Manual of Space-Time Interference

v2 Chapter 304: touch

"Ramon, report the situation?"

At the corner of the stairs, the dialect asked softly,

"Everything is normal, sir, the detection equipment has reached the designated position, the working condition is normal, and the escape route has been set..."

"Stand by!" Fang Yan said softly, then turned around and continued to walk upstairs, showing a natural sense of discomfort in the face of the surprised eyes of the students who came and went.

"Den! Deng!"

Fang Yan tapped twice with his hand, then opened the door and walked in. Looking at the eyes in the room focused on himself, he became a little anxious and asked unnaturally, "Excuse me, who is Teacher Hu Ming? "


Hu Ming in the corner raised his hand, Dialect looked at him and walked over, nodding secretly at the numerous but neat documents and books on the table.

He knew who Hu Ming was, but in disguise, he had to regard himself as a real single father, a construction worker with little knowledge facing the cement.

"Hello Mr. Hu, I'm here to ask about the transfer... procedures, my child is him." Dialect said, a little anxious and scratching his head, Hu Ming looked at it and smiled, then picked up the water glass to the drinking water next to him The machine picked up a glass of water.

"Speak slowly, sit first, what's your surname, eldest brother?" Hu Ming handed the water glass to Dialect, and then sat down on the chair again.

"My name is Xiong Benqi, and my child's name is Xiong Hui." Fang Yan took a sip of the water from the cup, then held it in his hand, looking at Hu Ming and continued, "I just came to ask about the transfer, my child is in Danxia. Danqiu High School in the city is studying, I work here, and there is no one to take care of him there, so I just want him to come here to study."

Frowning his brows, Hu Ming said, "If it's about transferring schools, Brother Xiong, you should go to the Admissions Office and ask. After all, I'm not responsible for this."

"Then I heard that you can choose a class, right?" Dialect asked anxiously.

"Yes, yes, but it still depends on whether your child can pass the transfer test." Hu Ming replied, looking at Xiong Benqi who was a little embarrassed, and smiled kindly, "Well, Brother Xiong, I have more here. In a little time, you can talk about your child's situation, and I can also give you some advice."

"I don't have much contact with my children, but I sometimes call their head teacher to ask. I heard from the head teacher that he has a good attitude in learning, works very hard, and his grades are considered to be above average." Dialect said. , there was a bit of bitterness on his face, "My ex-wife and I divorced early, and the child was alone in Danxia with no one to take care of, so I thought that he would be with me to make his grades better."

"Yeah!" Hu Ming listened and nodded.

"I saw on the Internet that a family environment is very helpful to the child's study, so I want him to come to Nanzhou, it will be better." Dialect said, "To tell you the truth, I am a construction worker, I'll let my son not be like me first."

He glanced at the slightly torn cuffs of the suit and the mud-stained canvas shoes on his feet. He was wearing an unsuitable outfit that was haggard because he hadn't slept for two days. Hu Ming said, "Xiong. Big brother, the hearts of parents, we can all understand that the child's promising future is also the greatest comfort to us in the future."

"Yeah..." Seemingly finding something in common, Dialect sighed, letting go of the original sense of crampedness, "I just wanted to ask first, what needs to be paid attention to when transferring to another school."

"As long as it is excellent in both character and study, it is actually fine." Hu Ming replied, and then looked at the dialect, "Well, Brother Xiong, if you decide to transfer your child to our No. 1 Middle School, I can apply for a He came to audit, the progress of our school has always been faster than the usual class, let him get used to it first and then prepare for the entrance test, but you need to ask the admissions department about the relevant procedures for transfer."

"What's the point of that..."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, it's all for the sake of the children, and there's nothing difficult about it, but Big Brother Xiong, I want to remind you that the teaching of our No. Most people can't make it through, I think you need to think about this." Hu Ming said, turning his head to look at the clock next to him, then back to the somewhat embarrassed dialect, and tore off a piece of paper from the side.

"This is my communication code. If you decide to let your child turn over, you can contact me if you need my help." Hu Ming said, handing the piece of paper to Dialect, "I'm going to class first."

