Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1567: Facing the Dark Emperor's Spirit (Happy

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The Dark Emperor Divine Dynasty, the **** of Zhongzhou, and the other four Divine Divine Chambers of Protests, in addition to occupying the three alliance domains of the Wuji Gate, the Holy Fire domain, and the snow domain, they also occupy the territories of outstanding people.

Each of these four domains has been enlarged several times. The Dark Emperor can be described as sitting on hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, overlooking the world.

Under the Emperor of the Dark Emperor, a group of semi-Emperors from the endless sea brought together the Dark Emperor.

Since one year ago, Xiao Ye appeared in the ten great barriers created by the Emperor of Heaven, which caused the huge Zhongzhou to boil and attract worldwide attention.

The Dark Emperor Divine Dynasty sent a large number of warriors and moved frequently. While continuing to hunt the powerful warriors and geniuses in Zhongzhou, he was searching for the whereabouts of Xiao Ye.


Eighteen domains in Zhongzhou, the original territory of the three leagues.

There are dark clouds here, the sky is dim, and a breath of silence fills all the corners of this domain.

Looking at it, although the Sanmeng domain has also been expanded several times, the flowers and plants in the domain have withered, rivers and rivers have dried up, and even the vitality of the world has become scarce. The natural materials and treasures in this domain have almost been looted. .

In the raging winds, the sand and dust rolled up, and the roadside was seen with the bones of a calm, a scene of human purgatory, quite similar to the wind and cloud domain of the outstanding people.


Suddenly, the silence of an area in the Sanmengyu area was broken, and I saw that the three heads were huge, covered with blue scale armor, and like a hill-like emperor-level beast, trampling on the ground, facing Walk forward.


If you look closely, you can see that on the heads of these three beasts, there are hundreds of powerful warriors with uniform clothing. They look daunting and incompetent. Their eyes occasionally glance back, revealing disdain.

On the body of the fierce beast, there is also a thick iron chain around the adult's arm. At the end of the iron chain, there are three iron cages made of black iron, which are pulled forward by the fierce beast.

These three iron cages are all squares and squares. Each one is as small as a mansion. In each iron cage are thousands of warriors in ragged clothes.

Among these martial artists are white-haired old men, young men with strong blood, women with good looks, and teenagers.

Without exception, they all looked pale and suffocated, sitting cross-legged in the iron cage, letting the three beasts in front pull them, their eyes dim and they could not see hope.

"Sovereign, why did the Dark Emperor catch us?"

"What wrong did we Xuan Mingzong make? Is it because of our Xuanmingzong, did we turn to Wujimen before?"

In one of the iron cages, a teenager, about twelve years old, clenched his fists, snarled and said he was venting his injustice.


The white-haired old man sitting next to the teenager heard a bitter smile on his face.

"In the world of warriors, no one is right or wrong, only strong power can have the right to speak and control the life and death of others."

"The Dark Emperor among the five powerful emperors and emperors, he is the most evil. He is ten thousand times stronger than the old man. He grabbed our Xuanming Sect up and down, probably to devour our blood, and it has nothing to do with Wujimen. ."

This old man is the master of the Xuan Ming Sect, a second-class sect in the territory of the Three Leagues, and has the strength to be known as Huangwu.

This young man is a genius among the Xuan Ming Sect. Although he is young, he has shown extraordinary talents and is regarded as a genius that cannot be found for a century.

If there is no accident, this young man will definitely surpass him in the future. Perhaps Xuan Mingzong can be promoted to a first-class sect in one fell swoop.

However, this is no longer possible.

All the martial artists up and down their Xuan Ming Sect were all captured by the strong men of the Dark Emperor's divine dynasty. What future could they say?

"Is power great?"

"If I can escape this time, I must become a peerless person like Lord Xiao Ye and control my own destiny. Even the Emperor among the five emperors and emperors, treat him with courtesy."

The young man showed his perseverance.

