Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1709: I want the position of the Spirit King!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The Spirit King ladder, Xiao Ye and Yaowu's duel destroyed the continents, so that the two law enforcement officers under the command of the four strong men, could not climb over.


Xiao Ye's inner spirit was trembling, and the cracking sound of the crackling sounded resoundingly. At the same time, the ancient scriptures of the early days were running, suppressing the heavens and the world, and making him shine immortally all around.

The horrible spiritual fluctuations, like the stormy waves, erupted from above the continent of the Spirit King's ladder, rolling, and swept through the universe.

At the same time, stars flickered, and the aura of the universe swarmed toward Xiao Ye.

Under the starry sky, Feng Jingwu's pleasurable voice spread, and suddenly everyone's expression changed suddenly.

This is a sign of breakthrough!

Xiao Ye's realm is about to break through to the late stage of Hualing!

When Xiao Ye was in the middle of the Hualing period, he was able to cast the desolate spirit tattoo technique into the Qianwen Realm, and pressed the demon martial arts. If it breaks...

They really can't think of the end.

This battle of the spirit kings has changed so much that it has attracted the attention of all spectators.

In the early days, spirit species were very difficult to conceive.

But retreating above the ancient stars, Xiao Ye used a large amount of amethyst stalactite, which was continuously bred, and eventually the early spirit species was only a trace away from the late stage of the Hualing, and it was possible to break through at any time.

This time and Yaowu all the way to fight and duel, finally let the opportunity to feel the breakthrough, and now finally broke through.

Kaka Kaka!

The primordial spirit species in Xiao Ye's body exploded with endless divine light, the dense cracking sound became a piece, and the fluctuation of spiritual power became more and more terrifying.

"Dare you dare to break in front of me, do you think I am a dead person?"

The pupil of Yaowu shrank, and then he roared with rage, his hair danced wildly, his momentum was soaring, the lunar phase of the rising moon rose into the sky, and the fierce breath of the spirit bite exploded in his hand was overwhelming. He directly approached.


The soul-eating halberd was shocked, and the void was about to be crushed. It was as heavy as the **** mountain splitting towards Xiao Ye, which made people creepy, and there was no problem in smashing an ancient star.

At this moment, the hearts of the Panjia warriors were raised, and Pan Yuner couldn't help but exclaim.


A line of spirit patterns appeared next to Xiao Ye, and it was ever-changing, but it did not reach the level of thousand patterns anymore, and opened up a defense.

As Tong Yaowu said, it is a bit reluctant to use Xiao Ye's realm to urge the desolate ancient tattoos in the realm of the thousand-grain realm, not to mention that he also divided the general mind to break through.


The spirit bite halberd in Yaowu's hands made a tremendous roar, and after a stalemate for a while, it shattered the defense of the desolate spirit tattoo, swept the gaze, and the aftermath hit Xiao Ye, like a hungry wolf, which could swallow Spiritual power.


Xiao Ye trembles all over, with a mouthful of blood spewing out, and the whole person blasts away, directly smashing through a continent.

To cultivate the ancient scriptures of the early days, the threshold is too high, even though Xiao Ye's flesh is far more powerful than the spirit level of the same realm, but it has also been hit hard.

"What a terrible spiritual weapon, only a breakthrough can contend with him. In the beginning, the breakthrough of the spiritual species would take about dozens of breaths!"

Xiao Ye gritted his teeth, and his figure rose to the sky, continuing to urge the ancient scriptures of the early days and continue to break through.

"go to hell!"

Yaowu Changxiao, holding the spirit bite halberd appeared again, hacked down again, so that this side of the void was bleak.

Xiao Ye made a breakthrough while urging the ancient ancient astrology, but could not shake the spirit halberd at all. The whole person flew out again, and his body was bloody.




The demon warrior holding the spirit halberd was unstoppable, and the murderous permeated the four fields, and everyone in the starry sky was terrified.

After repeated collisions, Xiao Ye was shocked and walked on the verge of life and death.

