Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1624: Light after dark

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

After the news of the death of the Emperor of the Heavens spread, the whole world was boiling, and countless people wept with joy, cheering loudly.

The dark and turbulent era that enveloped the whole spiritual continent was finally ended. They were unwilling to look back during those dark years.

The name Xiao Ye, with its strength throughout the years, is deeply etched into their hearts and can never be erased.

The Divine Emperor of Heaven was naturally pushed down by the wall, and martial arts came from all regions of Zhongzhou.

The three great and half emperors of Wujimen came with Wujimen warriors, and in accordance with Xiao Ye's instructions, they searched the entire Wushuang Emperor Realm.

After Xiao Ye rescued the five old people, he also searched carefully in the Golden Palace and found many martial arts cheats and a dead body exuding death.

These corpses, all of Zhongzhou martial arts, were all shrivelled, and the whole body of blood was drained. The means was outrageous, letting Xiao Ye understand how the large amount of blood in the pit came that day.

In addition, he has nothing to gain.

"The strength of the quasi-imperialist? He settled the dark turmoil with his own strength?"

"Respectedly called Xiao Di?"

"How is this possible... how long has it been since he reached this height?"


In Wushuang Emperor Realm, the five great geniuses were brought out of the golden palace by Xiao Ye. After seeing the joy of heaven and earth, they learned what happened during their time in captivity. Dashan pressed his chest, making them almost breathless.

Too shocking people!

The opponent they were able to compete with at the time, now at such a high level, that they can no longer mention the slightest sense of war, and even the qualification to look up is gone.

Xiao Ye is so dazzling.

"Brother Xiao, you..." Tang Yi, the emperor's emperor Tang Yi's bitter smile.

He is the least damaged among the five, and can also release a hint of imperial martial art.

At that time Xiao Yeheng pushed Heavenly Emperor's divine direction, he felt the vibration of the outside world, so he made a sound, which attracted Xiao Ye.

But he didn't expect that Xiao Ye had calmed down the dark turmoil.

"Everyone, you have a serious loss of blood energy, martial arts foundation is damaged, and martial arts cultivation is imprisoned, it is better to follow me back to the martial arts gate. I have heaven and earth in my hand to help you heal."

"Now that the martial arts of the true spirit mainland is dying, we still need to create a glorious world together." Xiao Ye greeted the five people and said.

Although the dark turmoil has been calmed down, the true spirit continent is seriously hurt, and even the half-step emperor is scarce. If you want to gradually recover, these days are very important.

They are the basis for reviving the real continent.

He has examined these five old people, and apart from the very serious loss of blood gas, it does not have much problems.

Relying on the celestial treasures in the Emperor Realm and resting well for several years, it should be able to gradually recover.

As for the imprisonment of these five people's cultivation, relying on the strength of his prospective emperor, he can also help to resolve it slowly.

"Hahaha, Lord Xiao, even if you don't invite me, I plan to join Wujimen. After all, your Wujimen is the future Emperor."

The hair is messy, like the Huo Qing of the East, grinning.

"Okay, I have no opinion."

"Anyway, my peerless emperor domain has been destroyed and there is nowhere to go. Then join Wujimen first."


Peerless emperor, invincible emperor and emperor Taiji all nodded one after another, without objection.

They are very grateful for Xiao Ye's approach.

Especially the peerless emperor, was convinced by Xiao Ye's demeanor.

"Xiao Ye, now the darkness and turmoil have been settled, and the four emperor domains have been shattered. The future true continent belongs to us."

"The six of us will definitely become the masters of this era, reaching the top and glorious for a while, and if we want to embark on a path of emperor in this era, we may eventually become opponents."

"You are helping us to heal now, aren't you afraid to build a strong opponent for yourself?"

"After all, there are several of us who were your opponents."

Nangong Xingyu, who has always remained silent, blinked, and Shen Sheng said.

"Nangong Xingyu, what do you mean?"

This sentence is like a sharp knife, breaking the harmonious atmosphere of the reunion between the group of people, making Tang Yi and Yi frown slightly, and flashes of anger in his eyes.

Nangong Xingyu, is it to split them and Xiao Ye?

At this moment, all four looked at Xiao Ye nervously.

The current Xiao Ye is different from the past. It can be said that their future and future are in the hands of the other party.

Xiao Ye's help for them is sentimentality, and it's no surprise not to help them.

"Brother Nangong, you can rest assured, I still remember what you said."

"Maybe one day, we will become opponents in order to break through the barriers of martial arts, and we will fight to sharpen ourselves."

"If there is really one day, I will not regret today's decision."

Xiao Ye took a deep look at Nangong Xingyu, said indifferently, very confident.

These five old acquaintances are indeed the most powerful geniuses of this era, but compared with him, they are much worse.

Or, he never regarded the five old friends as opponents.

Today's true continent is no longer challenging for him.


Nangong Xingyu's attitude made me feel a little unhappy.

Was Nangong Xingyu struck by the time imprisoned by the emperor, and his character changed a lot? You know, if it were before, Nangong Xingyu would never say that.

"haha okay!"

Facing the angry eyes of the invincible emperor and others, Nangong Xingyu smiled slightly and stopped speaking, making the atmosphere of the group of people quite embarrassing.

After not much discovery, Xiao Ye left Xiaobai and returned to Wuji City.

Meeting with family is naturally a laughter.

Pei Jiang and other three emperors, with Nangong Xingyu and others, also came towards Wuji City.

"Dark turmoil has been settled. According to the requirements of the four masters, I should return to the realm of the emperor and get in touch with the true secrets of the masters."

"Unfortunately, the main palace master of Jidao Palace and the patriarch of the Cang nationality let me leave in peace."

Xiao Yepan sat in the Wuji City, his deep eyes looked at the sky dome, with a trace of worry.

He vaguely felt that the main palace master of the Jidao Palace and the head of the Cang nationality were not among the five emperors and powerful emperors, and their whereabouts were a mystery, and they were in a dark place.

Now, he can only wait for these two powerful men to come to the door, which is too passive.

"One year!"

"In the next year, I will take the Wuji Gate. If there are no traces of these two powerful men, I will ask four Masters to help."

Xiao Ye's eyes were fiery.

(Wu Po still has a bigger plot coming soon, thank you for your continued support, Beckham will work hard to write the following plot wonderful)

(End of this chapter)