"Wen'er, don't talk nonsense!" Sect Master Xuan Ming was startled.

The young man was arrogant and determined to take Xiao Ye as his goal. If it was nothing on weekdays, but the powerful of the Dark Emperor's Divine Power was by his side, and mentioning Xiao Ye would inevitably attract their attention.

as predicted.

"Hey, you kid, he's not guilty. Don't you know that under the sniping of our Dark Emperor, will he soon become a dead person?"

"Are you going to take a dying person as your goal?" A yell of laughter came, and I saw a middle-aged warrior flashing from above the head of the fierce beast, with a bad face and terrified three The warriors in the cage were all trembling.

This middle-aged warrior is a powerful seven-star title Emperor Wu, and even their Xuanming Sect Master is not an opponent.

"Your Dark Emperor's dynasty has been hunting down Lord Xiao Ye for a year. Instead of snatching Lord Xiao Ye, he has killed many strong men by him. How could he become a dead person?"

Only the young man, standing tall in the cage, remembered the rumors about Xiao Ye during this time and sneered.

As soon as this remark came out, the heart of Xuanming Sect Master suddenly sank.

"Stinky boy, you are dead!"

"Then I'll turn you into a dead man first!" The middle-aged warrior was furious, his palms raised, and he shot towards the boy.

What a horror is the imperial imperial eruption? Under the terror, this teenager was very difficult to move his fingers.

The warriors in the same cage wanted to help each other, but they were all hit so hard that they couldn’t help but watch the young man’s death.


However, the palm of the middle-aged man had just been photographed. Before he even entered the body of the teenager, he screamed and flew out with blood spray.

If you look closely, a blood hole appears in the chest, you can see that the heart has been penetrated and turned into a corpse.

"Little guy, at your age, you have such courage, it is not easy." Then, a calm voice came.

I don't know when, a young man with a tall figure and long hair scattered, has come to the field, just like a demon suspended in mid-air.

The Dark Emperor God Warrior, who was originally on top of the three fierce beasts in front of him, turned into a corpse in silence, and a **** smell swept away.

"Xiao... Lord Xiao Ye?"

The young boy looked at him suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, like a lightning strike, his face was incredible, and then his excited face flushed.

He regards Xiao Ye as his goal. Now that he has met Xiao Ye himself, this sense of joy cannot be understood by others.

"Xiao Ye?"

"It's Lord Xiao Yemen!"

"Master Xiao Ye actually appeared?"


The warriors in the three cages recognized the person, and suddenly burst into shock, stunned.


This time, the Dark Emperor Divine Emperor launched an attack on their Xuan Mingzong. Hundreds of warriors were dispatched, most of which were titled Emperor Wu.

This is a force that can almost stand in court with the half emperor strong.

Now, in silence, all of them were killed, and they didn't realize it at all. What a terrifying power is this?

"After the darkness is turbulent, if you can survive, you can come to seek, I will accept you as a disciple." Xiao Ye glanced at the young man, his palm waved, and suddenly the three prisoners shuddered and burst apart.

However, Xiao Ye rose into the sky and disappeared quickly.

"It's really good to sharpen with the method of killing and killing. I have reached the point of Xiaocheng's mystery of wood and mystery of earth."

"The law of killing has also reached level 81."

Xiao Ye's flying in the sky was not attentive to Xuan Mingzong's previous help.

Leaving from the space world at the border of the Fengyun region, he went all the way, and as long as he met the warrior of the Dark Emperor's dynasty, he all shot and killed.

Kill to kill!

His approach is provoking the Dark Emperor.

"I do this so that all the attention of the Dark Emperor can be transferred to me, so that Dad, Mother and Ya'er can be safe."

"And... with the help of the Dark Emperor's divine direction, I can gradually unblock the previous Dao and Dharma."

"Dark Emperor's Spirit, come on, my Xiao Ye is waiting for you!" Xiao Ye's dark eyes flashed crazy.

(I wish all readers and friends a happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

(End of this chapter)