Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1781: Deterring enemies

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!


The **** body of the left door, like a meteorite, smashed **** the ground, raising the sky of smoke and dust, so that the law enforcement made the powerful people look stiff.

On the other hand, Xiao Ye's situation is not much better.

After all, dozens of law enforcement make the strong shot together, that mighty power is terrible. If it is not for the resistance of two great menaces, he can't bear it.

"I have said that I am desperate, and if I can use my life to replace the noble lives of law enforcement, it is also extremely worthwhile."

Above 10,000 meters above sea level, blood flowers bloomed, Xiao Ye’s two great classics shattered, and he resisted the heavy blows of dozens of law enforcement envoys with his flesh. His blood flicked, and his powerful flesh was blurred, and many places broke Open, you can see Senran's bones through the grim wound.

But he didn't care, holding a spirit halberd, dark hair fluttering, like a demon awakening, his eyes sharp and terrifying, and he looked at the law enforcement officers standing in the air with a mocking face.

At this moment, all the law enforcement envoys who have been swept by Xiao Ye's eyes are suddenly in a cold heart, and they are all terrified.

They finally understood what Xiao Ye meant by killing by killing.

Xiao Ye wants to exchange their lives for their lives.

Of those who can become law enforcement envoys, which one did not sit in this position after a long period of practice? If you die in the hands of Xiao Ye because of the suppression of the realm, it is almost suffocated.

These law enforcement officials shot together, although they could kill Xiao Ye.

But if Xiao Ye is crazy and wants to take them to be buried with him before dying, then the left door is their lesson.

And no one wants to follow in the left door.

They are not the same star power, and there is always mustard between each other. At this moment, Xiao Ye's words completely magnified the mustard between them, making them all hesitant.

"Don't be fooled. Although this boy is powerful, he is seriously injured and will soon fall. It is impossible to hurt us again!"

"Yes, this kid's mind is too bad, we can't be fooled."


Seeing this, the five law enforcement envoys of Wan Cang Xingyu were all slightly changed their faces and shouted quickly.

If these law-enforcement ambassadors were persuaded by Xiao Ye, then relying on their digital law-enforcement agents in Wan Cang Xingyu, let alone capture Xiao Ye, I am afraid they will be killed by the other party.

Perhaps their words have achieved results. At present, there are five law enforcement players who are ready to move, and they will fight with them to kill Xiao Ye.

The top ten law-enforcers made the powerful act together, and the boundless light spilled over the sky, and the sky was blazing, and the great coercion spread all around, making the distant spirit king sink.

"Although it is a bit effective, but the fire is not enough!" Xiao Ye's eyes flashed coldly, urging the two body protections again, and cold eyes looked at one of the tall law enforcement officers.

This person has the impression that he is also the law enforcement officer of Wan Cang Xingyu, and he was besieging Leng Ming with the left door not long ago.

Before a dozen law enforcement envoys took action together, Xiao Ye was carried down, not to mention only ten law enforcement envoys took action this time.


The two great classics, the ancient and the ancient, come out together, and then break up again to block most of the power. While Yu Wei's mighty impact on Xiao Ye, he also quickly shot.

"Abandoned Ancient Spirit Tattoo!"

Xiao Ye roared, as if the thunder roared, making the Void tremble as if it were about to collapse, and stretched this volume of the magic law to the extreme.

In an instant, a massive pattern of battle patterns came across the sky, like a continuous wave of waves, flooding towards the tall law enforcement envoy.

At the same time, Xiao Ye's spirit bite halberd also split.

Under such a double blow, there was almost no suspense. The law enforcement envoy was even more miserable than the left door. Even the screams did not have time to send out. A blood mist burst out of the body and the screams flew out.

At the same time, Xiao Ye was struck by lightning and knocked down several mountain peaks before stopping. Then he dragged his **** body and flew into the sky.

At this moment, not only the law enforcement ambassadors of Wan Cang Xingyu, but also the law enforcement ambassadors of other Xingyu became stiff.

Even if the law enforcement officer of Fang Cai was not dead, I am afraid he would be seriously injured.

"Who else wants to try?" Xiao Ye gasped, her eyes blurred a little, but the cold light from her eyes made Shino quiet.

"Mad, this kid is simply a lunatic. I will not accompany you anymore. Let's play for yourself!" A law enforcement officer wearing a weapon and armor made the strong man break the silence first, and he dropped a sentence and turned into a figure. A stream of light backed away.

"It's not cost-effective to trade the life of a spirit king with the life of this emissary."

"I also quit."

"Wang Cang Xingyu, since you are so persistent to capture Xiao Ye, let this opportunity be given to you."


Like a chain reaction, several law enforcement officers retired and chose to watch, instead of intervening.

After a short ten-day break, those who stood on the opposite side of Xiao Ye, only four law enforcement officers from Wan Cang Xingyu were left, so that the spirit kings watching from a distance were stunned.

The young man was covered with blood, standing in the sky with a halberd halberd, alone, deterring the law enforcement of these star powers from dare to do it again. What kind of grace is this?

"This kid... is really amazing!"

The law enforcement in the distance caused the melee to stop gradually. Leng Ming and Feng Jingwu glanced at each other, and they were all surprised colors.

"What... what to do?"

Above the sky, the four law-enforcers in Wan Cang Xingyu faced each other, and a panic spread in the body.

Now that the law enforcement envoys of the other star domains have stopped, there are only four of them left. They really don't have much confidence to capture Xiao Ye.

"You guys in Wan Cang Star Territory, do you still have to fight? If it is, I will accompany Xiao Yefeng to the end." Xiao Ye's face raised a sneer.

"A spirit king in every district can really deter the heroes. It's really powerful. I didn't expect that such characters appeared in the Blue Devils."

"But on this basis, it is not enough for us to let go of the Cangxing Realm, because you have the Baiguang stalactite reserve left by the Taishan Star Realm."

However, at this moment, before the four law enforcement envoys of Wan Cang Xingyu opened their mouths, an indifferent voice suddenly spread.


As soon as this remark came out, Xiao Ye's expression suddenly changed.

The coming person even broke the secret between him and Wan Cang Xingxing in one word?

He knew very well that this secret was exposed, and all the strong men would be absolutely crazy.

"Who is this person?"

Xiao Ye looked around, and saw a spirit soldier in the Ten Thousand Stars field flying into the air, which seemed ordinary, but the deep eyes of the other party gave him a strong sense of crisis.

At the same time, the four law enforcement envoys of Wan Cang Xingyu all shivered and saluted at the same time.

(End of this chapter)