Marshal’s Cannon Fodder Spouse [Transmigration]

Chapter 9

Just as criticized by surrounding researchers, Duan Hengye likes to fight alone when he works, and he hardly cooperates with others. However, from another perspective, the original owner is indeed a rare all-rounder in the mecha field.

Su Mingge opened the data page just now, and Duan Hengye saw the abnormality of the weapon loading area model at a glance. This is due to the innate sensitivity to this aspect, as well as the intuition that the original owner has formed in his brain with a lot of drawings. Thinking of this Hengye, I couldn't help but sigh-I was regarded by everyone as a talented person in my previous life, but now I have a reborn feeling in the shell of the original owner. In addition to the more comprehensive human development of the brain in the interstellar age, there is probably also the influence of the training that the original owner experienced in his youth.

It must be admitted that, compared with Duan Hengye who only cared about his own research, Su Mingge is indeed a very conscientious deputy dean. In addition to managing the daily affairs of the Academy, he also cares about the mecha weapon team he leads. And this time it was very dramatic that Duan Hengye only took a look and pointed out that the wrong place happened to be the weapon system of the mecha...Of course he didn't mean it.

With a mentality of "look at how you are going to find fault for me", Su Mingge walked to the front of the light screen. Duan Hengye put the model map to its original scale of two meters, and stood up from his seat.

In fact, Su Mingge is about the same height as the original owner, but after putting on high heels, he is half of Duan Hengye's head. After noticing this, Duan Hengye silently moved away from Su Mingge. But seeing him move a small step to the side, Su Mingge thought Duan Hengye didn't want to stand with him, and then rolled his eyes at the other party very disdainfully, and then whispered.

Duan Hengye ignored Su Mingge’s small movements. He stretched out his hand to magnify the error points he had just discovered on the light screen. “Here, there is a problem with the structure.” Su Mingge’s heart had already designated Duan Hengye as "non-professionals." In his circle, the disdain on his face has become even more serious now that the other party says there is a problem with the structure.

Su Mingge glanced at the light screen, then turned around and said to Duan Hengye unhappy: "This is the third auxiliary connection structure, a classic model of the weapon carrying system. What do you think is the problem?"

Duan Hengye reduced the model and turned it over, then he looked directly into Su Mingge's eyes and said: "This structure is very classic, but it does not fit the twelfth-generation mecha, and there is a risk of getting out of mental control."

Out of the control of mental power... Su Mingge, who was full of confidence after hearing this sentence, instantly froze in place.

How did Duan Hengye know?

Prior to this, under the leadership of Su Mingge, the mecha weapon team had secretly used this model to conduct several closed simulation tests. The results of those trials were indeed the same as Duan Hengye said. After the mecha had been running for a certain period of time, the weapon system was out of the control of mental power. Duan Hengye didn't talk nonsense...If he was not convinced that the dean had no interest in the work of the weapons team, Su Mingge would doubt if the other party had observed the experiment.

In short, the research team had never thought about this classic structure before, but now after Duan Hengye's reminder, Su Mingge finally realized the problem in an instant.

The twelfth generation of mechas is a collective term for the new generation of mechas led and updated by Duan Hengye. Su Mingge has always despised this generation of mechas with little progress compared with the previous generations, but he did not expect that his own research team would follow the old model for Overturned the car. Su Mingge's expression turned ugly in an instant, and it was a shame for him to be pointed out by Duan Hengye.

There was silence in the office for a while, and Su Mingge gritted his teeth secretly and said, "Thank you for the dean's reminder, I will organize the meeting now." After speaking, he turned and walked quickly outside the office. The sharp heel touched the floor, and there was a slight piercing sound.

For every staff member of the Yetian Empire Mecha Research Institute, today is a stressful day. First, Duan Hengye's "patrol" early in the morning, and then Su Mingge walked out of Duan Hengye's office with a black face.

The soundproofing of the institute's house is very good. Although Duan Hengye's office is a large experimental area with more than 30 people sitting, no one knows what happened inside. They only saw Su Mingge coming out of Duan Hengye's office with a bad face, and then went straight to the location of the weapon research group.

Could it be that these two people finally couldn't bear each other's quarrel? It seems not impossible.

When the gods fight and mortals suffer, the atmosphere of the academy becomes more solemn when I think about it.

But before all kinds of "insiders" and "grass stories" spread, everyone soon learned what happened in the office just now. Su Mingge continued to have a black face after he came out of the office. He didn't even use the internal system of the research institute. Instead, he went directly to the weapons research group to personally notify everyone to gather for a meeting. The news spread quickly within the academy. Seeing Su Mingge's current appearance, everyone in the weapons team was in danger.

