Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 190: Fate duel

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Floating on the mid-air platform, the ten young princes Tianjiao and the crown prince Long Chen stood proudly, accepting all the warriors to look up.

They represent the peak strength of the young generation of the Black Dragon Kingdom, and they have gathered the most dazzling brilliance. From today, they will become the targets of countless young people to catch up.

They have reached this point, even if they cannot become the supreme youth, they have no regrets.

"Your performance can only be barely qualified." The Lord of the Nation stood with his hands in the sky and his eyes were deep. No one could guess what the Lord of the Kingdom was thinking.

The indifferent words made the ten young people stunned and cold.

Except for the two young men who opportunistically opted, the remaining eight people all stood here after a wave of baptism.

Such performance can only be regarded as barely qualified?

At this moment, many people looked at the crown prince Long Chen standing on the first ring, and saw the other party's purple robe hunted and ran wildly in the wind, and the expression on his face was very calm.

Everyone immediately understood that the sovereign must compare the ten Tianjiao with Longchen.

As the first person of the younger generation, Long Chen has already surpassed the ten arrogant levels and reached an incredible level. There is no comparison between the two.

"Well, I will try Longchen's strength in the Supreme Battle later!"

As the name suggests, Xue Zhanren, a madman, is very belligerent. Even if he knows that he is not the opponent of Longchen, he must fight hard.

"In the great war of Fangcai, ten of you should have spent a lot of time. I will give you two hours of interest-adjusting time before starting to compete in the Supreme War."

"Thank you Lord!"

After receiving the Elixir, Ten Tenjiao swallowed it without hesitation and directly adjusted interest rates on the Tianjiao ring to prepare for the upcoming Supreme War.

"Must be the supreme youth!" The strong Xuanwu Realm in the palace is sweating.

Once the arrogance of their ancestors became the supreme youth, they could enter the emperor's hard work, and they could bring a lot of treasures to strengthen the foundation of the ancestors.

At the same time, restaurants and inns in the Imperial City are full of people's voices, and the atmosphere is very hot.

"This day's arrogant battle is so exciting, I watched with great energy."

"Yeah, I think the first youth supreme, must be Prince Longchen." A middle-aged warrior said excitedly.

As soon as this statement came out, there was a burst of white eyes.

"Nonsense, the first youth supreme is of course the crown prince Longchen. The key is who is the second youth supreme?" The residents of the Imperial City said.

"I'm more optimistic about Wang Lintianjiao. His strength is too strong. He can definitely match the second-ranked warrior with innate limits."

"Which of the ten Tianjiao is not strong? And Wang Lintianjiao is only a casual repair after all. It certainly is not as good as the children of the Zongmen. It is very difficult to become the second youth supreme." An old man spoke out and carefully analyzed. .

Hearing the old man's analysis, many people nodded in agreement.

No matter how strong one is, how can it be compared to the cultivation of a sect?

With the passage of time, the atmosphere in the imperial city is getting hotter and hotter, and even many warriors are opening gambling games.


"Time is up." The majestic voice of the sovereign sounded.


The ten Tianjiao sitting cross-legged opened their eyes at the same time, and then got up, an amazing beam of light pierced the void, and an invincible war broke out, smashing everything.

The warriors in the palace were uplifted, looking up and looking forward with their faces.

"You eleven are competing for the names of five youth supreme, the rules are the same as last time."

"In addition to Longchen, Tianjiao, who won the top four places in the first hurdle test, is the champion. The remaining six people can choose to attack, and whoever can stand on the ring is the supreme youth."

After the host had finished speaking, his palms protruded, and he took away six Tianjiao rings, leaving only five rings on the sky, which were arranged like a ladder in order, with distinct levels.

At this time, the five rings should be called the supreme ring.

The nature standing on the top ring is Longchen, He Wudao is standing on the second ring, and Xiao Ye is standing on the third ring, occupying the fourth and fifth rings, namely Bingya and Xue. war.

As for Jiang Yunfan, Long Yu, Zhao Qian and others, they fell helplessly to the ground.

The five arenas will usher in the most pinnacle of the showdown, the five youth supremacy will be born here, chanted by millions of people.

"After you have selected the top five youth supremes, you can continue to attack each other and remove the rank of youth supremacy."

"If there is no objection, then let's start." The host said.


As the voice of the sovereign fell, the heavenly arrogance that fell on the ground, carrying the power of terror, waved toward the ring on the sky.

Like the last time, I didn't dare to attack Longchen, but chose the objects that might be defeated.

The two Tianjiao, who won by speculation and coincidence, both attacked Xue Zhan, who ranked fifth.

"Damn, is Laozi a soft persimmon!"

Xue Zhan was furious. His cultivation base had reached its peak, and he stood at the second-class innate limit. The fierce offensive immediately defeated the two of them.


