Maoshan Ghostbusters

Chapter 1627: Do you need to pinch your neck to talk w

Sister Zhang smiled, "No! It's not a contradiction at all. What I just said is that there are three call records with Manager Liu on your mobile phone. You can hear it clearly. It is a record of three calls, not a record of three outgoing calls. Manager Liu called you on the initiative."

Now, Wu Yingying was really dizzy.

"Did Manager Liu take the initiative to make the three calls?"

"Yes, I have to regret to tell you that this is the case. So you didn't ask for leave with Manager Liu at all last night, did you? You didn't discuss any customer matters with Manager Liu either?"

Wu Yingying collapsed completely, covered her face, and started crying.

"Hey, Wu Yingying, we are talking well, why are you crying? When you cry, others think I bullied you."

Wu Yingying couldn't answer, so she continued to cry.

"Wu Yingying, don't patronize and cry, I ask you something, and you answer me, where did you go last night? Are you with Manager Liu?"

"Sister Zhang, stay away from me and stop forcing me."

"Ah, I didn't force you. I asked your questions and you answered me."

At this moment, Wu Yingying has collapsed, how dare she look at Sister Zhang again?

Sister Zhang leaned forward and stared at Wu Yingying's neck for a long time.

"What are you doing with my neck?"

Wu Yingying unconsciously covered her neck with her hand.

"It's okay, I just have a casual look. By the way, you just ran into Manager Liu's office, why did you go?"

"I need to ask him about the customer yesterday."

"Oh, did he give you specific opinions?"

"Of course I did. He said let me not be impatient. In many cases, I need to wait patiently, because the customer is our food and clothing parents, so I can't be too hasty."

Sister Zhang sneered, "Wu Yingying, you are lying again."

"Where did I lie?"

"Do you need to pinch your neck to talk with Manager Liu about customers?"

"What are you talking about while pinching your neck? What are you talking about?"

"You don't need to cover your neck with your hands anymore. I can see clearly. You have clear fingerprints on your neck. The fingerprints are still fresh. They should have just been pinched out."

Wu Yingying hurriedly talked nonsense, "Oh, this fingerprint, I caught it last night and pinched it myself."

Several female colleagues who had been watching the theater immediately said in unison, "No, Wu Yingying, you lied again. Before you walked into Manager Liu's office, there were no marks on your neck at all."

Now, Wu Yingying got anxious and jumped up and shouted, "Hey, are you all free? What is on my neck has something to do with you? Why are you staring at me?"

Sister Zhang coughed and coughed, "Wu Yingying, I have reminded you just now that everything we are doing now is to make Manager Liu correct his work attitude and not to have improper behavior with female subordinates in the office during working hours."

"Wow, what is wrongdoing? Are you really good at bullshit?"

"We are not talking nonsense. You stayed in Manager Liu's office for 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes, what did you two do in it? How would we know?"

"We didn't do anything. If you don't believe me, you can ask Manager Liu himself."

"You don't need to ask him, you two must have already discussed, offensive and defensive alliance, unanimously to the outside. Since you refuse to admit that you were with Manager Liu last night, then you can talk about what you did in the office with Manager Liu just now. "

Wu Yingying was forced to a corner, so she wiped away her tears and began to fight back.

"Sister Zhang, you are just a clerk. Why do you keep asking about my personal affairs over and over again? You don't think of yourself as a manager? I know you want to be a manager. Unfortunately, Director Xie always favors boys. Women, never take women seriously, so even if the women in the office are outstanding and men are scumbags, Director Xie will still support scumbags to the position, such as Manager Liu's superior. And your ability is better than Manager Liu A woman who can only be a subordinate of Manager Liu. This is the reality."

Sister Zhang rattled her teeth with hatred.

Wu Yingying knew that she had hit her sore spot, and immediately laughed triumphantly.

"Wu Yingying, anyway, you and Manager Liu mess around with men and women in the office, it just can't do!"

"Sister Zhang, you are already a little old, I hope you speak a little bit of precision, which one of your eyes saw me and Manager Liu messing around in the office?"

The two of them were arguing, and they were waiting to quarrel, when they suddenly saw Director Xie walking out of the office with a dark face.

"Sister Zhang, come here."

Sister Zhang had to pouting her lips, and followed Director Xie into the office.

"Sister Zhang, sit down."

Director Xie sat behind the desk and lit a cigarette.

"Director, what are you looking for?"

"Sister Zhang, are you always dissatisfied with Manager Liu's promotion?"

"No, Manager Liu is shrewd and strong, young and vigorous, and gets along well with customers. The colleagues' comments on Manager Liu are very good."

When Director Xie heard this, he patted the table, "Well, what else are you unconvinced about? Picking things up in two days and encouraging the people below to mess around. You're not too young anymore, it's time to converge. ."

Sister Zhang sneered, "Director Xie, I was interrupted by you before I finished speaking. Manager Liu is indeed young and promising, but it's a pity that his private life is not proper and he plays with female staff in the office. That Wu Yingying is now Are you pregnant?"

Director Xie slapped the table with anger, "You! Shut me up."

Sister Zhang continued, "Dr. Xie, I know that you held Manager Liu with one hand. He is your cronies. We are all raised by stepmothers. You don’t usually bother to look at us with your straight eyes. However, since Manager Liu Once the scandal has been done, don’t be afraid of others saying it. Many things can’t be covered or covered. It’s better to let colleagues know the truth earlier. Director Xie, there’s a problem with your own dog, so don’t look for it. It’s really interesting that the dog came to me for a problem."

Director Xie is also a very eloquent person, but at this time she was choked into speechless by Sister Zhang.

"Okay, Director, I should go back to work. This manager Liu, it's really nerve-wracking, he can cover everything, but this woman has a big belly, how can I cover it? She's already vomiting and pregnant. Why is it more than a month? In another half a year, Wu Yingying's belly can't be covered."

Sister Zhang finished speaking, yawned, and walked out of the office lazily.

Director Xie stomped his feet with anger, "Sister Zhang, I'm really afraid that the world will not be chaotic."