Marshal’s Cannon Fodder Spouse [Transmigration]

Chapter 131: Ending (11)

As a medium for manipulating mechas, mental power is of course extremely powerful, but it is also very fragile. As a mecha designer, Duan Hengye clearly knows how many years and generations of hard work it took for people in the interstellar era to successfully connect the mecha with mental power. Although Duan Hengye didn't have a very specific understanding of the history of the interstellar, but only what he knew so far, countless people have lost their lives because of unsuccessful mental power experiments.

That's right-loss of life. The mental power-related equipment that is in trial period is very dangerous. Once something other than that occurs during operation, it will not only damage the user's mental power, but also directly damage his brain and life. Meng Jinhuai was the marshal of the empire, and even a soldier. No one understood the preciousness and fragility of spiritual power better than him. But Wen Xunyin now tells Duan Hengye that Meng Jinhuai is using a dangerous instrument related to mental power that is still in the experimental period because of himself.

After saying the words just now, Duan Hengye heard that Wenxun on the other side became nervous because of his breathing. Obviously Wen Xun had wanted to hide it from himself because of this incident... Seeing that Duan Heng did not speak for a long time at night, Wen Xun, who was feeling a little nervous, finally started to tentatively speak, "Professor Duan... this matter. What they didn't tell you was that I couldn't help...but you can rest assured that there is no problem with the instrument and it is working well now."

Duan Hengye's mood was a little better because of Wenxun's appearance, but only after he told himself about the instrument and Meng Jinhuai's mental power, Duan Hengye's mood fell to the bottom again. Of course, Duan Hengye knew that since the instrument could use mental power as a medium to contact him, and it worked well during this period of time, it proved that there was nothing wrong with it. But despite this, Duan Hengye is still worried about this.

Seeing that Duan Hengye did not speak, Wen Xunyin continued: "...This is Professor Duan. The instrument in the institute plays the role of guidance. Now it can be seen from our monitoring data that your mental strength The volatility of China is still somewhat abnormal, so it is not suitable for the next step."

Duan Hengye can drive a mecha, so he knows that a person's strong mood swings will also affect his mental power. Now, facing his own funeral, how can Duan Hengye calm down? "Okay, I know." Duan Hengye returned like this. At this time, Wen Xun, who was far away in another parallel time and space, was looking intently at the light brain in front of him. He did not tell Duan Hengye. At this time, the other party’s mental power is "unstable" and can be briefly summarized. It seems more appropriate to use the word "chaos".

It's just that Duan Hengye's ability to hide emotions is indeed strong. Wenxun noticed that although the other's mental power fluctuates extremely abnormally, his voice is still so calm. So after listening to Duan Hengye’s words, Wen Xunyin was silent for a moment, then hesitated and said to him: "Okay... Then Professor Duan, we will monitor your mental energy data in real time. When the data is stable, I will contact you again."

"Okay." Duan Hengye said to him while slowly adjusting his breathing.

When the contact was temporarily suspended, Duan Hengye's ears returned to peace. He saw that the lawn not far away was full of people. Duan Hengye in this life is an otaku, he does not have many friends, and his relationship with his family is not very close. But now... Duan Hengye clearly saw the sorrow from the faces of these people.

There is a bit of irony, until after leaving this world, Duan Hengye finally realized that there was so much love around him. Now that the funeral has officially started, in traditional families like Duan, people like Duan Hengye who died due to foreign conflicts will not have a grand funeral. However, the situation in front of him is in line with his mind... At least there will be no more grand events to magnify the sadness in people's hearts.

The heavy cumulonimbus clouds that had floated in the sky not long ago stopped here, and Duan Hengye saw that there was no more sunlight now. Not far away, the black-clothed family members gently placed the white bouquets in their hands in front of the black stone tablet. After standing in silence for a while, they left here in silence.

Duan Hengye's colleagues who hadn't seen for a long time also came, many of them were already crying and could not stand still. These people walked with the help of the staff, and were helped back again. Then they got together in groups of three or five, about to talk about Duan Hengye’s life before his death. As their leader, although Duan Hengye looked a little serious, in fact, he was often used secretly as "cute." "Two words to describe.

