Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece

Chapter 702: Closed! Pirate annihilation! (one three)

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha, young people, work is starting! Put all the valuable stuff on board! The blockers are killed without amnesty!"


"Understand, Captain!"

On an unknown island, once a small town with a comfortable life because it was adjacent to the Navy ’s steel line of defense, it is now surrounded by many faces. The faces of Zhang Mo's thugs with a violent laughter raised their hands to the residents in solitude. Machete.

The fire burned everything, and the streets were covered with the blood of innocent people. The streets that had been visited by people a few minutes ago were instantly cleared, leaving only the helpless sorrow of the weak and the pungent **** stench.

No matter how lofty the ideological state of the guides of the times, it cannot change the inherent inferiority root of the group of "pirates".

On the hillside behind the town, an assassination force intelligence officer lay expressionlessly in the grass and remained immobile of the terrible massacre below.

It wasn't that he was ruthless by nature, it was just that he was used to such a scene and his nerves tended to numb.

"Whiteblade Pirates ...? Didn't expect to have reached here."

"Sure enough, the predictions of adults are correct. These guys want to take advantage of this period of looting and scramble for this."

Silently wrote the name of the Pirates in the notebook. The intelligence officer took out the phone bug and dialed out.

"So ..."

"It's time for the trial, Pirates!"


Bruble ... Bruble ...

Naval Command Center, Shampoo Islands.

"I see, you are ready."

Hanging up the phone, Ron found a nail and pinched it on the map.

In the center of the map on the wall, a large area is covered by red lines and pushpins, and the overall appearance is a circle.

Those pirates who wantonly robbed them are completely unaware that at this moment they have fully entered the siege of the navy and the real war is coming.

By connecting the island represented by this pin with the surrounding islands, the spirit of the crowd in the command room was refreshed.

"Are you going to start? Ron!"

The red dog bit his cigar and asked, his eyes were full of killing.

In response, Ron didn't rush to answer, thinking silently with his chin. After a moment, he took out a marker of another color and made marks at the positions marked as navy.

Not long after, a circle of enveloping nets that even a fool could understand appeared around the red area. Those dense numbers represented the number of mobilizable troops in each place. Before, people could see the fog in the clouds, but in Ron's Under the series, people can understand the charm.

It's an art!

The art of war!

He couldn't hide the shock on his face. From Ron's calm but not slow movement at this time, she saw the courage that can only be seen from the Warring States.

Each step is calm and unrestrained, and the pirates have no regrets. The pirates are included in the trap little by little, and even the attack direction has been determined for each unit.

"Three places ..."

Suddenly, Ron threw it with one hand, and three markers flew out and stuck on the map.

"These are the three places where we have the least military strength, and the places where the annihilation war is most likely to happen."

"The two distant positions are held by me and General Huang Ape respectively. I will leave it to you, Marshal!"

Upon hearing that, the ape's wry smile piled on his face, and he rubbed his messy hair: "Well, it really makes people call, Ron."

But who calls him a sparkling fruit power?

The Navy can reach hundreds of kilometers in a short time to reach the battlefield, except Ron.

Chigui said with no expression, solemnly as if vowing: "No accident!"

"This time, we are going to win a perfect victory, understand ?!"



With the order of the Red Dog, all of a sudden, a warship stepped out of its hiding place and began to move in a predetermined direction.

They have to rush to the established position in the shortest time, cooperate with their companions to form a circle, and wash the shame of these three days with the blood of pirates.

On the sea, the white-bladed pirates who just completed the raid sang loudly, and the stolen treasure was stained with blood and accumulated on the deck. Gold and red reflected each other, making it easy for people to feel the soul of the contaminated above.

"Oh ha ha ha ha ha, it's been so long!"

"Yes, Captain, if it wasn't for the navy's stupid contraction of defense, we would still be hiding in Tibet outside!"

"That's it!"

The captain of the White Blade Pirate Group, Joost, laughed and looked at the distant ocean: "This sea is our pirates!"

"Navy? What a fart!"

"Small boys, keep going, the next island is in front, all of them will cheer up Lao Tzu!"


"Ha ha ha ha, but Captain, you have already robbed so much, you may not be able to fit it again!"

"Throw the worthless, aren't you stupid?"

Joust laughed.

As a pirate, it is such a pleasant thing to be able to grab the treasure that a ship can't hold.

The golden light was too dazzling. Jost looked at the sun in the sky and felt Jin Chancan's, seeming to have an illusion.

and many more……

Jin Chancan? !!

Joust's pupils suddenly shrank, and he shouted, "Be careful, enemy attacks ..."

Hmm ... rumbling! !! !!

A thick golden laser of a bucket fell from the sky, and after a half-second silence, a mushroom cloud exploded on the sea surface instantly.

Above the sky, the apes drew their fingers indifferently and pouted: "It's just like a farmland that has never been sprayed with medicine. There are rats everywhere!"

Turning silently to move on, the ape's mouth suddenly lifted: "It is indeed Ron, this is a feast of the navy!"

Pirates are densely packed in this small area.

At his speed, for a while, you will see a pirate ship.

This is perfect for a navy who is used to chasing around to arrest and destroy a group of pirates. This area of ​​the sea is exactly a big cake, which can be enjoyed quickly.

Nicole Robin's prediction has come true. It's true that it's a great pleasure ~ ~ It's just that the person who can really enjoy a great meal and a full meal is the Navy.

"Next, I should rush to my destination as soon as possible."

In other words, the yellow apes crossed their hands and ejected a golden prism, allowing them to fly quickly.

The pirates anticipated that their actions would lead to a naval counterattack, but they never thought that the naval counterattack would come from all directions.

This means that they are in the ambush of the enemy!

The navy deliberately contracted the line of defense to entice them into the hinterland!

But no doubt, it's too late to understand now ...

In recent days, the hustle and bustle of robbery has not yet dissipated, and the terrible steel warrior erected a fence to block the sea.

Some people calculated it a little and found that this time the pirates trapped in the naval siege occupied more than half of the previous pirate coalition, and the number exceeded one million! !!

If they come together, they will definitely be able to break through and break through successfully.

But because they were tempted by their interests, they were all scattered in this area and fought each other. In the face of the navy's sudden counterattack, none of the pirates could successfully escape.

Fight the navy's strong guns with a weak wooden sailing boat, and you can imagine the end.

This is a naked slaughter!

There is only one order from the navy, and that is to wipe out the pirates!

Instantly, the world heard it.

It was a shocking reversal!

Obviously it was the pirates who deflated the navy's shrunk defense, but the style changed abruptly, and they turned into pirates.

This battle, the grand scene is unprecedented!

But there is no doubt that it will end with the complete victory of the Navy.

Pirates, however, have to pay millions of lives and become stepping stones for the Navy to erect tusks.

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