then looked at Ma Donghai, who was standing alone in the middle of the conference room, and said resolutely, "Chairman, we are always ready. Go!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Ma Donghai called ok three times in a row, then raised his head, trying his best to hide the tears in his and then wiped it and said, "All The personnel are in their respective positions and prepare all relevant matters to prevent any mistakes!"

"The alien fleet still has 32 minutes and 15 seconds to reach the orbit of the Earth and the Moon, and it is expected to reach the strikeable range within an hour!" The worker next to him continued to report.

"Until I give an order, everyone can't reveal any of our combat intentions. We played a big game, and then we have to give the aliens a big gift!" Ma Donghai said seriously.



A series of responses sounded in this conference room. Ma Donghai squinted his eyes, his originally upright body became more upright at this moment, and the tiredness and exhaustion on his face disappeared in an instant.

Time was slowly beating again, and the entire battle room began to freeze before the storm came, but this storm was not facing the earth, because the weather outside finally cleared away the gloomy days, revealing that it had not been seen for a long time. of bright sunshine.

Everything is ready, the east wind has come...

"The alien fleet is 120,000 kilometers away from the earth, and the distance is constantly approaching, 110,000 kilometers..."

"The alien fleet is currently parked in geosynchronous orbit, facing Huaxia Yanjing, and is currently dispatching small reconnaissance aircraft!" The staff next to them quickly reported the real-time movements of the alien fleet.

"Order!" Ma Donghai said solemnly, "The Ranger fleet will take off immediately and quickly head to the target theater!"

"Turn on the high-frequency particle jamming equipment, turn on the ground-based defense system, the Pangu system immediately launches kr agent missiles, and the electromagnetic attack troops immediately fire, hit me hard, hit hard!") Download the free reader!!