Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1641: The way beyond the true spirit

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"The Tianji Gate of the ancient times, calculated that someone will be the emperor in this life?" Xiao Ye took a breath of breath.


What kind of denomination is Tianjimen?

In the long rivers of the ancient times, there was a shadow of this sect?

According to Wushuang Great Emperor, does that mean Tianjimen is the culprit leading to darkness and turmoil, as well as the difficulties of the Cang patriarch?

Even in this life, Tianjimen appeared beside him several times, and he and this sect had a subtle entanglement.

For example, if it were not for the reminder of Tianjimen, he would not find out so quickly that Nangong Xingyu had been controlled by Heavenly Emperor, and then quickly stepped on the opposite side, which led the Cang national patriarch out.

At this point, Xiao Ye was cold sweating behind him.

He found himself underestimating the Tianji door.

What role does Tianjimen play in the real continent?

"If there is a chance to meet the doormen of Tianji Gate again, I must check it out personally!" Xiao Ye's eyes bloomed coldly.

"Tianji Gate had already appeared in the era of Emperor Emperor, and the years of existence are almost equivalent to Taiyi Holy Palace."

"The Emperor was also curious, but found nothing."

Emperor Wushuang seemed to see the shock in Xiao Ye's heart and said.

"Master, what is the so-called opportunity to become an emperor?" Xiao Ye took a deep breath and asked quickly.

He has heard twice about the opportunity to become an emperor, and this is what he cares about most.

He is not arrogant of Yelang.

If the result of the push of the Tianji Gate in the ancient times is true, who is the emperor in this life may not necessarily be him, and maybe there are others.

"You finally asked about the point."

"Actually, the imperial era of the True Spirit Continent was created by the four emperors of our human race."

"Our four emperors joined forces to suppress the opportunity to become an emperor, and this has caused thousands of years behind the true continent. No matter what kind of heroes appear, they can't always be emperors."

"Even the head of the Cang nationality clearly has the Tao and Dharma in the realm of the emperor, but even if he is closed for another hundred years or a thousand years, he cannot become the real emperor.

Emperor Wushuang looked at Xiao Ye and smiled softly, and said slowly that he had the momentum of the sky, like a person like the Cang patriarch. In his eyes, it was only a sad ant, and the fate of the other side could be changed by turning the hand.


Xiao Ye shuddered at Wen Yan, dumbfounded.

He originally thought that the True Spirit Continent ushered in the era of imperial emperor, but there was no human hero who could stand side by side with the four emperors of the human race.

You know, since ancient times, so many Tianjiao and the world's heroes have fought all over the world in order to become the emperor, and even turned their backs on the life, in order to be able to embark on the road of God and become the emperor.

It turned out that it was all the four emperors of the human race who had the world in mind?

Emperor's dream became empty. If it spreads out, it is estimated that all the warriors in the True Spirit Continent should be chilled and let them despair.

Xiao Ye remained silent, waiting for Wushuang Great Emperor to give him an answer.

"The heart is good, we have suppressed the opportunity to become an emperor, and it is also a helpless move." Emperor Wushuang glanced at Xiao Ye with admiration, and then looked up at the sky dome, his eyes became misty.

Xiao Ye shivered and listened.

"As long as you become an emperor, you can clearly feel that this world is too small. There is a broader world beyond the true spirit, but it is full of unknown dangers."

"At that time, the Emperor said he was quite satisfied, so he created the Wushuang Emperor Territory, and after living with his family and friends for a hundred years, he gradually became tired of this kind of life, because in the True Spirit Continent, the Emperor could not find his opponent. "

"As a warrior, it should be like a weapon out of the sheath, **** killing the enemy, rather than gradually covered with mottled rust in the years."

"So Emperor Emperor took that step, left the True Spirit Continent, and went to a wider world."

"But... the Emperor did not succeed, but instead brought a terrifying'spirit demon' to the True Spirit Continent. In desperation, the Emperor could only return to the True Spirit Continent, silently guarding the human race, and waiting for the death of his family. In this world."

"Since then, there have been three emperors of iron-blooded, invincible, and peerless, and they have also discovered that they feel a wider world."

"However, they finally made the same choice as the Emperor, silently guarding the human race of the True Spirit Continent."

Wushuang Great Emperor's voice was ethereal, as if he had returned to that period of time, with memories and sorrows.

It's so sad to have been silently guarding the True Spirit Continent for nearly ten thousand years, watching my family and friends grow old and fade away in the years.

"Master Wushuang, how does this have anything to do with the opportunity to become an emperor?" Xiao Ye asked, again excited.

"That's because the number of "spirits" rushing to the true spiritual continent is increasing. In the era of extinction, it has reached a terrifying number, which made us four emperors unable to resist."

"In desperation, our four emperors had to join forces to cut off the road outside the real continent."

"It is naturally safe to do so. Our four emperors have been able to cope with the current spirit demon, but since then the real continent has been closed, and the opportunity to call the emperor has disappeared."

"It can be said that the opportunity to become an emperor is in the hands of our four emperors." Emperor Wushuang said.


There was a deep horror on Xiao Ye's face, and he was completely speechless.

Everything that Wushuang Great Emperor revealed today is so unbelievable that it has subverted his perception.

Without much explanation from Wushuang Great Emperor, he could guess that the opportunity to become an Emperor was related to the wider world.

Could it be that the vast starry sky he saw in the Emperor Realm was the way to the real continent?

What kind of existence of the spirit demon, even the four emperors of the clan can't resist?

"Xiao Ye, these thousands of years are a huge torment for our four emperors. We don't want to continue this way, so we choose disciples in secret to cultivate."

"The Peerless Generation even opened the plan of the "Integrative Emperor", and secretly sent it into the endless sea, and finally achieved you."

"You are the hope of our four emperors!"

"As long as you can embark on the road of integration of the emperor and the strength of our four emperors, you will be able to sweep all the spirits and even take us to take that step to a broader world!"

Wushuang Great Emperor's eyes were clear and he stared at Xiao Ye.

"Am I the hope of the four emperors..."

Xiao Ye smiled bitterly, but his heart was surging.

"I've been wondering about the origin of the Tower of Time. It seems that the'time master' is from outside the real continent."

"There is a higher level, waiting for me to explore!" Xiao Ye's eyes were fiery.

(End of this chapter)