Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece

Chapter 168: G-Ten Branches!

Gaya, G10 branch!

Due to the wave brought by the existence of the empty island, the few residents in Moku Town have basically left, and only a few nail households were also asked to be polite after the Navy began to establish a branch. Gaya Island.

The "G" series branches are not ordinary small branches in the territory of the participating countries. They are large war hubs that block the routes and clear the pirates. They are the headquarters of the Navy. Dinghai Shenzhen!

The places where the major general manages the overall situation are not so much the "Navy Branch" as the "Navy Offices in XX", the two sides are not at a level at all!

For security reasons, residents of Gaya Island must evacuate for no reason.

However, there are no "ordinary" people living in this place in Moku Town. If the Navy earnestly investigates, will the death penalty advance the city?

Choose one.

He drove the navy to show no mercy, and the perpetrators shot dead in public to make a difference.

Above the "tooth" of Gaya Island, a huge white fortress stood up, modeled after the eaves tower of the Naval Headquarters, stacked on top of each other in a trapezoidal shape, towering and majestic. Outside the wall, the outer wall of the island cloud is painted with the dark character "G-10", and the naval flag flying high in the square in front of it announces the position here.

The unique shape and material of Toshimashima made the G10 branch look as white as jade, gorgeous and majestic, and under the fascinating appearance, it contains killings that cannot be ignored. The soft soil and clouds dotted the island, making the G10 branch seem to float on a cloud, standing on the side of the fortress paved with mud clouds, you can feel the softness of the clouds and dirt on your feet. The transplanted trees and flowers are planned everywhere, adding a touch of beauty to this gorgeous.

The "tooth" of the island of Gaya has not changed much. Such a favorable terrain allows the G10 branch to have several natural docks, which can be equipped with a small amount of warships for thousands of troops.

At the same time, because the "upper and lower jaws" are separated and the area is not large or small, the terrain of the teeth at the lower jaw is reserved for the landing area of ​​the empty boat. At this time, a group of people are busy loading a bag of mud onto the empty boat.

As a security adviser of the airboat force, Kulick successfully explored the best route to the port of Angel Island. The 10 branches were added with the island cloud building materials provided by Gan Fowl, and excavated the foundation to build the port. Let them take it away, this is the last batch. The rest needs to be transported from all over the place. After all, the area of ​​Gaya Island is not large, and there is not so much dirt to send to the sky island.

"Kurick consultant! It's finished!"

士兵 A soldier ran over with sweat, saying after saluting.

"Well, I see ... Go ask the sailor again and make sure it will not rain today."

The matter of flying over the air island should not be careless. Their transport airships are not as strong as those of war airships. Now they carry dozens of tons of cargo, and no leak will survive. After arranging the soldiers, Kurik looked up into the sky, and suddenly frowned.

"What are those shadows?"

In the sky, elliptical shadows were slowly floating, as if a group of whales wandered above the White Sea, casting black spots on the ground.

"There are no airboats to return today ... Is it ?!"

Kulik thought strangely.

At this moment, a harsh alarm came from the fortress, and a large number of soldiers rushed out from all corners of the fort to clear the empty boat port. Except for the position occupied by the transport of the airboat, the port at the jaw was eleven steps, and no flies could fly in. A cold gun was carried by the soldiers on his shoulders, facing the scorching sun, his eyes excited.

On the other side, a small boat approached the warship port at the upper jaw, and the major major, who temporarily managed the G10 branch, was neatly dressed, and rushed over to this side without his beloved sabre.

"Major Donte!"

Kulik welcomed him. The two sides are now colleagues and their friendship is not bad.

"Kurick, are you ready to transport the airboat?"

Wu Dongte greeted him warmly and asked.

"It's over, you can take off at any time. But look at this posture ... it seems correct that you didn't take off!"

Over the island of Gaya, at this moment, a blue whale that is obviously different from the transport airboat penetrates the clouds and descends from the sky! The slightly thin body has a large number of plasma cannons hidden inside, and the dense square protective outer armor can make people feel the iron blood murderous!

