Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 112: Underground world

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Xiao Ye walked into the cave and found a very deep passage leaning straight into the ground. On the walls beside the passage, there were also torches, which made the passage very bright.

Xiao Ye was stunned. This passage was quite similar to the one he found when he got the Yandao, and they all went straight to the ground.

"The illusion of the first level is already terrible, and the second level is definitely more difficult." Xiao Ye pulled out the Tianjue knife, and with the innate innate gas injection, there was a surge of turbulence at the tip of the knife. Move the knife gas.

By the light, Xiao Ye walked forward slowly.

Deep in the passage, the roar of unknown creatures faintly echoed, making Xiao Ye feel a little horrified.

After walking for less than half an hour, Xiao Ye walked out of the passage, and what appeared to him was a fiery world composed of magma. The heat wave was so high that he could not see his head at a glance.


The boiling magma is still tumbling with bubbles.

"I rely on, the second hurdle will not let us go through the magma?" Xiao Ye was dumbfounded.

The rising flames in the magma are surging, the temperature is very high, and there is no foothold. If you are a little careless, you will be swallowed by the magma and the bones are gone.

Xiao Ye observed for a long time, and found no other passageway. Finally, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and innate qi burst out, forming an air cover to wrap his body, and then rushed towards the magma.


Xiao Ye jumped into the magma. Although the gas mask blocked the lingering flame outside, he still felt very hot, and the innate true energy in his body was also passing quickly.

"The exit must be found as soon as possible, otherwise the innate innate gas will be consumed." Xiao Ye urged the innate innate gas to wander in the magma.

This is not a death swamp, and there is a safety point for him to rest.


The magma was tumbling violently, and Xiao Ye was fiery in front of her eyes, even losing her direction.


At this moment, a black shadow quickly swam towards Xiao Ye in the magma, and because of the tumbling sound of magma, Xiao Ye seemed to be unconscious.

Ten meters...

Nine meters...

Eight meters...


When it was only three meters away from Xiao Ye, the black shadow suddenly jumped high and rushed towards Xiao Ye.

It was a fierce beast with a human face and a beast. There were two people tall, and the whole body was enveloped by flames, like a fireball.

call out!

At this moment, a fiery blade of fire blasted out, directly traversing the body of the fierce beast, splitting it into two halves, the red beast blood fluttering.

There was a trace of consternation in the eyes of the fierce beast. The body fell into the magma and sank. It seemed that before it died, Xiao Ye couldn't figure out when he found him.

"Huh, if it makes you a sneak attack, wouldn't I have practiced in the death swamp for a year." Xiao Ye said coldly.

In the death swamp, he sneaked into and attacked by beasts every day. His fighting consciousness had long honed to the point that ordinary people could hardly reach it.

In fact, when the fierce beast was ten meters away, Xiao Ye had already found the murderous spirit. When it approached, he directly hacked it and attacked the other party.

"The strength of this fierce beast is equivalent to the warriors in the mid-sixth layer of Innate Realm, and there must be many in the magma." Xiao Ye did not relax at all.



It didn't take long for a fierce beast with a human face and a beast body to emerge from the magma, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, surrounding Xiao Ye.

"There are six heads!" Xiao Ye frowned.

These fierce beasts are not afraid of magma. This is the main battlefield with them. When the innate warriors enter the magma, their strength will be affected.

Even the difficulty of this second level, even Xiao Ye was a little surprised.

I am afraid that among the ten inner disciples, except for him and Leng Feng, everyone else will be in a bitter battle.

The six fierce beasts, every time Xiao Ye gasped, threw them together, stirring the magma up to tens of meters.

"Si Ding Tian Gong!"

Xiao Ye shouted, blood flickered, and turned into two reals, one imaginary, and three great tripods. He held the heavenly sword and exploded his full strength to fight with the six-headed beasts.




With the double amplitude of Xiu Wei and the flesh, Xiao Ye's strength is too strong. It can be called the strongest inner disciple in history. Within a few breaths, these beasts were beheaded.

Soon, ten fierce beasts rushed out and surrounded Xiao Ye Tuan Tuan.


Xiao Ye did not hesitate, urged innate ingenuity, lifted the knife to cut out the blade, and penetrated all ten fierce beasts.




There were more fierce beasts that appeared next, their eyes full of resentment, rushing towards Xiao Ye.

"There are more and more fierce beasts." Xiao Ye fought while pondering.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed, looking at the large blood stains in the magma.

"It turns out that it must be that the blood of these beasts attracted fierce beasts. The more I killed, the more fierce beasts were attracted." In a flash, Xiao Yedong learned the intentions of the three elders in black robe.

The disciples with great strength are more dangerous because they can easily kill these fierce beasts. The weaker disciples, because it is difficult to kill the beasts, the danger will be less, they just need to find the exit.

The second hurdle is very fair to the ten inner disciples. The disciples with great strength may not have to pass this hurdle first.

