Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1695: Panjiazudi

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

"Adult... Are you going to cultivate our Panjia's ancient ancient astrology?" Hearing Xiao Ye's words, Pan Yuner's face was struggling.

Abandoned ancient spirit tattoo technique is the treasure of their Pan Family. Although their Pan Family is declining, they still regard it as a treasure.

During this period, the Blue Devils did not know how many forces, and even a genius wanted to get this volume of spirits, but they all refused.

This is also one of the reasons that makes them Panjia, almost no place in the spirit.

Now, are they going to hand over this volume of spiritism?

Thinking of being ostracized by those geniuses, only the scene where Xiao Ye treated her differently, Pan Yuner bit her silver teeth, took out Chuanyin Yujian and communicated with the Pan family.

"Sir, my dad agreed, but to practice this volume of spirituality, we must go to our Panjia family land."

For a moment, Pan Yuner came over.

"no problem!"

Xiao Ye nodded, and he couldn't wait to think of being able to practice the ancient ancient astrology.

At the moment, Pan Yun'er, who had been preliminarily spiritualized, did not delay, and took Xiao Ye to the ancestral land of the Pan family.

Anyway, Panjia is also one of the forces of the spirit capital, and now has an ancient star as the family territory, but half an hour of flight arrived.


"There are so many warriors nearby?"

Before approaching the ancient star of the Pan Family, Xiao Ye was amazed, and I saw that in the starry sky in front of him, there were the figures of the spirit order warriors, wandering around the ancient star.

On the ancient star, there is a Panjia warrior figure flashing, while guarding these spirit-level warriors, a violent atmosphere swept away.

"Sir Xiao Ye, although our Panjia's desolate spirit tattoo technique has been quiet for a long time, many people still do not give up, and want to find out."

"These, in addition to the warriors of the major forces of the spirit, and the geniuses who came to participate in the battle of the spirit king, if they were not shocked by my father, these guys might have rushed in."

Pan Yuner quickly explained.

"It turns out so!" Xiao Ye was a little surprised.

It seems that the wild ancient tattooing is indeed extraordinary, and it has attracted so many people to covet.

If it wasn't for his mistakes, he won the favor of Pan Yun, and I'm afraid it won't be so smooth.

Under the guidance of Pan Yun'er, Xiao Ye easily passed the warning line of the Panjia Warrior.

"Fuck, this kid doesn't seem to be from the Panjia family. Why can he enter the Panjia family land directly?"

This scene caused a burst of exclamation from the warriors wandering around the ancient stars.

From a distance, the buildings above this ancient star are in groups, and the figure of the warrior is everywhere, which makes Xiao Ye feel sad.

It is worthy of the three thousand world.

Even in only the Blue Devil Star Territory's spirit capital, a declining force far surpasses any force in the True Spirit Continent.

"Huh, is this the kid? Should we still practice the Panjia Lingshen of our Panjia?"

"Although the owner agrees, I bet that this kid can't comprehend the desolate spirit tattoo."

"Yes, even Lord Blue Devils had been sitting for ten years without gain, not to mention him."


Before reaching this ancient star, Xiao Ye left feeling that many eyes looked hostile.

Xiao Ye was too lazy to take care of this, and followed Pan Yuner all the way forward.

"Brother Xiao Ye is welcome to our Panjia."

Pan Tian, ​​the master of the Panjia family, is a genuine Tianling Realm strongman. He appeared to greet Xiao Ye personally with a smile on his face.

Today, Xiao Ye's deeds spread in Lingdu, which surprised him.

The young man in front of him is definitely a powerful genius, perhaps an opportunity to change their situation in Panjia.

He is willing to come up with ancient ancient astrology, in addition to Pan Yuner's persuasion, it is equivalent to betting on treasure!

After all, looking at the capital, those powerful geniuses have long been drawn away by other forces. Where can they get them in turn?

"Abandoned Ancient Spirit Tattoo... right here?"

Looking at the grass in front of him, Xiao Ye was a little dumbfounded that there was only a wasteland where the Humble Peak stood alone.

This is a wasteland on the Panjia Ancient Star, a volume of spirits that caused a sensation in the Blue Demon Star Realm, how could it be here?

"Brother Xiao Ye, the spiritual law of the Three Thousand Great Realms, is generally divided into third-class, second-class, and first-class three levels."