"That's troublesome Teacher Hu!" Fang Yan seemed to be looking back at Hu Ming who stood up, put the communication code in his pocket and thanked him constantly, and also got up and walked outside.

"It's okay, our teachers are also for the students." Hu Ming smiled and pointed to the classroom not far away, "I'll go to class first, go to the admissions office and ask the teacher in charge about the transfer procedures. 203."

"Thank you, I'll contact you later!"

Dialect waved and called out, exhaled, and when the class bell rang, he glanced left and right, and then walked downstairs. Go to a shopping mall a few kilometers away.

"Ramon, is there anything unusual?"

"No sir, everything is fine!"

Dialect washed all the things on his face in a bathroom, then took out a set of casual clothes from his backpack and put it on his body, put on his glasses, and then walked outside. The black bag was thrown into the trash can.

"Have the surveillance records been cleaned up?" Dialect asked, walked into a nearby teahouse, ordered a pot of tea and drank it leisurely, just like a middle-aged man who was spending his leisure time in the afternoon.

"All surveillance records regarding Kumamoto's identity have been deleted, and the identity information and related accounts have been eliminated, leaving no trace."

"Yeah!" Dialect nodded and sat in the teahouse, slowly tasting the tea leaves grown on this Blue Star. There was not much bitterness, it was plain as usual, but he was happy.

The original idea was to contact everyone in the Red Army through a wristwatch, but the communication relay was destroyed, leaving the dialect without a separate line, unless the line was transferred through Ramon on the dark blue.

Not to mention the risk, the dialect is not afraid to completely determine their status now. After all, there is a police chief on top of it. Whether this is a skill or something else, he doesn't know...

Trouble, it's not so troublesome. Personal contact can help him learn more. Judging from the information that Dialect has just learned from his contact with Hu Ming, Hu Ming is acting very normal. , a large number of books about other history of Blue Star appear to be brand new, which proves that he has not read too much.

There is a faint sense of indifference and distrust in the eyes of the people around him, including the opposite dialect, but the bookish aura on his body hides this very well.

There is some lack of sleep, the fingers always tap unintentionally, the index finger and **** are slightly tilted, as if they are holding something, usually there should be not much talk, and the relationship with the people around them should be relatively indifferent. This can be achieved through dialect when entering the door. The other two teachers were talking, while Hu Ming was reading other books on the desk, and the desk was located in the corner, not by the window, so you could see it...

"Ramon, what is Hu Ming doing now?" Dialect asked, tapping on the table and looking out the window. From all angles, Hu Ming should not have been exposed, and the death of his adoptive parents was just an accident.

"In class, the screen has been transferred..."



"Okay, everyone, remember to be careful when you go back, remember to complete the homework assigned by the teachers of each subject, and now the get out of class is over!" Hu Ming said, looking at the students who couldn't hold back, shook his head, packed up his lesson plans, picked up The textbook that he hadn't read for several years went to the office.

"Lao Liu, do you want to go to the two at night..."

"Okay, how many?"

"Lao Zhang and the others, don't study for the night..." After discussing with several teachers in the office, Hu Ming glanced at him and walked to his desk alone.

"Old Would you like to go together, just our teachers?"

"Forget it, I haven't slept very well in the past two days. I'm going back to rest. I just didn't watch the evening self-study today." Hu Ming replied with a smile, and put the teaching materials in a pile of books next to him.

"Then another day!"

The man shouted politely, Hu Ming shook his head, picked up his jacket from the chair, stepped out of the office door and walked towards the parking lot, then stepped into the car and exhaled slowly.

He touched his pocket subconsciously, but Hu Ming stopped abruptly, and then slowly lifted it up...

A piece of paper, an icon, an address.

Taking a breath, Hu Ming raised his head slightly and closed his eyes, then opened his head slightly and glanced around at the next moment. Then he put down the piece of paper and started the car to drive outside the school.

On a highway, the window of a car opened abruptly, a hand stretched out, and a piece of burning paper slowly fell in the air as it stretched back, and turned into ashes at the moment of landing... …