Before the time notified by Su Mingge, all the senior researchers of the weapons team had arrived in the meeting room. Su Mingge, who was in a irritable mood, was not interested in selling things off. He glanced around the conference room with his arms around his chest. Then, before the staff who rushed over to catch his breath, Deputy Dean Su directly pointed out Duan Hengye with a cold face. The question is said.


Breaking through the research bottleneck is really a magical thing. Before Duan Hengye talked about the connection structure, no one thought about it in this direction. But after he pointed out this key point, people realized the problem as if they had been opened up through the two lines of Ren and Du.

Although I know where the research breakthrough is, the atmosphere in the conference room remains solemn, and it can even be said that everyone is in danger.

It would be easy if the person who discovered this problem was Su Mingge, but after waiting for the other party to learn that it was Duan Hengye who pointed it out, everyone felt nervous. Do not go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident, does Duan Hengye's sudden concern for weapon systems mean... he is ready to attack the research team? The dean’s habit of independent research is known to everyone here, so in the eyes of some researchers with a lot of brains, what happened today has become a sign that Duan Hengye wants to find a reason to fire them.

At this moment, Su Mingge's light brain that he carried with him suddenly received a message.

The staff who was heartbeat waiting for the fate's ruling saw that Su Mingge lowered his head to take a look at Guangnao, and then sat blankly in the first position on the left hand side of the conference room.

How is this going? Why didn't Su Mingge sit in his place? Upon seeing this, the staff looked at each other.

Less than a minute later, the door of the meeting room slowly opened again. Under the gaze of everyone, a black-haired man wearing a white lab coat slowly walked into the meeting room, and then sat in the seat of Su Mingge.

Duan Hengye actually came to attend the meeting of the weapons research group! After seeing him, a few researchers opened their eyes instantly, and they almost shouted the word "help".

No wonder everyone is afraid of him. Duan Hengye has too many "previous convictions." After he was promoted to the dean of the research institute, although he did not usually organize and lead everyone's research work, he fired many people for the reason of "low work efficiency." After he came, the quiet needle fell in the meeting room, and everyone was waiting for Duan Hengye's "handling" of them.

However, what is unexpected is that Duan Hengye did not express any opinions on this matter after sitting down, but directly signaled the Su Mingge meeting to continue. No matter how upset other people are, the fact is that Duan Hengye didn't even say a word in the first half of this meeting.

This meeting was not long. After all, the problem of the connection system was very easy to understand. Su Mingge did not even focus on this issue in the meeting, but assigned the next research tasks as usual.

As before, they still couldn't see any extra emotions on Duan Hengye's face, but the staff present had already written the word "tension" on their faces. Those gazes with a bit of temptation and panic fell on Duan Hengye's body, and they were a little flustered at what he saw.

At this time, Duan Hengye finally realized that it is indeed a long way to make up for the trust between colleagues...

In the second half of the meeting, Su Mingge began to let everyone discuss the modification method. Before anyone dared to speak, Duan Hengye, who had been acting as the background board, finally spoke briefly about his thoughts. It must be admitted that the original owner's research on mechas is indeed in-depth, and the simple thoughts that Duan Hengye compiled instantly awakened these researchers who were in the bottleneck period.

After being stared at by those weird eyes for dozens of minutes, Duan Hengye really couldn't stand it. After talking about his thoughts, Duan Hengye got up early and left the meeting room. From the beginning to the end, Dean Duan didn't mention how to deal with these researchers who didn't find any problems. It seemed like a mentor... who came here to answer everyone's questions.

Has he changed sex?

Watching Duan Hengye leave the meeting room, the atmosphere here instantly changed. I don't know who said first: "Why is Duan Hengye so kind today?" Then the originally silent meeting room immediately became lively.

"Why did he pay attention to the weapon system suddenly?"

"...I don't know, it's strange to come back from vacation."

"But this idea is indeed feasible, and following the method should save a lot of time."


In this discussion, Su Mingge, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly stood up, and the stool made a "stab" sound on the metal floor. Seeing him, the vigorous research institutes just discussed broke out in a cold sweat. Although Duan Hengye left, there is still a bad mood deputy dean here! Why did I start talking first.

However, although Su Mingge's face was still not very good, she clapped her hands like before and said, "Just follow the train of thought Duan Hengye said. Try it first." Then he left the meeting room without looking back. , I can't see any strange emotions.

There was a huge floor-to-ceiling window outside the conference room, outside the window was a green spruce forest. After Su Mingge went out, he did not walk toward the research room as before, but stood upright in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. Looking at the spruce Su Mingge outside the window, he slowly frowned. He was seven years old for a long time, and he became the leader of the research institute two years earlier. Su Mingge never concealed his disdain for Duan Hengye becoming the dean, but today the other party brought him frustration for the first time.