"Leng Ming teaches you only the three-stream spirit method, the power is very ordinary, and our Panjia's desolate ancient astrology can not be distinguished by level, it is completely different from person to person."

"Someone has practiced the ancient ancient astrology, and the power exerted is equivalent to the third-level spirit law, and the power exerted by our ancestors is probably beyond the first-class spirit law."

"Cultivation of this set of spiritual methods depends entirely on personal consciousness. A thousand individuals will have a thousand kinds of sentiments."

"This is the ancestral land of our Pan family. If the little brother still has no gains, then I can't help."

Pan Tian, ​​the owner of Pan Family, smiled bitterly, and turned and left.


Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, and he flew to the humble peak, releasing spiritual knowledge to cover this wasteland.

The Blue Devils field, above an ancient star.


"Xiao Ye's boy, he has reached the middle of Hualing!"

Wearing the cold armor of the Spirit Armor, I was shocked and surprised.

Let Xiao Ye participate in the battle of the spirit king, he is looking at Xuanlong's face, he did not have much expectations.

After all, he knew very well that it was too difficult to conceive early spirits.

Xiao Ye's performance now makes him full of expectations.

"Master Leng Ming, Xiao Ye can defeat the warriors in the mid-earth period, presumably because he practiced a powerful spiritual order."

"However, once he meets the spiritual order, he is not even able to practice the genius of the ancient scriptures. His state is still too low."

"I heard that the "Issen" law enforcement envoy has already recruited a genius who cultivated the ancient scriptures. The other three law enforcement enlisted geniuses are also very powerful."

"If we count on Xiao Ye, I'm afraid it's not good."

A dark, greasy spirit-order warrior said with concern.

"Isen recruited a genius who cultivated the ancient scriptures?" Leng Ming heard a sneer and murmured inwardly.

No matter how powerful the ancient scriptures are, can they be compared with Xiao Ye's ancient scriptures?

So far, no one knows what kind of metamorphosis Xiao Xiao's spirit species is except for him.

"Where is Xiao Ye now? I will teach him a few more volumes of spirituality." Leng Ming didn't say much, but asked.

"Xiao Ye accepted Panjia's support and went to Panjia's clan." The Lingji Warrior said.


"Does this kid want to practice that volume of dharma?" Leng Mingwen frowned slightly and fell into silence.

With the passage of time, the day of the battle between the spirit kings is getting closer and closer.

Xiao Ye's deeds did indeed cause a momentary sensation in Lingdu, and all parties in Lingdu were eager to try and wanted to get together.

However, Xiao Ye couldn't retreat in Panjia's clan, and outsiders couldn't get in touch. In addition, there were more and more geniuses in Lingdu. This sensation was gradually forgotten.

A warrior in the early spirit realm, who easily defeated the warrior in the earth spirit realm, is indeed brilliant, but how does it compare with the genius who cultivated the ancient scriptures of the primordial law and reached the spirit realm?

Don't look at the fact that there are only three realms in the spirit rank, but the strength of the warriors in the same realm is very different.

For example, the five major law enforcement envoys, each of which can easily slaughter ordinary supernatural beings.

The Blue Devils can easily suppress the five law enforcement officers, and this is the gap!

Nowadays, there are too many geniuses in the spirit capital, and each appearance will attract the madness of the major forces of the spirit.

In the vast starry sky, a flying boat shuttled quickly.

"Liuyan, how long will it be before you arrive in Lingdu?" a young man wearing a Chinese suit sitting on a chair enjoying wine and food casually asked.

"Master Luo Xie, the front is the capital." A middle-aged warrior flashed out and said respectfully.


"This time I have to be named Spiritual Capital. If I have the opportunity to become the Spirit King, I will mobilize millions of Blue Demon Spirit Army to hunt down the **** thing in the entire Taixu Realm!"

Luo Xie suddenly stood up, and Xiao Ye couldn't help but appear in his mind. The words he uttered made Liu Yan tremble.

At that time, he did not choose to follow the four emperors of the human race and follow Xiao Ye to leave. It seems that this choice is correct.

Because of Luo Xie in front of him, he received an invitation from a law enforcement envoy under the Blue Devils to come and participate in this spirit king battle.

Being able to get an invitation is a symbol of strength. Even if Luo Xie did not eventually become the spirit king, if she can follow the law enforcement envoy, it is a kind of supreme glory.

(This word has a lot of words and it takes a little longer to write.)

(End of this chapter)