Unlike the scene at the colleague's side, just like Duan Hengye, the Duan family seems not very good at speech. Duan Hengye saw his parents standing side by side from a distance. They did not speak, just silently looking at the stele in front of them. At this time, the cumulonimbus cloud that had been hanging in the sky for a long time was finally pierced by something. It is like a plastic bag full of water. Once it is accidentally punctured, it will drip and not. He got up without stopping.

Although I read the weather forecast when I came, and prepared enough umbrellas, the rain was still a bit too sudden. By the time the staff came over with umbrellas, the clothes of Duan Hengye's parents standing in the front had already been soaked in the rain. Duan Hengye saw that the mother, who has always been reminiscent of the image, gently moved the broken hair wet by the rain to the back of her head. On her cheeks, the rain and tears dripped down quickly-a woman has never been so embarrassed. .

After seeing this scene from a distance, Duan Hengye's heart seemed to be gripped tightly by someone's hands. He slowly walked to his mother's body, but unfortunately, Duan Hengye's hand still couldn't touch the person in front of him. No matter what Duan Hengye did, it was all in vain.

Looking at the hand that he could not touch anything, a sense of powerlessness struck Duan Hengye hard. Now he was extremely convinced in his heart that this trip back to the place was clearly a punishment. Across the thick rain curtain, Duan Hengye finally couldn't help but pounced into the arms of the man in front of her mother after crying, and then Duan Hengye's father stretched out his hand and gently slapped her behind.

Duan Hengye has never seen such a fragile mother, nor has he seen such a gentle father. He found that he really knew too little about his family, and now that he finally saw the side they had never seen before, there was no time for anything.

The heavy rain continues and is getting heavier. Because of this rain, Duan Hengye could not even see things three or four meters away. I don't know that after many games, his family finally started to leave. Duan Hengye, who wanted to go home with them, discovered that at this time, he couldn't get on the return car.

But ten minutes later, only Duan Hengye was left in the place where people were originally standing. Faced with the heavy rain that seemed to never stop, and the black stone monument in front of him, Duan Hengye’s I was extremely confused. Duan Hengye is not a timid person, but the scene at this time still makes him panic. After looking around, Duan Hengye walked under the tree again under the rain, and then sat down with his knees.

Duan Hengye didn't know if the instrument Wen Xunyin was talking about was still operating now, and whether he could still hear what he said on the interstellar side. After sitting down, Duan Hengye began to mutter Meng Jinhuai's name in his heart over and over again...

There was still no response, but at this moment, Duan Hengye finally heard a little more than the sound of raindrops. A car slowly stopped not far away, and then a man in a black shirt came over—he didn't hold an umbrella, and the rain slid past him unscrupulously. The person here was Shen Yiyu. After seeing him, Duan Hengye suddenly felt a little funny. If I remember correctly, Shen Yiyu still said that he wanted to see him at his home last night, and now, although there is something...but I really saw him.

Duan Hengye was full of despair just now, but when he saw Shen Yiyu appear here and knelt down towards the black stone tablet silently, his mood calmed down unexpectedly. Duan Hengye could not help linking things like "mental power" with "soul" in his heart before, but now he feels that he probably knows what "put down" is. Seeing Shen Yiyu who indirectly killed him, Duan Hengye's mood was of course complicated, but when the complex emotions disappeared, deep in his heart he missed Meng Jinhuai again.

I didn't want to return to the interstellar age, nor did I want to leave this suffocating rainstorm, just miss Meng Jinhuai. This thought is extremely simple, yet extremely clear.

The heavy rain continued. Duan Hengye was still sitting under the tree. He didn't go to see if Shen Yiyu in front of him had left. He just sat there quietly remembering the two years before. At this moment, Duan Hengye suddenly felt a familiar force wrapping him tightly. In an instant, the temperature deprived by the rainstorm returned again, and Duan Hengye seemed to hear a familiar call in his ear.

On Earth, Duan Hengye tentatively released his mental power for the first time, and then he felt a familiar response. At this time, Wen Xunyin's voice appeared in Duan Hengye's ear again, only to hear the other party say excitedly: "Professor Duan! Your mental power fluctuations are now normal!"

In other words, Duan Hengye may be able to go home.

The author has something to say: first bow to everyone! The text of this book will officially end tomorrow (there are about ten chapters in the future), thank you for your company during this time.