Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 1984: The Word, life and death

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In the colorful world, Xiao Ye is constantly advancing, and the galaxy ahead is scarce.

But every galaxy is getting bigger and bigger.

They penetrate the heavens and earth, gathered on the spirit flowers, and the symbols are intertwined.

Just like a mortal, suddenly broke into the restricted area of ​​the gods.


The power of the ancient scriptures at the beginning of the year spread these pressures and allowed Xiao Ye to move on.

"Has it finally reached its limit?"

At one moment, Xiao Ye's soul was shocked, and the huge pressure came across, like the suppression of countless mountains. The power that was born from the ancient scriptures in the early days could not contend with it, and almost let his soul roar. He was so scared that he stopped quickly.

Intuition tells him that if he goes one step further, I am afraid that his soul will be destroyed immediately, and his spiritual consciousness will collapse, and he will really fall.

"I'm afraid that other warriors with the highest spirit rank in the Three Thousand Great Realms can reach this step, I am afraid they are very rare." Xiao Ye was quite satisfied.

He is now in a special state, and any spirits and cards are useless. He can only rely on the strength of the ancient law to resist the pressure.

Therefore, he finally understood that the powerful ancient scriptures of the Dharma can not only have unparalleled heritage in the spirit order, but also comprehend and control the stronger holy ways.

"Is this the reason why the ancient taboo tribe suffered from cause and effect?" Xiao Ye thought deeply.

This colorful world is not big. At this moment, he has reached the depths. Although there are still galaxies flashing ahead, he is out of reach.

"Just it!"

Xiao Ye no longer thought much, but floated to the nearest galaxy.

The galaxy is colorful, like a giant dragon winding for millions of miles, and Xiao Ye floats over like a humble wave in the ocean.

In this galaxy, the immortal symbol flashes and the mist is hazy, as if some kind of order has evolved, and the rhythm is natural.

"This..." Xiao Ye looked closely, and he was horrified.

Any symbol here seems to be ordinary, but it contains the principle of heaven and earth, which is more mysterious than the laws of the true continent, it is simply heaven and earth, and there is no comparability at all.

This is also normal.

After all, the mystery of the law is only to maintain the low-level plane, but the Holy Path can penetrate the 3,000 world.

"Too early holy trick!"

Xiao Ye tried to imitate the primal spirit flower, but failed at first.

"carry on!"

Xiao Ye did not discourage, and continued to try to copy.

It's one thing to be able to get close to this galaxy, but it's another thing to copy and copy these symbols. He knows this very well, so he is not surprised.

As Xiao Ye continued to try to copy and copy, the luminous symbols on the primordial spirit flowers in the holy sea continued to appear, but they disappeared and circulated back and forth.


"This holy truth is not wrong, this kid is very ambitious, he wants to understand this kind of holy way."

"Even among my taboo ancients, I dare to do this, there are only a handful."

Da Sheng, sitting cross-legged above the sea, noticed this scene, slightly surprised, and then laughed.

The Word cannot be preached, and it is only necessary to understand it by yourself.

The three-thousand-world spirit-level pinnacle strongman, comprehending the holy way, feels like crossing the river by touching stones.

If the turbulence of a river reaches the limit that the warrior bears, then a bad one may drown. The safest way is to retreat and look for a slightly slower river, so that it can retain the surplus before it can reach. the other side.

Therefore, Xiao Ye's dangerous behavior is undoubtedly, if one is not good, the spirit may be broken and his life will disappear.

"Now I'm taboo on the road to recovery of the ancient race. It's too far away, and I can only walk the sword."

"Xiao Ye, don't blame Ben Sheng for not reminding you."

"Once you can successfully control this kind of holy way, even if this holy person cannot find the Son, you are not afraid."

"Although your qualifications are very general, but the mind is very extraordinary." Time Da Sheng murmured to himself.


"This... what's going on?"

In the bright galaxy, Xiao Ye was terrified.

He found that every time he failed to copy, his primordial spirit flower even showed a slight crack, although it was very weak, but it accumulated over and over again, it was very scary.

Moreover, the horrible pressure in this galaxy made him unable to leave at all, and could only copy these symbols on the spirit flower again and again.

"It must have been the holy Word that I now understand is too terrible. It has reached the limit that the Spirit Flower can bear in the beginning. If it fails to copy, it will lead to backlash."

"Damn, Time Dasheng, the old guy, didn't even tell me this. Is this going to kill me?" Xiao Ye scolded the 18th generation of Time Da Shengzu.

I knew that, for his own life, he might change his mind, and now it is impossible to withdraw.

Now there are two ways.

First, successfully copy these symbols and embark on the road to control this holy way.

Second, fail, fall!

"Must be successful!"

"How much hardship did I endure to break through to the top of the spirit order, how could I fail here?" Xiao Ye forced himself to calm down and copied these symbols frantically.

boom! boom! boom!

The holy sea is tumbling violently, setting off countless waves, the breath of destruction is stirring, and all the yin and yang fish are scared to hide in the corner.


Xiao Ye’s Taiyuan Spirit Flower was trembling. With every failure of his copying, the waves caused by the annihilation of the incomplete symbols climbed on the Taiyuan Spirit Flower like a stubborn disease, and accumulated countless times to make it The cracks are getting denser.

It is self-evident that the importance of Linghua to the Lingwu Peak Warrior.

Once the spirit flower is broken, even if there is no luck to die, there is no realm, and it becomes a waste person.

Under these threats, Xiao Ye's spirit was extremely concentrated. Every time he copied it, he was frightened, but he still ushered in failure.

"Don't I, Xiao Ye, really die here?" Xiao Ye seemed to hear the sound of Death's footsteps, and was slowly approaching.

Above the sea of ​​the holy sea, the deep eyes of the time holy star, gazing at the Taichu Linghua under the sea, clenched his palms and looked quite nervous.

Along with the passage of time, the spirit flower in the early days was packed with cracks, and the light also dimmed, as if the winter came, and it was about to wither.

At the same time, in the holy sea, Xiao Ye's spiritual order's original fluctuations are also getting weaker and weaker, like the lights to be extinguished.

In the end, the sacred sea of ​​waves, after boiling and rolling, finally completely calmed down.

"It seems to be a failure. Is this Saint too eager?"

"Xiao Ye kid, this saint hurt you." Time Dasheng looked up and sighed, lonely.