Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1118: Defeat Xiao

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In a flash, another three months passed.

Ziguang City, Taibai Restaurant.

"I heard that four months ago, the invincible supreme Xiao Ye of the Invincible Emperor Realm once appeared in the Canyon Mountains of our Tianfeng Realm and killed the four elders of the Emperor Wu of the inner gate of Luofu Mountain. What a means... "

"Yeah, the invincible Supreme's strength is indeed terrible. At a young age, it can be compared with the older generation of Zhongzhou. As long as it grows in the future, it will definitely become a peerless strong in Zhongzhou."

"It is estimated that Luofu Mountain is going to have a headache. Haha, now Supreme Master Xiao Ye doesn't know where to hide, and has caught such enemies.

"No way, Supreme Master Xiao Ye has cultivated a domineering body and has the ability to change his appearance. If he wants to hide, it will be really difficult to find for a while."


Most of the warriors in the Taibai Restaurant are still discussing the battle between Xiao Ye and the elders of the inner gate of Luofu Mountain four months ago.

Xiao Ye, who changed his appearance and height, sat quietly drinking by the window, listening to the sound of discussion around him, his expressions were not well, he drank himself.

Although Ziguang City is a city bordering the Tianfeng region, but because of his appearance four months ago, there are also many warriors who come and go here every day, but most of them are not high.

The reason why he chose to practice hard here is also to facilitate the investigation of the situation.

During these three months, he would come to this restaurant every five days, and he really heard a lot of information.

"Huh, I dare to attack my family to threaten me!" Xiao Ye was cold sweating at the thought of the information he had previously probed.

There is an unwritten rule in the True Spirit Continent, no matter how abhorrent a martial artist has done, it will not harm his family.

But the forces of Zhongzhou, in order to force him to appear, actually hit his head on his family.


There is also the nameless and Taiyi holy palace, helping him stop those sectarian warriors, otherwise the consequences will be absolutely unimaginable.

After all, their great leaf dynasty is no longer powerful and can't resist the warriors of Zhongzhou.

Xiao Ye sat in the restaurant for a while, and heard something that interested him.

"Hey, have you heard? The invincible emperor of the invincible emperor's domain has already begun to take the title of imperial martial arts. He appeared in the Canyon Mountains half a month ago. He is also looking for Xiao Ye Supreme and has entered Luofu. Yamanei Gate."

"Is the invincible emperor also interested in the emperor's weapons?"

"That's not true, the invincible emperor lost in the last sitting on martial arts and lost to Xiao Ye Supreme, looking for Xiao Ye Supreme to be ashamed."

"But I didn't find the Supreme Master Xiao Ye. He left a sentence on the top of the main mountain of Luofu Mountain: The Snow Son Palace's son-in-law chose to fight, defeating Xiao Xiaodao!" A warrior talked excitedly.


Hearing this sentence, all the warriors in the restaurant took a breath.

Defiance proves!

This represents the determination of the invincible emperor to defeat Xiao Ye!

With Xiao Ye's strong rise, he has become one of the most powerful geniuses of this generation in Zhongzhou. Who doesn't want to defeat Xiao Zhengdao? Therefore, the election of the son-in-law of the Ice and Snow Palace has almost become the most dazzling battlefield of geniuses.

It is only in this world-wide enemy situation, will Xiao Ye go to the Ice Palace to participate in the election-in-law meeting?

No one knows.

Next, the warriors in the restaurant began to talk about the topic of the four emperors. According to the reliable information they got, the four emperors were all in retreat, and they had to compete on the congress of the concubine in the Ice and Snow Palace. Compete!

In particular, the Iron-Blood Emperor, who had a strong possession of the Bingya, the Holy Lady of the Ice and Snow Palace, was even more confident that he would kill Xiao Ye in the presence of the world's warriors!

"Defeated Xiao Xiao said?"

"Invincible emperor, you are still so confident, I hope you will not let me down Xiao Xiao." Xiao Ye's mouth raised a smile.

Invincible emperor?

Since my Xiao Ye can beat you once, then I can beat you a second time.

After getting the Empress weapon, Xiao Ye is destined to ride the dust and lead the four emperors!

During these three months, Xiao Ye's progress has been tremendous.

After staying in the restaurant for another moment, no more interesting news was heard. Xiao Ye threw away the money and got up and left.

"I have inquired about the general situation. There is nothing to stay in Ziguang City, and the formation in the secret room is still not enough. I continue to practice too much risk, not to mention that I am going to take Shenwu next. Flower, Emperor Wudan."

Xiao Ye walked in the streets of Ziguang City. He tried his best to hide his breath and was very inconspicuous among the crowd.


Xiao Ye went to the door of the mansion he bought, and suddenly saw that the door had been kicked open, and immediately frowned slightly.

During these three months in Ziguang City, he had little contact with outsiders, and no one had ever entered his mansion for cultivation.

"Is that the brain disabled?"

Xiao Ye's expression was cold, and he walked into the mansion.

Sure enough, before entering the mansion, I saw a young man in a pale robe with a sickly pale face, who was sitting on the main seat of the hall, and ten weak soldiers stood beside him.

The hall of the mansion was a mess, and the celadonware used for decoration was smashed to pieces, as if it had been looted.

Seeing this, Xiao Ye's eyes flashed coldly.

"Oh, Brother Wang, are you back?" The young man saw Xiao Ye walk in, and he suddenly chuckled, with a faint sarcasm on his face.

"Ning Yi, you broke into the next house without permission. What is the so-called thing?" Xiao Ye asked faintly, but his voice was full of murderous intention.

This young man naturally knows that he is the son of the city master of Ziguang City. He usually does not learn to do anything, but he relies on the prestige of his father, Wang Wu, to dominate and like to recruit warriors to sell his life.

At this point, the city masters of Ziguang have already agreed.

Ning Yi didn't know where he heard that his character appeared in Ziguang City. He bought the mansion and made a bold move, so he sent his men to try, but they were all repelled by Xiao Ye.

Ning Yi refused to give up even more, thinking that Xiao Ye was at least a strong man of Wang Wujing, so he went home three times and five times to let Xiao Ye be his man.

"Huh, why did you talk to our son?"

"Our son treated you with courtesy and was willing to send a quasi-royal device to attract you, but you toasted instead of eating fine wine. I tell you that our son's patience is exhausted today!"

"Being able to be our son-in-law's men, in the future there is a chance to be directed by the master of the city, why are you so obsessed?"


Ning Yi didn't speak, and the ten martial artists standing beside him said coldly.

"Patience exhausted? Really?"

"Just right, today my patience is exhausted." Xiao Ye whispered, and then walked towards Ning Tao.