If the more bulky and fat transport airboat is the buffalo on the grassland, it is huge and strong. Those batches of empty boats are the lions swarmed by eagles and wolves! With fangs and claws, tear the throat of all prey!

Shocked by this momentum, the various harbors quickly quieted down, and the soldiers locked the airboat with reverence and excited eyes, and the breathing and heartbeat were clear and audible.

To this, Dongte smiled.

"Yeah ... you know that General Ron's temper, if the transport airboat is blocked on the course they landed on, he will definitely order to sink you, even if there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance of collision.

Kulik: "..."

"Hahaha, kidding! How could you hit Shen Youjun!"

Wu Dongte patted Kulik on the shoulder, making the latter feel more ashamed.

He really didn't think it was a joke!

Well, this is not surprising.

A few months ago when Gaya Island was cleared, the gorgeous Thunder Penalty had long established Ron's reputation as "Iron Blood Officer".

He is not a complete naval hawk, but he is even more brutal than the hawks to the enemy!

Even if the pirate group was destroyed because of Ace, no one went out to preach. But the fact that "no one escaped" also made many forces in the sea re-recognize Ron's power and ruthlessness.

This point, whether it is the navy or the pirate, is very clear!

Uh ...

G-10 fortress, base chief's office.

"At present, the branch can mobilize 5,600 soldiers, including 700 airboat troops, 1100 airboat transport troops, 2,500 soldiers below Corporal ... Number of warships ... artillery ... plasma guns ..."

In this office, which is dominated by blue like the sea and sky, Dongte led the chief executives of all parts, with respectful expressions, and reported to Ron, who was sitting behind his desk, all the data of the branch. After talking about the basic data, Dongte glanced at Kulick and continued.

"In addition, there were 120 responders sent by Angel Island, including 20 priests and 100 attendants, who temporarily lived in temporary dormitories built behind the fortress."

Angel Island, due to the lack of Aini Road invasion, the clergy is still the clergy, the number is large, but not more than 100. Gan Fauer sent 20 of them out for this, showing its importance. You must know that in addition to the Angel Island priests, in addition to being able to flexibly use various shellfish to use the "sky warfare", their physical fitness must also meet the standards. The strength of a single priest is not weaker than that of the major navy.

"Well, if they don't have an opinion, let them live there for the time being ... there will be any questions in the future."

Ron slowly nodded, turned over the information in his hand, and put it down after confirming that it was correct.

"There are only two missions at the base!"

"First, arm!"

"Daily patrols and night duty must not be neglected. The G10 branch has just been established and is awaiting revival ~ ~ We do not seek for merit, but we do not seek for it, understand ?!"

Ron slightly aggravated his tone. He was majestic, a group of officers with a solemn expression and neat salute.

"I understand!"

很好 "Very good! The second task is for you to do, Donte."

"Although the airboat force is powerful and powerful, it has not experienced actual combat, and cooperation in all aspects has been slow and dry. I will give you three months to take them out to clean up the surrounding waters, and I will completely reshape this force into a sharp knife!"

This transfer did not surprise the rest. Ron, as the strongest combat force and the highest officer of the branch, only served as the commander of the airboat force. The big G10 branch required him to sit in the town, and it was impossible to follow every action. Therefore, it is imperative to arrange a real command that is trustworthy and has commanding ability and strength.

Most of the officers of the 10G10 branch were an old group of members who had followed Ron to Haipuke. Although Dongte was young, he had already proven his ability and was in the same period as Ron. It was normal for him to give him the command.

Xu Wenyan, Dongte stepped forward and stood saluting.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Very good, then that's it! Dissolve!"

After finishing the task, Dongte and others quickly went out to complete Ron's account. Ron found out the cigar and took a breath after lighting it.

At this time, his eyes were on the "black" guy who said nothing from the door and said quietly, "So, what are you doing to me?‘ War ghost ’Weber ...”


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