Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1337: Kill you fear

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!


Xiao Ye was wearing an iron-blooded armor, and the power of the silver imperial martial arts swept across the heavens, and even the vulgar, even beyond the limits of the ordinary imperial martial arts power. ??

Another kind of higher energy has evolved, surging and escaping in his body. It is extremely prosperous. It is like a surging river. It has been winding up for nine days, breaking the sky dome.


At this moment, the power of the silver emperor Wu passed through the body, not only exploding a terrible combat power, but also quickly repairing the injury that Xiao Ye had suffered before.

The most frightening thing is that Xiao Ye's every move seemed to conceal the heaven and the heavens, and the vision came, and there were four gorgeous figures behind him, like a **** standing on the top of martial arts, overlooking the sentient beings indifferently, but yet Very vague, it makes people unclear about the true content.

Xiao Ye was like a wolf entering the flock, looking up and down, six rounds of reincarnation fisting, and the titles of the imperial martial arts were all blasted out by him, and they were spurting blood. They were not opponents at all. 'S team, the rush to fall fell.

As for the weaker ones, such as the title of Samsung and the four-star level Imperial Wu, it is not the enemy of Xiao Ye’s trick. It was directly crushed by six reincarnation punches, and the hot blood slowly drifted down in the air. , Life was harvested like straw, causing blood to rain in Jianwu City.

This is the blood of the title of Emperor Wu!


There was deathly silence in Jianwu City, but all the warriors who saw this scene were stunned and could not say a word.

What terrifying power is this?

Why did Xiao Ye's strength soar in so much time?

And behind Xiao Ye, what exactly do those four magnificent figures represent? No matter how far away they were, they felt a burst of palpitations coming head-on.

"Stubborn boy, stop it!"

Gu Yue recovered from the shock. The title of the Iron-Blood Emperor Territory, Huang Wu, was already dead and wounded. His expression was fierce, and he shot Xiao Ye with a palm, and he shot with all his strength.

Suddenly, the three mysterious mysteries breathed out, and the power of heaven and earth was turbulent and converged. Driven by the three mysterious mysteries, they produced a more terrible palm print than before.

Seen from a distance, this terrible palm print seems to be a hand of a god, stretched out from the **** realm, covering the entire sky, to wipe out everything in the dust.

The hand of the **** hadn't approached yet, so that the ground at the foot of Xiao Ye cracked open, like paper, it couldn't withstand such a terrible pressure.


"Does the Seven Stars title Huangwu? Do you really think that Xiao Ye is afraid of you?"

Feeling the burst of sound behind him, and the terrifying sense of oppression, Xiao Ye turned coldly.

This time, he did not use his physical skills to evade, but directly waved his fists, swept the four sides with six reincarnation punches, facing the attack of Gu Yue, shaking the hand of this god.


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, the vast energy fluctuations instantly flowed in the sky, just like the galaxy bursting the embankment. The horrible torrent flooded the entire Jianwu City.

For a time, I did not know how many buildings were directly blown, and the earth was cracking. This ancient city that stood in the Sanmeng territory for hundreds of years was destroyed in half in a moment. Mouth squirting blood exploded, face full of horror.

"This... how is this possible!"

When the energy storm, and the billowing smoke slowly dissipated, the young figure wearing the iron-blooded armor stood on the sky dome, although it looked a bit embarrassed, but there was no slight injury. This made Gu Yue's body tremble and couldn't help but be shocked. Cried.

Xiao Ye, by virtue of strong strength, completely resisted his attack?

It made him feel like he was in a dream.

You know, he is the title of Emperor Wu of the seven-star level.

Don't look at the assessment of the combat power of the title of Emperor Wu. Under normal circumstances, it is only divided into nine stars. Some strong geniuses can reach ten stars or above. In fact, the gap between each star is very large and difficult to cross.

Does this mean that Xiao Ye's strength has soared to the point of the title of Seven Stars Emperor Wu?


How old is Xiao Ye?

Even Xiuwei is just the beginning of the 7th grade of Emperor Wu, which can no longer be described by the words of evil spirits.

"The power of the four-in-one imperial martial arts is so powerful that I expected that by virtue of the fusion of the imperial martial arts forces, I will be able to compete with the seven-star title imperial martial arts. Wait for the fight!"

Gu Yue was terrified, but Xiao Ye felt the explosive power in his body, and his face was full of excitement.

This retreat helped him greatly improve his strength.

Even looking at the entire Zhongzhou and even the True Spirit 6, he is now a real strong man.

"You can't help me!"

Xiao Ye sarcastically glanced at Gu Yue, his figure flashed, and he continued to chase down the remaining title of the Iron-Blood Emperor Yuhuang.

"Damn it, stop me!"

Gu Yue was about to bite his teeth, chasing Xiao Ye crazy.

But every time he attacks, Xiao Ye will resist it head-on. Even if Gu Yue is unbelievable, he has to admit that he couldn't help Xiao Ye.

How terrible is the battle of seven-star title imperial martial arts?

The title of four-star or three-star Emperor Wu, once involved, will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

Therefore, every time Gu Yue sniped at Xiao Ye, instead of stopping the opponent, instead the battle wave swept away, and he would strangle the title of Wu Yu, the title of Emperor Wu, and Xiao Ye occasionally shot, making the title of Wu Yu, Emperor Wu, fall. Degrees, become faster.

The rest were frightened, and they did not dare to compete with Xiao Ye and escaped frantically.

It's a pity that the entire Jianwu City was covered by Fengtian Great Array. Ten masters of the formation method were killed by Xiao Ye Xianxian first. They couldn't escape at all and became birds in cages, falling one by one. , Lost his life in remorse.

If it were not for their high self-esteem, how could they seal the Jianwu City with Feng Tian Da Zhen? It's too late to say anything now.

In a short period of half incense sticks, the forty titles of Huang Wu, the original title of Iron-Blood Emperor Domain, have been reduced to more than a dozen.

The sword emperor of Wuji Gate and others were stunned.

They couldn't think of killing them. Xiao Ye was so powerful. Sixty titles of the Emperor Blood Territory killed by one person, Emperor Wu, fell in all directions.

The warrior who came to watch this war was shocked by this subversive scene.

"Longbreed ancestor, my Iron-Blood Emperor domain has suffered a great deal, don't you still take action? The domain master invites you to sit in town, but it's not for you to watch the drama!"

Gu Yue saw that another title of Emperor Wu was killed by Xiao Ye, and a deep sense of powerlessness swept through his body, making him sorrowful to the extreme, and he shouted toward the outside of Jianwu City.

"Is there any helper in the Iron-Blood Emperor Domain?" Xiao Ye's pupil suddenly shrank.