Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1586: Emperor Xiao

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"Damn, even the Emperor dare to threaten!"

"Xiao Ye is already the ultimate half emperor's strength. I'm afraid he can really walk out of the emperor's path and become emperor in this life."

"This child must not be left."


In the snowy fields, looking at the back of Xiao Ye's gradual departure, the four emperors and powerful emperors standing above the sky dome, their expressions are quite ugly.

I have to say that Xiao Ye's threat to them is indeed quite strong.

Xiao Ye was able to turn the Dark Emperor's dynasty upside down, and it also caused their dynasty to suffer heavy casualties. To deal with Xiao Ye, the price paid was too great to be cost-effective.

"Emperor Emperor, it seems that this time, you lifted a stone and smashed yourself in the foot." The other three emperor emperors cast a ridiculous look towards the Emperor Emperor.


"Xiao Ye, you're fine!" Emperor Tian's expression was gloomy like never before.

Unlike Dark Emperor.

Xiao Ye shattered the ten heroic barriers he opened up, but he let the other party leave because Xiao Ye was willing to surrender to him if he had nowhere to go.

In this way, without mentioning Xiao Ye's essence and blood, the possibility of obtaining the opportunity of the Four Emperors from Xiao Ye also increased greatly.

But he never thought that Xiao Ye could grow up to this point in a short time.

"It seems that the Emperor, there is no need to show mercy to Xiao Ye's men."

At the next moment, the emperor's idea avatar also disappeared in place.

the other side.

Xiao Ye flew all the way through the snow, and flew out of the border of the snow. Only then did his body tremble, his complexion became extremely pale, and a mouthful of golden blood spewed out.

"It seems that the formation arranged by the Dark Emperor still has an impact on me."

"In addition, in a very short period of time, it has been a bit reluctant to completely integrate the past Tao and law."

Xiao Yefei quickly opened a cave underneath, flew in, healed and smiled bitterly.

In reaching an agreement with the Dark Emperor, in addition to the temporary lack of strength, there was also a change in himself.

What kind of hegemony did his past ethics and law merge the opportunities of the four emperors? The fusion in a short time, the load on him is not small, even the hegemonic body and the real martial physique can not bear.

Fortunately, the Dark Emperor didn't see it at the time and chose to compromise.

"With the Sanmengyu and Shenghuoyu, the warriors of Zhongzhou can also breathe for a while, and I have made a contribution."

"I believe that the five great emperors and emperors will not dare to deal with me for the time being. I can take advantage of this time to practice hard and let my strength break through again as soon as possible to become a quasi-empire, a dark-edged emperor and live up to the expectations of the four masters ."

Reminiscent of the vast cosmic world he saw in the Emperor Realm, Xiao Ye was awe-inspiring.

He could feel that his teachers were under heavy pressure, and he did not want to use the power of the Four Emperors unless necessary.

Xiao Ye took it out of the space ring, took the holy medicine from the Emperor Realm and took it down, silently healing.

Although his strength reached the limit of the half emperor, Xiao Ye did not dare to relax.

After all, the five great emperors and emperors are also gradually recovering. Once they are restored to the level of imperfect imperial emperors, it is a real disaster.

In a flash, ten days passed.

Within these ten days, he killed the Dark Emperor Divine Dynasty alone, slaughtered more than a dozen Emperor Dark Emperor Diversity and a large number of warriors of the Imperial Martial Realm, but the news of retreating safely, like a hurricane, swept the entire Zhongzhou Even the True Spirit Continent, all the cities are sensational.

In the dark and turbulent era, all the martial artists who had survived were stunned.

Dark Emperor, but among the five powerful emperors, the most cruel character exists.

Most of their martial arts believe that it is difficult for Xiao Ye to return, and it is the same as seeking death. There are even many older warriors on the way to intercept and advise.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ye has now returned safely.

Soon, another secret story shocked the world!

The warrior of the Dark Emperor Divine Retreat withdrew from the Sanmeng domain and the Holy Fire domain, and gave up the land of these two domains!

The reason is that the Dark Emperor returned these two domains to Xiao Ye, which was originally the site of Wuji Gate.

As for the other four powerful emperors, they also kept silent and did not fight for it.

The news spread, causing a turbulent wave.

Let the Dark Emperor Divine Retreat and give up the two domains, this is undoubtedly a tiger's mouth to grab food, but Xiao Ye succeeded.

Is this the harbinger of the end of the dark and turbulent era?

I don't know how many martial arts, and wept with joy.

Looking at his old friends and family members, falling helpless in the dark and turbulent, and hiding from Tibet, this is a feeling of near despair.

After a few more days, Xiao Ye, who had attracted worldwide attention, appeared in the Sanmeng territory and called on the world to rebuild the Wuji goalkeeper. However, all the martial arts warriors in Zhongzhou can go to the Sanmengyu and Shenghuo domains to receive the protection of Wujimen.

The world shakes again.

The five emperors and emperors did not dare to invade. Now the Sanmeng and the Holy Flame are almost turned into a pure land. Who doesn't yearn for it?

At the moment, many martial arts are rushing towards these two domains, which also makes Xiao Ye's reputation in the true spirit continent climb to the zenith, and many martial arts are grateful to Dade and grateful.

The situation in which the five emperors and emperors dominated the real continent has been completely changed, and it has become the six strong contenders.

Although Xiao Ye has not yet claimed the title of Emperor, many warriors have followed the example of emperor and emperor's strong, and respected Xiao Ye as "Emperor Xiao"

The warriors of Zhongzhou, Fengyun Region, Wuji Gate and Taiyi Sheng Palace live in this space world.

Xiao Ye left quietly, and the news called Ban An Emperor's Divine Diffusion spread in Zhongzhou, and naturally spread into this space world.

If it wasn't for Bingya and Taiyi Palace's desperate obstruction, many people would have rushed out desperately and fought side by side with Xiao Ye against the Dark Emperor.

Because Bingya and Taiyi Palace Master understand that the five emperors and powerful emperors are terrifying, even if they show up, they will not help Xiao Ye, but will drag down Xiao Ye's hind legs.

What they have to do is to avoid being discovered by the five emperors and emperors.

Now the heavy atmosphere that enveloped the entire world of space has been diluted, replaced by excitement and excitement, because Xiao Ye has returned.

"The door master recaptured the Sanmeng territory and the flame field. Our Wuji gate will rise in the dark and turbulent period, and it will be extremely brilliant!"

"Yeah, even the five great emperors and emperors are afraid to attack our master."

"What door master? Our door owner has changed its title, called Xiao Di!"


The martial arts fighters who survived the darkness and turmoil were all talking excitedly. Even Xiao Xiaonian's excited little face turned red and cried.

"Emperor Xiao?"

Xiao Ye, who was gathering with his family, could not help crying and laughing.

The top five emperors and powerful emperors, because of their arrogant personality, they proclaimed themselves emperors. Xiao Ye did not have this thought.

"Taiyi Gongzhu, I heard that among the four emperor domains, three of them were smashed, the imperial emperor Tang Yi, the iron-blood emperor domain domain Nangong Xingyu, and the ice and snow palace young palace emperor Taiji, they really Has it all fallen?"

Xiao Ye asked Taiyi Gongzhu, with a heavy expression.

He ordered the world, in addition to providing a refuge for the martial arts warriors in Zhongzhou, he also wanted to meet his old friends.

But these old people seemed to have fallen, and there was no news at all.

(Something is delaying the second change. In addition, everyone wants me to add more book reviews. I have seen it. I will add more in the near future. Thank you for your continued support. I am very grateful.)

(End of this chapter)