Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 2059: Get me out of the battlefield

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Swish swish!

Hundreds of thousands of half-saints and quasi-saints rose into the sky and rushed into the universe.

Their expressions revealed fear of war, but they never looked back, because behind them was their homeland, and if they backed down, their families and friends would be murdered by the demon clan.

When Xiao Ye with white hair appeared, a lot of people suddenly cast a cold look, only Lu Lin came near.


At this moment, a lightning-like figure came out of the air, showing his figure. He was wearing a purple gold crown and carrying a thunder knife. The whole person's fighting spirit was like a sea, surging and surging.

"I am Kuhan, who will replace Master Li Changtian, and be your leader, take you to kill the demon clan!" This person shouted.

"Quasi Saint Peak Realm!" Xiao Yemu reveals his eyes.

Now that the war between the demon clan and the human clan has erupted, the sage-level strongmen rarely shoot. This person is a quasi-sacred peak state and can serve the crowd.

"Xiao Ye, your identity as Yanhuang Realm is useless here, I hope you can obey my orders!"

At this moment, Ku Han stared at Xiao Ye suddenly and said coldly.

"Relax, now that I'm on the battlefield, I'm not the Yanhuang Realm Master." Xiao Ye said lightly.


Ku Han withdrew his gaze and sneered: "Yanhuang Realm Master? Not yet obediently obey my orders."

In the last era, he also participated in the reincarnation battle trial, but he was eliminated. Now that he is also a quasi-sacred peak state, Xiao Ye is expensive as the realm master, and his status is much higher than him.

At the next moment, the big hand waved: "Go!"

In an instant, all the strongmen rushed out with Ku Han.

Nowadays, the great world of man is divided into two halves, each dominated by the human race and the demon race, and the junction is the front line.

In the human world, there are naturally a lot of teleportation arrays, which can allow the strong human races in the rear to smoothly go to the front.


"still none!"


Along the way, Xiao Ye followed the army, and continued to carefully sense the breath of the taboo of the ancient tribe of war, but did not find it.

Instead, he saw a lot of semi-holy and quasi-holy troops, and like them, through the teleportation array, they rushed to the front.


After passing through a teleportation array again, the sight in front of me suddenly became bright, and I saw that in the universe, the sky was full of demon spirits, which swept and drowned like a storm.

The army of demon races rushed through like a locust, and they could never see the end.

There have already been the arrival of the human clan army and they have been fighting with the demon clan army.


Like countless torrents are colliding, all kinds of light are flying, monstrous blood is blasting into the sky, and the strong men of the two groups are falling fast.

"What a scary lineup!"

"Even if it is a strong man in the sage realm, it is surrounded by the monster army, I am afraid it will fall."

Xiao Ye's eyes deepened.

"We are responsible for intercepting the West, as long as we insist on three days." Ku Han yelled and rushed up, fighting with the oncoming demon strong.


The starry sky burst, and Ku Han's strength was exceptionally powerful. His hands threw their feet and shocked several demon quasi-sacred blood, retreating like a sharp knife, and stabbed into the demon army.

The strong man behind him also exploded into full strength, fighting against the demon clan.

"Every demon clan, dare to offend my human race? All die!"

Ku Han shouted, more courageous, and rushed forward like a meteor, urging the Holy Path to form an attack.

"This person also loves the limelight too!" Xiao Ye frowned.

Their goal is to block the impact of the demon clan army, not to repel the demon clan, because this is simply not realistic, and the Holy Order power of both sides has not yet appeared.

At this time, the most important thing to do is to guard the companions around you, and cooperate to fight against the demon clan, it is not a personal bravery.

Ku Han is indeed very powerful, but completely ignores the life and death of his companions.

Sure enough, with Ku Han rushing out, the warrior behind him couldn't keep up, suffered the encirclement and suppression of the demon clan strongman, and suddenly blood stained the sky, and the speed of falling accelerated.

"Do not!"

Although the bearded Han Lulin was a quasi-holy, he realized one of the three thousand primary holy ways, but his strength was quite ordinary. He was shocked and spurted with blood. He was hit hard and was stared at by several demon clan quasi-holy. Kill it.

At this moment--


The starry sky exploded, a figure of white hair came over, and between the two fists dancing, the terrible quasi-sanctite force burst out, shocked the demon quasi-sanct, and protected Lu Lin.

"Xiao Ye Lord?"

Lu Lin froze for a moment before revealing her gratitude.

"Follow me!"

Xiao Yemu showed his brilliance and protected several hard-hit strongmen, striding forward and replacing Ku Han's position.

"Thank you Xiao Ye Jiezhu." Those strong men are ashamed and difficult.

They used to be hostile to each other because of Xiao Ye's identity.

However, Xiao Ye did not take the prejudice into consideration, and was willing to shelter them in the cruel battlefield.

"Nothing, we are all human warriors, and we should all work together."

Xiao Yebai raised his eyes, and the two classic scriptures were stretched out, covering a few tens of miles, forming a defense, just like a solid barrier, which resolved most of the strong attack of the demon clan, so that everyone's pressure was greatly reduced.

"Go to Lord Xiao Ye's side!"

Seeing this, the strong men who commanded the commander of Changtian were all excited and rushed to gather near Xiao Ye.

"Huh, this guy, Ku Han, has made a show of his strength. He completely ignores our life and death. Every time we follow him, we have suffered heavy losses. It is still the righteousness of the Yanhuang Realm."

"I think after going back, we can report to Master Li Changtian and let Master Yan Huang lead us."

Hu Zhanhan Lulin groaned, and immediately aroused approval.

On the battlefield, being able to save your life is more important than anything. Compared with Ku Han, Xiao Ye is indeed more suitable to lead them, and what they do makes them very convinced.

"damn it!"

"This guy, is going to take my place as the leader?" Ku Han suddenly turned angry.

Hundreds of thousands of commanders, millions of half-holy and quasi-holy strongmen, but the scenery is very beautiful, and the harvest and rewards after the war are also very rich.

"Stinky boy, I will command you as the leader and get me out of the battlefield!" Kuhan and the demon clan battled together, he said.

"Withdraw from the battlefield?"

"I can't accept this command." Xiao Ye Lengran replied.

As a leader, Ku Han will naturally obey orders that are beneficial to the human race, but the current order is a bit inexplicable.

"Okay, little bastard, this is what you asked for!"

Ku Han laughed angrily, and then retired, screaming: "Xiao Ye, you killed the son of the demon emperor, and dare to come to the battlefield. Do you think the demon clan can't deal with you?"

The voice was amplified by the power of the quasi-holy, thunderously spread like a thunder, and the entire battlefield suddenly came to a halt, all the fighting stopped, and there was a terrifying evil spirit, shrouded in this direction.

"court death!"

Xiao Ye's body trembled, and cold eyes burst into his eyes.

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