Martial Arts, Marry Wang Yuyan at the Beginning

Chapter 192: Happy New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve

The second day, the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, is also called New Year's Eve.

Removing the old and fabricating the new, worshiping gods and ancestors, exorcising evil spirits, and praying for the new year

The whole city of Suzhou is full of festive festivities.

Every household puts on Spring Festival couplets, hangs red lights, people smile brightly, and every scene is happy and harmonious.

"One year old is removed in the sound of firecrackers, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tu Su."

"Thousands of households will always exchange new peaches for old talismans."

Murong Fu stood at the door of the old house, reciting "Yuan Ri", and asked sideways, "Are things ready?"

"Ready, Master, three hundred ten dans of rice, three hundred ten dans of white flour, and seven hundred catties of candy." Bao Di stood aside and replied.

Wang Yuyan and the daughters said, "This year, there has been a major incident in Gusu City. I'm afraid that 30,000 catties of grain is not enough. It would be nice if we could adjust some more."

"Ma'am, this is difficult. Our food is bought from other provinces, and it is very expensive." Baodi said awkwardly.

"It's good to pass this year. I have asked Brother Bao and Pharmacist Hu to hire a lot of refugees to open up wasteland, and there will be enough food for us in the coming year." Murong Fu said with a smile.

Bao Wei agreed and said, "Young Master said that if next year is a good year, there will be enough food for us."

"Well, I hope so." Murong Fu nodded: "It's time to put food in, let people organize their staff well, and each person can't get more than one share."

"Okay!" Bao Qi waved his big arm, and the news that Murong Mansion began to release food spread throughout Gusu City.

Countless people rushed away, some of them, not for food, but wanted to see Murong Fu and say a word of thanks and heart-warming.

"Young Master Murong, thank you for protecting our Gusu City."

"Yeah, if it weren't for you, our Gusu City would have been devastated by corpse poison."

"Mr. Murong Wanfu, Mrs. Murong will stay young forever, you are all heroes of our Gusu City."

Listening to the cheers of the people, Murong Fu's women all had proud smiles on their faces.

Especially when Wang Yuyan smiled the happiest.

She knew that she had not married the wrong person in her life, that she had not married the wrong person, that she had loved the right person.

Each of the refugees also received three kilograms of rice. Three catties of white flour, and some sweets for the New Year.

Don't look at these things, they are frugal enough to survive this winter.

Some scruffy kids get a candy, sweet enough for them until next year.

A refugee uncle who just received food said to his children and grandchildren:

"You guys, you must remember Young Master Murong. If it weren't for him, our family would probably freeze to death in this city this year. When you grow up, you will join the army with me and repay him for saving his life."

The children seemed to understand, but they all nodded blankly.

Some even knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Murong Fu across the distance.

At this moment, it seemed that something extraordinary was imprinted in their hearts.

"Haha, if you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are good, you will help the world. Brother Murong, your ability is getting bigger and bigger. In the future, don't just focus on the three-thirds of this acre in front of you."

Lai Wenjun didn't know when, he was drinking with a jug, ran to Murong Fu's side, and said with a smile.

"Brother Lai, you are also a famous person in the world, why do you always look like a fool."

"If you let your descendants know about it, I'm afraid it will affect your glorious image in their hearts." Murong Fu joked.

"Haha, it's just a skin bag, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Lai Wenjun laughed a few times.

Murong Fu shook his head and did not argue with him.

After all, who can tell Lai Wenjun who has been drinking.

Not long after, Song Yongsi, Li Qingluo, Ding Chunqiu and others also arrived at the house one after another.

"Haha, Murong brother, you are really the great savior of our Gusu City."

"Originally, things like opening warehouses and placing grains should be done by my parents," Song Yongsi said.

Murong Fu shook his head: "Brother Song, don't be polite, you are an official in the same dynasty as me, and you don't need to divide me."

"Well, Brother Murong, you're right." Song Yongsi nodded and said happily.

Murong Fu smiled and said, "Brother Song, why don't you come and distribute some rice?"

When Song Yongsi heard this, he was overjoyed: "How embarrassing this is, isn't it a greed for heaven!"

"It doesn't matter, you and I will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future. What's this trivial matter?" Murong Fu said.

"Okay!" Song Yongsi was overjoyed, hurriedly greeted his wife and children, and distributed rice noodles to Wang Yuyan.

"Hehe, boy, you're just a prefect, so you need to be so flattering?" Ding Chunqiu said disdainfully from the side.

Murong Fu shook his head, the old guy has lived his whole life and doesn't know anything about politics.

No wonder, at the end of the novel, he will be imprisoned in Shaolin, saying:

"Jianghu is not just about fighting, killing and killing, Jianghu has nothing to do, and people are sophisticated."

"You're old, you don't eat human fireworks, you really need to learn more."

Ding Chunqiu said disdainfully: "When your strength crushes everything, you know that the old man is right."

"Haha, Zhang Sanfeng has already crushed the world, and I haven't seen him stand up and shout." Murong Fu rolled his eyes at Ding Chunqiu.

"Hmph, he's too lazy, the old man would have unified the martial arts long ago." Ding Chunqiu said loudly.

Li Qingluo saw the two of them, arguing endlessly, and said, "Dad, let's go first."

"Let's go." Ding Chunqiu smiled.

After Murong Fu asked his servants to bring the two in, he personally went off to send rice.

It was not until near noon that he entered the house with several ladies and knelt down to our ancestors.

Things are originally from the sky, people are from the ancestors, praying for the new year, offering sacrifices, respecting the ancestors of the gods, repaying the original and turning back the beginning.

No matter where they are, they all take their ancestors very seriously.

Especially for a big family like the Murong Clan, there are also special clan elders to study etiquette.

After everything was over, it was just time for lunch.

"Haha, everyone, don't be polite. Today's Chinese New Year, everyone eats and drinks."

Murong Fu raised his cup of congratulations and drank it.

Others hurriedly followed and praised.

Murong Fu nodded, and came to Mrs. Liu and the shopkeeper again and said, "Today, I would like to thank you two for your efforts for my Murong Clan."

"Haha, I don't have much credit. We Murong Young Master are too polite. If you want to thank Mrs. Liu, thank you." The shopkeeper said politely.

"Hehe, it's natural." Murong Fu turned around and took out two gift boxes, respectively for Lady Liu and the shopkeeper.

Madam Liu opened the gift box and was startled by the pearl necklace in it:

"It's the first time I've seen a pearl as big as an ox's eye. This gift from Young Master Murong is too precious."

"Golden Leaf?" The shopkeeper opened the gift box, also a little surprised.

Young Master Murong's shot was too generous, he didn't intend to take it at first, however, this golden leaf carving is very delicate, and the price is out of the market.

"If he can get a leaf, he will be able to be unrestrained for the rest of his life, even if he doesn't work for others."