Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1152: One year

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Time flies, fleeting.

The Emperor Fengcheng, as a legacy of the Iron-Blood Emperor of that year, passed through thousands of years of reproduction. Although it has no contact with the outside world, it has long formed its own set of rules.

The top ten families and top ten sects jointly control the entire Emperor Emperor City and form restrictions on each other. For thousands of years, they have been in peace.

For thousands of years, every time an outside warrior entered the Emperor Emperor City by mistake, he would be imprisoned unless Xiuxi reached the title of Emperor Wu and joined the top ten families and denominations to have the right to leave.

This also guarantees that the Emperor Fengcheng has not yet been known to the warriors of Zhongzhou.

Of course, among these warriors from outsiders, Xiao Ye is very conspicuous, and his demonstrated strength is terrible, no weaker than that of any youth in Fengdi City.

But time is most ruthless.

Even the dazzling figures, who do not reach the height of the emperor, are destined to be overwhelmed by time and gradually forgotten.

This is exactly what Xiao Ye did.

After all, in the eyes of most warriors in Fengdi City, the alien young arrogant with outstanding qualifications has fallen into the Fengdi Palace.

For this result, they are not difficult to accept, after all, Xiao Ye is just an outsider.

It has been almost a year since the last Emperor's Palace was opened. As the Emperor's Palace will be opened again, the streets are all discussing this matter, and the atmosphere is very hot.

At this time, there are only a few people who can remember Xiao Ye.

The Zhong family among the ten major families in Fengdi City.

As one of the rulers of the Emperor Emperor City, the Zhong family is naturally rich in financial resources, and controls very excellent cultivation resources. There are several titles of the royal family in the family.

However, because one year ago, Zhong Lingtian, the most outstanding young Tian Zhong of the Zhong family, was abolished by Xiao Ye in the Emperor Emperor's Palace, and he fell into disappointment. This also made the young generation of the Zhong family show a green and yellow posture.

After all, the most powerful combat power of Fengdi City is the title of Emperor Wu!

Zhong Lingtian, the younger generation known as the Zhong family, is most likely to be the existence of the title of Emperor Wu, but now it has fallen into a waste, and this has a very big impact.

"Ancestor, the Temple of Emperor Feng will be opened again."

"But in the past year, the old fellow of the sword emperor seems to have little acceptance of the fall of Xiao Ye. If you personally kill Xiao Ye, will you attract the sword emperor?"

In a secret room, the head of the Zhong family salutes Zhong Kun.

Mentioned Xiao Ye, his eyes flashed with resentment.

He is the patriarch of the Zhong family, and Zhong Lingtian is his son. He was abolished by Xiao Ye and cultivated, and now he has become a waste person. How can he not resent it?

"Sword Emperor? It's really a little trouble."

Zhong Kun frowned slightly and had a headache.

He originally thought that Xiao Ye and the Sword Emperor only had some trading relationship, at most it was mutual use.

This kind of relationship is enough for a year to be completely weakened. Otherwise, he and the other 19 elders of the Emperor Feng's Palace will be shut down for one year, waiting for the Feng Emperor's Palace to be opened again to execute Xiao Ye. Decided.

But now it seems that they are a bit wrong.

Within this year, the Sword Emperor has been secretly investigating the truth of Xiao Ye in the Emperor's Emperor's Palace. Although he did not find out anything, the indomitable posture left Zhong Kun very helpless.

He couldn't think of anything. Xiao Ye, a foreign young man, had no place in the world that deserved such attention!

"Ancestor, I really don't understand, why do you, the title of Emperor Wu, feel a bit afraid of Sword Emperor? At that time, he had to sell him a face and give him a quota to Xiao Ye."

"He is just a casual repair, and there is no strong force behind him."

"Even if he is powerful, he is alone. Why should we be afraid of him?"

Seeing Zhong Kun's appearance, the patriarch of the Zhong family quickly asked.

"Well, when you become the title of Emperor Wu, you know the fear of the sword emperor. Now you only need to know that the sword emperor is not so simple on the surface, he is not a loose repair."

"Although our Zhong family is not afraid of him, it is better not to provoke, or not to provoke."

Zhong Kun sniffed coldly and said lightly.

"As for the Sword Emperor, the old man heard that he was retreating to build a weapon, and he would not leave the customs until half a month later, so our twenty emperors in the Emperor's Palace discussed and decided that the Emperor's Palace would be opened tomorrow and Xiao Ye would pay cost."

Zhong Kun added.

"Tomorrow will open the Emperor's Palace?" Zhong Yan's patriarch Wen Yan was slightly surprised.

Calculated according to time, another twenty days have passed, and it has been a year since the opening of the Emperor's Palace. Can the twenty elders of the Emperor's Palace be opened in advance?

Seeing the doubts of the other party, Zhong Kun said lightly: "The reason the Emperor's Palace is opened only once a year is mainly because our ancestors, the formation on the Emperor's Palace is the most vulnerable once a year. when."

"Twenty days apart, although the formation on the Emperor Feng's Hall is still very strong, but our twenty elders joined forces and they can still open it."

"You go down to make arrangements now. Tomorrow, we will take our Zhongjia's youth Tianjiao to Fengdi Square and remember not to leak the news."

"Yes, it's still the ancestor wise, so that he can avoid the sword emperor, and even if he knows it, it will be too late. There is no way to take us."

The patriarch of the Zhong family was overjoyed and quickly turned to leave.

Zhong Kun in the Chamber of Secrets, a sneer appeared on the old face; "Little Ye Xiao Ye, you have been in the Temple of Emperor Feng for a year. It is really kind to you."

At the same time, the other nine big families and ten big denominations also began secret operations.

A year ago, Xiao Ye led the bone dragon out of the Emperor's Emperor's Palace. Ten families and ten sects lost their powerful youth arrogance. The elders agreed surprisingly.

Soon, one day passed.

When the time came the next day, among the ten great families and ten denominations of Fengdi City, all of them walked out of the Tianjiao of youths and rushed to Fengdi Square, preparing to set off for the Temple of Fengdi.

At the same time, they are secretly acting and have not leaked information.

Even the warriors in the Emperor Feng's City did not know that the Feng Emperor's Palace would open today. They also wondered what these young Tianjiao were going to do.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

When all the young arrogances in the Emperor's Palace this time came together, the twenty elders of the Emperor's Palace flew into the sky, and with these young arrogances, they flew towards the vast starry sky that enveloped the Emperor's City.