Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1160: Xiao Yezhiwei

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The mystery of the wind among the laws of nature, and the most powerful offensive killing rules among the three rules are collided fiercely.

The world and the earth are in constant turmoil. The attack points of the two powerful men hit Maimang and collided fiercely together. The terrifying storm swept away, the **** light bloomed, and the turbulent blue whirlwind swept away quickly. Opening up, covering the sky and covering the sun, the whole wild land is in turmoil, as if a **** is angry.

The turbulent battle waves formed a substantial ripple, rippling open, everything was turned into a powder wherever he went, and there was no defense to resist.

The earth came from a cracking crack, and a rift of cracks spread across the sky. The billows of smoke covered the sky, leaving the youths spitting blood, and almost a few people died in an instant.

If it were not for the two elders in the Emperor's Palace who had arrived here, and saw the disciples of their families and denominations, they were about to be torn apart by this terrible wave and resisted, then more people will surely die. of.

"How did Xiao Ye understand the law of killing and reached this point?"

The elders of the Emperor Feng's Hall, who were rushing, were frightened and angry, and looked up to the sky dome.

They arrived here following the violent fighting fluctuations, and immediately felt Xiao Ye's body, the surging waves of murderous laws fluctuated, and angered for nine days and ten days, very terrible.

At this moment, the red blood awn covering the sky dome and the blue whirlwind disappeared. The collision of the law and the mysterious arc seemed to be thundering on the ground.

That embarrassed figure belongs to Zhong Kun!

Seeing this scene, the two elders of Emperor Fengdian could not help but take a breath.


It's terrible!

Although Zhong Kun didn't reach the title of Emperor Wu soon, he was also the title of Emperor Wu anyway. He exhibited his mystery, but was forced to retreat by Xiao Ye?

how can that be!

Not only are these two titles of imperial Wu Wu incredible, but even Zhong Kun was shocked to the extreme, looking at Xiao Ye as if looking at an invincible **** of war.

"" Zhong Kun shuddered, his heart trembling.

In the duel just now, he felt that Xiao Ye's law of killing was terrible, and his offensive power was unmatched. Even the wind mystery that even he reached Dacheng Realm was defeated.

You know, it's one thing to understand the law of killing, it's another thing to be able to exhibit it.

What's more, the law of killing is still among the three rules, which can affect the existence of the warrior's mind. If it is not good, it will be controlled by the law of killing in turn, and it will become a murderous demon.

Xiao Ye seems to have not been affected at all, but has very strong control over the law of killing.

He, Zhong Kun, still have the qualification to kill each other?

"The law of killing is worthy of the most powerful of the three rules. Although I have only reached level 60 shortly, the power I exerted is really terrible."

Xiao Ye sighed with emotion, his face full of excitement, very satisfied with the power of the law of killing.

Zhong Kun is the real title of Emperor Wu!

But by relying only on the level 60 killing law, he can force the opponent back. How can he not be excited?

I thought that when he came to Zhongzhou, the title of Emperor Wu still needed the presence he looked up to, but today, he was able to repel the title of Emperor Wu, even though the other party was only a very weak one among the title of Emperor Wu. , But it is enough to be proud.

Because his potential is very great, the law of killing is only one of the results of his retreat in the Emperor's Palace.

"Unexpectedly, in addition to Zhong Kun, there were two other elders in the emperor's palace lurking in, and they must decide quickly." Xiao Ye's eyes looked down at the two elders in the emperor's palace. frown.

In the year of Emperor Feng's Hall, his strength has indeed been greatly improved, and the law of killing has reached level 60, which can prevail in the face of Zhong Kun.

But he is not arrogant enough to face three titles of Emperor Wu at the same time.

"Zhong Kun, since you are going to kill me, then we are the enemy, and I will never be merciful to the enemy!" Xiao Ye raised his hands with one hand, and the magnificent killing laws gathered again crazy, forming a magnificent 'S blood-red knife awn, once again severely slashed towards Zhong Kun.


Zhong Kun broke out his own mystery of the wind, and drove his strength to the peak, still being killed by Xiao Ye's killing knife, which contained the law of killing, and he drove back.

"Damn, don't you two old guys come to help quickly, do you want to see Xiao Ye, the little bastard, kill me?"

Zhong Kun was frightened and angry, seeing Xiao Ye raised his palm again, screaming at the elders of the two emperor's palaces while condensing the law of killing.

By this time, the situation was very obvious.

Not to mention Xiao Ye's strength, as far as Xiao Ye's level 60 killing law is concerned, he has the strength to press against him.

If you continue to fight like this, then the final result is likely to be Zhong Kun's fall.

By this time, face is no longer important, and saving your life is the most important thing.

"Huh, if you want to ask for help, then it depends on whether Xiao Ye disagrees!"

Xiao Ye heard Zhong Kun asking for help, his eyes swelled, his killing intentions surged out, and he rushed towards Zhong Kun again. The terrifying killing law rose into the sky, sweeping Jiuhuang.

On the other side, outside the Palace of Emperor Feng.

Here the universe is icy and the stars are shining.

An old man wearing a blood-red robe faced the seventeen titles of Emperor Wu, with a very ugly expression.

He is the sword emperor in the emperor city.

After receiving the report from his men, the Temple of Emperor Feng was opened in advance, and he immediately came to the starry sky that enveloped the city of Emperor Feng, hoping to find out.

But when he came here, he was stopped by the seventeen elders in the Emperor's Palace.

"You, do you really want to stop the old man?" The Emperor Dao stared at the seventeen elders in the Emperor Feng Emperor's Palace with a bad look, Shen Sheng asked.

The Emperor Fengdi Hall was opened in advance, which was very strange, and made him think of Xiao Ye involuntarily. Now the seventeen elders of Fengdi Hall appeared and stopped him together, which made his hunch stronger.

"Sword Emperor, Emperor Emperor Palace has rules. Every warrior in Emperor Emperor City can only go in once in a lifetime. Do you have to violate the ancestor training of Emperor Emperor City?" said an elder of Emperor Emperor Palace indifferently.

"Hehe... can only enter once in a lifetime? Then who can tell the old man, there are three elders among you, where did you go?" Daohuang said with a sneer.

As soon as this remark came out, the seventeen elders of the Emperor Feng's Palace were breathless and didn't know how to answer it.

At this moment--


The starry sky suddenly trembled madly, cracked a gap, a wave of murderous laws fluctuated and emerged from it.