Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 142: Return to Chongyangmen

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In the awe of many innate warriors, Xiao Ye returned to the ancient star city. Next, he prepared to practice retreat and prepare for the upcoming Bibi disciple.

"Fifth-grade combat skills are silent!" Xiao Ye turned to look at the book in his hand.

"The power of the Silent Hand is not weak. If the cultivation is complete, it will be similar to Da Ri Yin." Xiao Ye smiled slightly after reading it.

He knew very well that if the Sun-Moon Impressions were applied unscrupulously in the Bibi disciples, it might cause the resentment of the Zongmen seniors, and it was just enough for him to use it.

"The Zongmen people definitely don't know that my physical strength has broken through the tripod. It's better to hide the physical strength first, maybe I can get an unexpected victory." Xiao Ye laughed.

After memorizing the content of his hand, he came to the Tower of Time to practice. As for the bodhi leaf, which has an effect against the sky, he intends to use it later, otherwise it will be too wasteful.

As time passed, Xiao Ye was paying attention to the movements of the Sun and Moon teachings while practicing hard.

After all, the movement caused that day was too great, and the strong defeat of the old man of the Black Heart and Ding Hao was enough to tell the Black Dragon Kingdom.

Although he said he concealed his identity, he should be vigilant against Sun Moon Education.

And the fact is exactly the same. The war spread from the mouths of many innate warriors, causing a shock to the land of the ten counties of the Black Dragon Kingdom.

On the Qianlong list, a shining name rose to the sky, quickly replacing Ding Hao's name, occupying the fortieth place.

Yexiao, unknown strength, unknown school, unknown age.

A series of unknowns made the warriors of the Black Dragon Kingdom even more curious. For a time, many people were exploring the origin of Ye Xiao, but they didn't find much.

Xiao Ye's house has become a holy place in the ancient Star City. Many people visit every day, but Xiao Ye is blocked by the door.

During the visit, Xu Yan visited Xiao Ye once. Because of Xiao Ye, he got a lot of treasures. This time he planned to leave the ancient city of stars.

Xiao Ye received Xu Yan. After the two sat down and drank, Xu Yan thanked him and left.

Xiao Ye practiced even harder, but what made him feel strange was that it was almost a year, and there was no movement in the Sun Moon Education, which is beyond common sense.

At this time, an uninvited guest appeared in the house, disturbing Xiao Ye's cultivation.

"Hey... The majestic emperor will also fool the world, a liar's treasure, I will lose it, and cut off the past." The familiar madness sound passed into Xiao Ye's ears, making him slightly stunned.

"How did the old madman come?" Xiao Ye walked out in confusion, and found that the old madman fell asleep in his house.

Xiao Ye couldn't help crying, but he didn't care. He prepared the food and drink deliberately, cleaned a house, and stayed with the old maniac.

The old maniac will leave the city during the day, and will return to Xiao Ye's house at night to rest.

After Xiao Ye found that the old maniac hadn't been sober, he didn't care any more. After all, with the old maniac's cultivation as a practice, no danger would happen.

"Hand of silence!"

Xiao Ye stood in the yard and shouted loudly. The magnificent innate infuriation burst forth. The light of his palms shone, filled with the meaning of silence, like a terrifying sea wave, and he slapped **** a big tree.


The branch of the big tree gave a slight shock, and then turned into a powder and dispersed.

"Death will be completed in one step."

The power of fifth-grade combat skills is terrible, and the difficulty of practicing is also very great.

Even with his savvy, he worked hard in the Tower of Time for nearly three and a half years, and he was still one step away from being successful.

"My current cultivation practice has also reached the early stage of the congenital realm eighth level. Among the disciples, it should not be bad." Xiao Ye clenched his fists, showing strong confidence all over his body.

On the second floor of the Tower of Time, his training speed is comparable to the genius of the ten tricks, plus his physical body is very strong, so he can absorb the heaven and earth vitality in the Yuan Shi without any scruples, and the cultivation is soaring, far from other People are comparable.

"There is another month to be a personal disciple, and I will need to leave tomorrow." Looking away from the direction of the Chongyang Gate, the body was full of war.

"Zhao Qian, you and I are finally here!" Xiao Ye clenched his fists and persisted for so many years. He finally had the strength to trample the genius who had insulted him.

"Senior, I have a cup for you!" Before leaving, Xiao Ye set a table for dinner and asked the old maniac to sit down.

The old maniac was insane, grabbing the food with his hands, and eating it, with his mouth full of oil and water.

Xiao Ye paid three cups of respect to the old maniac, and then stood up resolutely, carrying Tian Jue's sword away, and invincible faith surging on him.

When he returns to Chongyangmen this time, he must show his extraordinary strength and prove his potential! As for the house, he planned to leave the old maniac to live.

The old maniac who was drinking and drinking from the sea, looked up at Xiao Ye's back, and in his turbid eyes, there was a flash of clear light suddenly.

After walking out of the ancient star city, Xiao Ye quickly changed his robe and mask and restored his original appearance.