However, relying on the ancient ancient astral tattoo technique, it actually weakened part of the power of biting the halberd. Xiao Ye gritted his teeth and carried the aftermath, and the sound of the ancient chanting in the body resounded through the heavens.


"He is about to break through successfully and must kill him in one blow!"

The demon martial eyes are scarlet, and the spirit bite halberd in his hand suddenly burst out of the sky, like a terrifying beast flying into the sky, trying to devour a star field.

Qiang Qiang!

This dark light permeated the sky, and was as brilliant as the divine rainbow, pierced through the clouds, accompanied by the force of the spirit halberd, swept forward, enveloped towards Xiao Ye.

"Yaowu really is a wise wizard!" The head of the Xia family was very excited.

This is a magical skill that can only be exhibited by using the spirit bite halberd. It is very terrifying, and the power is extremely terrible in the second-rate spirit law.

This is the decisive blow of Yaowu!


At this moment, the chanting sounds of the ancient scriptures in Xiao Ye's body suddenly stopped, and a simple "jing" rushed out of his body and appeared in the void.

It seems that all the profound connotations of the world are condensed in this "jing".

It has thousands of meteorologies, and there are mists falling down. When it first appeared, it exploded the starry sky, and it suppressed all things, and easily suppressed the meridian of the demon silver moon ancient scriptures, even the warriors watching in the universe starry sky. , Are all in a panic.

Moreover, the word automatically protected Xiao Ye, erupted endless Shenhua, resisted the dark light, and collided with the demon halberd in the hands of Yaowu.


The sound penetrated the starry sky, causing headache and numbness.

While the word "jing" was extinguished in the void, the demon warrior holding the spirit halberd was also retreated.

"This... how is this possible!"

"Is that the classics of the ancient spellcasting he practiced?"

The demon warrior withdrew his eyes, his eyes flustered, and there was a deep horror in his eyes.

The word "Jing" just now is terrible. The silver moon ancient scriptures he cultivated seemed to be suppressed, and he couldn't match it.

"Yaowu, are you... enough?"

At the same time, in the dark sky, a tall figure suddenly stepped out. Although the robe on his body was broken and the blood on the flesh was mottled, it still could not cover the peerless elegance, and a pair of eyes flashed with fiery awns.

From a glance, the void in which he is located seems to be imprisoned. The boiling spiritual power makes the whole continent of the Spirit King's ladder tremble.

At this moment, the surging breath of Xiao Ye's body has clearly entered the late stage of the Hualing, which is the same as the Demon Martial Realm.

"What if you broke through? You still have to die under my soul-eating halberd!"

Yaowu held the spirit halberd with a gloomy face, then shouted and rushed towards Xiao Ye.

"The spirit weapon in your opponent is very important, then I'll take it." Xiao Ye showed his figure, Qian Wen emerged, and a Qian Wen battle figure was constructed. The two collided head-on and stepped back a few steps.

"Xiao Ye, your realm has broken through to the late stage of Hualing, and with this skill, do you still want to take away my soul-eating halberd?" Yaowu sneered.

"I'm just trying to change the strength after the realm has improved. Don't worry, I will suppress you now."

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, his figure rushed into the universe sky.

at the same time--

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The starry sky beside him was trembling violently, the spiritual power fluctuating into the sky, and the dense lines of spirit appeared, far exceeding the scene of the desolation of ancient lines of tattoos.


Xiao Ye spit out these two words indifferently while pressing down with his right hand.


The spirit patterns in the starry sky evolved into a battle pattern with many patterns, from top to bottom, toward the suppression of Yaowu.


The demon warrior was shocked and urged the spirit bite halberd in his hand to fight.

Thousands of patterns of warfare, like the hands of the gods slammed into the spirit halberds in the hands of the demon one by one. Each time, the body of the demon will tremble once.

When the third-thousand-stripe battle figure bombarded, he couldn't bear it anymore, screamed, and the spirit bite halberd in his hand was smashed into the air, and his body fell down.

"Xiao Ye is the king of spirits!"

Xiao Ye's figure flashed, grabbing the flying spirit halberd flying directly, looking down at the Spirit King ladder below, and said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)