Seeing that the two young men lost their arrogance, many people applauded.

"Xue Zhan, I'm sorry, I don't have the confidence to win other people, so I have to attack you." Just when Xue Zhan just won, the silver-haired Jiang Yunfan appeared.

Xue Zhan's mouth twitched, and he was really regarded as a soft persimmon.

"A woman should be better than Xue Zhan." Long Yu boarded the sky and chose to attack Bingya.

Long Yu muttered while attacking Bingya.

Bingya's temperament is holy, her hair is flying high, and she has a strong counterattack. With Longyu, the fierce battle fluctuations swept through the ninth heaven, and it was fierce.

He Wudao, who stood on the second ring, looked at Xiao Ye with murderous eyes.

"Wang Lin, I hope you can become a youth supreme. When the supreme ranking battle is over, I will shoot you to let you know what despair is!" He Wudao's voice was extremely cold.

Regarding the threat of He Wudao, Xiao Ye was too lazy to ignore it, and looked at the young purple robe on the first ring.

"Long Chen, I hope you can be my opponent." Xiao Ye whispered softly.

"Ah!" Once again ignored, He Wudao was so angry that he wanted to tear Xiao Ye to pieces.


At this moment, a figure familiar to Xiao Ye was very familiar, ascended the sky, and came to his ring.

"Zhao Qian, I didn't expect you to dare to challenge me." Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the opposite young man in white robe.

Zhao Qian came to challenge, exactly what he wanted.

"Huh, Wang Lin, you insulted me at the Chongyangmen in public. I won't let you go today!" Zhao Qian coldly snorted, his eyes flashing in cold eyes.

From the day that Xiao Ye refused Ziyun Dan in the mansion of the third prince Longyu, hatred grew in his heart. With his arrogant personality, how difficult is it to bow his head?

What's more, after he bowed his head, the other party didn't even buy it, making him very embarrassed.

Xiao Ye sneered: "Insult? If you think I'm wrong, you can tell what you think."

Zhao Qian was speechless, but his anger was even worse.

"Today you will definitely die!" A surging breath erupted on Zhao Gan, which shook the void.

"Although your congenital ingenuity is complete, Zhao Qian only has the strength of the third-class innate limit."

"And my innate ingenuity is not complete, but the strength is far beyond you. You think we will fight, who will die in the end?" Xiao Ye's sneered face was merciless.

He was able to defeat Zhao Qian when he was a protagonist, even more so now.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Qian raised his head and laughed: "Wang Lin, do you think my Zhao Qian can pass the fight just now, is it luck?"

Zhao Qian bit his tongue and said a spit of blood.

The essence blood suspended in mid-air, slowly creating a complex and strange pattern, and then merged into Zhao Qian's body.

In an instant, the breath erupting inside Zhao Qian is growing at a rate visible to the flesh.

"Is this a martial art!"

Xiao Ye bounced.

His current knowledge is quite extensive, and it can be distinguished that Zhao Qian's display is a strange martial art, which can enhance his strength.

Sure enough, Zhao Qian looked up and laughed: "Haha, Wang Lin, this set of martial arts secret technique is my forbidden technique at Chongyangmen. Although it will hurt myself, it can increase my strength tenfold! Although the time is limited, But enough to deal with you!"

Zhao Qian's voice echoed from the sky, making everyone's face change greatly.

The power has increased tenfold, what a terrible secret martial art!

Zhao Qian's strength has already reached the third-class innate limit, plus this set of secret techniques, his strength has definitely reached the second-class innate limit, and even approached the first-class innate limit.

It can be said that it is invincible in the second-class innate limit. No wonder Zhao Qian will have such confidence.

The lord above the sky frowned slightly: "The Chongyangmen still has such a powerful secret technique, it seems that it is the lord of the Chongyangmen, brought back from the outside world."

"Guardian, do you want to stop Zhao Qian?" General Hu Guo asked quickly.

In his view, Zhao Qian's use of this set of secret techniques is simply destroying the balance, enough to kill Xiao Ye in seconds.

"No, the Tianjiao Battle does not stipulate that martial arts secrets are not allowed. We are waiting to watch a good show." The Lord of the Nation smiled mysteriously.

The general guardian's face is full of doubts. When Zhao Qian's strength increases tenfold, Xiao Ye will be crushed. What other good things can be seen?

"Wang Lin, if you kneel down and beg me for mercy, I can still let you go, otherwise I may accidentally make you incomplete limbs by accident!"

Xiao Ye looked calm and whispered to herself, "It's time to show your identity."

"Zhao Qian, what about your tenfold increase in strength? I will let you realize that now you can only look up to you! Your confidence, arrogance, I will crush it again."

This is a fatal duel!