Having figured this out, he couldn't help admiring the wisdom of the black-robed elder.

"With my strength, even if there are more fierce beasts, I don't need to be afraid, just use them to hone the sword!" Xiao Ye raised his heavenly sword, and a bright sword awn penetrated the void, killing him. The beasts are all killed.

In the illusion of the first pass, Xiao Ye found himself, and had a clearer understanding of the future martial arts.

Knowing that there is a difficulty, but facing up to the difficulty, and never refuse to lose, this is Xiao Ye's personality! If you change your way of doing things because of fear, it is against your original martial arts intention!

Roar roar!

The roars of the fierce beasts became one after another, rushing towards Xiao Ye overwhelmingly.

Xiao Ye raised his sword to fight, and a battle broke out. The corpses and blood of fierce beasts were everywhere in the magma, which turned into a sea of ​​corpses and blood, which was shocking.

No amount of fierce beasts can stop Xiao Ye from advancing.

Half a day later, Xiao Ye's innate energy has consumed 80%.

"It's time to exit!" Xiao Ye looked at the other end of the magma, where there was a deep hole.

But in front of him, there were more than one hundred beasts, densely packed, blocking his way.

This is the last battle, as long as he can kill these fierce beasts, he can pass the second level.

"I'm exhausted, I still have a sword!" Xiao Ye's powerful martial arts appeared on his body, and he collided fiercely with the rushing beast.

The true meaning of the flame is fire, full of heat, and now it has added a lot of power to the magma.

Thirty percent of the true meaning of Yan was instilled in the sword of Tianjue. There were more than a hundred meters of flame blades, which submerged the void in front.




Under a knife, at least fifty beasts died.


Xiao Ye raised his hand and chopped out the second record of Burning Heaven, a terrifying flame, and wiped out the remaining fierce beasts.

"Fen Tian Yi Dao, which incorporates the true meaning of San Cheng Yan, is really powerful, and should even be able to contend with the warriors in the mid-seventh layer of the Congenital Realm." Xiao Ye's face showed a smile and rushed towards the exit.

Wow la la--

At this moment, the sound of tumbling magma suddenly stopped Xiao Ye. He stared blankly at the magma, which touched his heart and gave him an epiphany.

"The true meaning of Yan represents hotness and fire, just like this magma." In Xiao Ye's eyes, these are no longer magma, but have become the flame knife light split by the phantom in the world of Yan Dao. .

Every time the magma is stirred, it seems that the phantom is coming out of the sword, which contains a deeper martial sense.

After Yan Zhi's true intention broke through 30%, Xiao Ye had entered the Yan Dao world countless times, watching the flame sword light that contained Si Cheng Yan's true intention, but never realized that came out.

But at this moment, the dim knife that was originally very dim in his mind gradually became clear, as if a breakthrough was found, and the flow of sentiment continued to flow into his heart.

"This is really a great place to understand the true meaning of Yan!" Xiao Ye laughed with his head back.

When he was still in Xiaojia Village, the cave house of the innate warrior he discovered was built in the magma deep underground. I am afraid that the declining innate warrior wanted to use magma to understand the true meaning of Yan.

"If I comprehend here, I am afraid that the performance of this level will lag behind people." Xiao Ye's eyes flickered, and finally his face appeared firm.

"The opportunity for epiphany is very rare. As long as I seize the opportunity, I can raise Yan Zhi's true intention to 40%, and how can it be compared with a competition." Xiao Ye made a decision.

Understand the true meaning of Sicheng's martial arts, I am afraid that personal disciples rarely do it.

Xiao Ye gave up the plan to leave, sat down next to the magma, seized those far-reaching feelings, and realized.

At this time, at the other end of the ten channels, the three black-robed elders and many inner disciples had been waiting for a long time.

"I don't know who will come out first."

When the day passed, from the third passage, a young man with a spear came out. Although his footsteps were vain, his breath was still stronger, as if he could pierce the sky.

The comer is the cold front!

"The cold front is out!" The crowd burst into cheers.

"Good!" The elder nodded with a smile.

Looking at Leng Feng's appearance, he knew that he must have been killed all the way. Surrounded by fierce beasts, it took only one day to pass the second level. This performance is absolutely amazing.

"Xiao Ye?" Everyone's eyes looked at the eighth channel, where Xiao Ye's figure appeared slowly.

Xiao Ye and Leng Feng are also called the two inner arrogances of the inner gate, and their every move is noticeable.

"Leng Feng came out, and Xiao Ye must have come out soon." Everyone waited patiently.

On the third day, the second figure came out of the channel, it was Zhang Huwei who ranked third in the inner door.

On the fourth day, another inner disciple came out. He was seriously injured and broke an arm.

After the tenth day, all disciples except Xiao Ye came out.

"what happened?"

Everyone's face was full of doubts. Xiao Ye could stand side by side with the cold front. Even if this level is weaker than the cold front, it should not be so outrageously weak.

You know, Leng Feng passed the second level in just one day.