"The name of Ye Xiao has passed away, and I am Xiao Ye!" Xiao Ye whispered to herself, then hurried towards the Chongyang Gate, beware of being discovered by the Sun and Moon religions along the way.

However, as before, the Sun and Moon religion still has no movement, as if forgetting the existence of Xiao Ye.


The Chongyang Mountains are now shrouded in a tense atmosphere, and every day there is a strong breath, sweeping from the high peaks into the clouds, stirring the ninth heaven.

That was the movement caused by the personal disciples' cultivation.

"Most of our Chongyangmen disciples used to be outsiders. Most of them have been training outside. I rarely expect to gather together. I really look forward to this time."

"Yeah, it used to be difficult to see a personal disciple before, but now it is really a rare event to see a large number of personal disciples gather together."

"Zongmen's senior officials have spoken long ago. This time, the personal disciples Dabby, even the named disciples can watch the battle, and we can all see our eyes."

"It is said that the deputy goalkeeper will have a special reward for this big championship, I don't know what the reward is."

"Special rewards? Personal disciples are at the pinnacle of Zong Men. Combat skills, exercises, and cultivation resources are optional. What other rewards can the deputy master have?"

As the period of Dabi approaches, no matter whether it is a named disciple, an outside disciple, or an inner disciple, they will discuss who the Dabi will win.

I have to say that it is too difficult to win this time.

As one of the most powerful sects of the Black Dragon Kingdom, Chongyangmen’s proselytized disciples are all slain from thousands of competitors. Both their qualifications and perceptions are excellent, and each one is terribly powerful.

Among them there are many evil characters who have been practicing for more than ten years. They believe that even Zhao Qian, the arrogant son of the Chongyang Gate, may not be able to win the first place.

After all, Zhao Qian is too young to compare with others.

Twenty days later, at the entrance of the Chongyang Mountain Range, a young man in the wind and dust appeared. He was dressed in the costume of a disciple, carrying a long knife behind him, and his eyes swelled through the void.

He walked towards the Chongyang Mountains step by step in this way, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's Xiao Ye!"

"Xiao Ye is back!"

Many disciples looked at Xiao Ye's eyes, full of complexity.

Xiao Ye killed Sun and Moon to teach his parents, and then defeated Hong Lie. He was ranked 107th in the Qianlong list. These deeds have been spread in the Chongyang Gate.

Now Xiao Ye can be described as nobody knows, no one knows, and the limelight even surpassed Zhao Qian.

"This son entered Zongmen just a few years, and the rapid rise. If he does not fall, he can definitely grow into the pillar of our Zongmen."

"Alas, it's a pity that he killed Sun and Moon to teach his parents, and the deputy master opened his mouth. If he can't rush into the first three of his parents, he will fall."

Some people shook their heads and regretted that they knew very well how difficult it was to break into the top three, or it was almost impossible.

"Stinky boy, you finally came back." It didn't take long for the four elders in black robes to arrive and saw Xiao Ye burst out laughing.

Xiao Ye got the physical secrets of the six elders. He had long regarded Xiao Ye as the continuation of his brother's life.

"Master!" Xiao Ye was also very excited when she saw the elders of the four elders, and quickly saluted.

Although he didn't visit the elders for a long time, the elders didn't teach him too much, but the behavior of the other party made him very respectful.

"Sister!" Seeing Bingya who came with the four elders, Xiao Ye smiled, a special emotion rippling in her heart.

I didn't see Bingya in a year's time, but there was a hint of miss in his heart.

But soon, this feeling was destroyed by Bing Ya's sentence.

"Brother, you are finally back. Your sister has itchy hands for a long time."

Xiao Ye suddenly covered her black line and almost ran away. Dare to see her for so long, Bingya thought about torture him.

Xiao Ye's eyes rolled, and suddenly he laughed: "Sister, my father and mother will let me take you back to see it next time."

Bing Yajiao's body trembled, and a hint of blush quickly appeared on the face covered by the light gauze, seeming to think of the scene where he was locked in Xiao Ye's house by Romeram.

"Humph!" Bingya glared at Xiao Ye, and turned her head away vigorously.

The four elders on the side were confused, and did not understand what happened between the two proselytized disciples.

"Okay boy, this pro-discipline disciple will determine your life and death, your opponent is too terrifying, you come with me quickly, I have prepared for you talents that can improve your cultivation base "The four elders screamed in anger."

Xiao Ye was stunned. What the elders prepared for him?

At this time, Bing Ya said: "Brother, for your Master, this year is not idle, he almost ran the Black Dragon Kingdom, and finally helped you find this treasure of heaven and earth, you have to be good which performed."

There was a warm stream in Xiao Ye's heart. In fact, he wanted to speak very much. His physical strength had already broken through to Sanding. This time, the disciples of Bibi will have no suspense.

But he did not refuse the good intentions of the four elders and followed them to a palace.

"What kind of heaven and earth will it be?" Xiao Ye looked curiously.